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Everything posted by lordmarcovan

  1. That was an enjoyable virtual stroll through history. I find it spellbinding, since I come from a place in America where the 1730s is considered "old"!
  2. The Nero is so obvious, and the crispness of the Ptolemy. But the one that caught my eye is one I know relatively little about: the Valens miliarense. That's a denomination I've never had.
  3. Confession: the first time I saw one of these, I thought her shield looked like a peanut. I haven't been able to "unsee" that image ever since. 😄 That's probably because I have an unhealthy addiction to Nutter Butter cookies. For those of you in countries where there are no Nutter Butters, you don't know what you're missing! On a somewhat more numismatic note- as I mentioned over on CoinTalk, this design reminds me of the double victoriatus coins of the Thessalian League (I no longer own one, so will rely upon someone else to post a comparison example).
  4. Like the French liberation coin above, the Allied Occupation Belgian 2-franc has a very basic design. But I note on the Numista page that it was designed by John R. Sinnock, who is better known as the designer of the Roosevelt dime (1946-present).
  5. 1. Finish my Twelve Caesars collection. As of this typing, I still lack Julius Caesar and Vitellius, and need a Caligula to replace one I bought which I am dissatisfied with. 2. Get an Akragas "crab" coin. A tetradrachm if I can afford one. But if not, a silver crab of some kind with nice eye appeal. 3. Get a gold "elephant" pagoda from the Gangas of Talakad in medieval India. Again, with nice eye appeal, elephant's head all on the flan, etc. 4. Have fun and learn more.
  6. Also, the 1944 Belgian 2 francs was struck by the US Mint on blanks left over from the 1943 US steel cents. I've come across one or two in bulk lots. American collectors should find them interesting, but most don't seem to know about them. https://en.numista.com/catalogue/pieces3103.html
  7. Lovely stuff. Napoleonic medals are so handsome. I have only one, and it is posthumous- struck in 1840 for his Paris funeral when they brought his remains back to France. The reverse depicts his original tomb on St. Helena.
  8. I certainly would have been. Sorry it was a bloodbath, @Prieure de Sion.
  9. Teutonic Order? I have one coin. Relatively "modern".
  10. Thanks for another great interview, @Ocatarinetabellatchitchix! @Tejas - I went and had a look at your galleries on CollecOnline. Wow! You have more collection galleries than I do individual coins in my primary collection! (But at 100 pieces, mine is a relatively small collection.) I'm agreed with you on Bach as the all-time favorite composer. PS- I hope more of your stolen coins are returned to you some day. 😞
  11. I really like that last one. The eagle looks a bit like a parrot there.
  12. Civil War of 69. Here's my Otho. Next, something from the Year of Four-, Year of Five-, or Year of Six Emperors.
  13. Y'all are so impressive, with all these custom coin cabinets! Wow.
  14. I believe that's the culprit, yes. Our daughter was grown up by the time this Elf on the Shelf business got started, so I'm not fully up to speed with it. But as I recall, the TP-car lady did mention something about that. Our hotel General Manager responded to that photo with an LOL and asked if it made me feel like a kid to do that. So I guess everything's cool with management. Whew.
  15. Thanks again! And keep checking your mailbox for the one I sent you! Or I'll keep sitting up awake at night! LOL. Oh, wait- I work nights, so I'm up all night anyway...
  16. Yep. Valid point. And she definitely could have gone outside when they were asleep, and done the job herself. In retrospect, I probably should have refused upon the grounds of our professional standards (though that might sound stuffy). Next time I'm asked to be an accomplice in a prank, I'll say no. She just caught me in an indulgent mood.
  17. Or, Option 4- the cops or another guest saw me doing the deed, which would not have been a good thing! I made sure I got very clear information on which car to roll, so I wouldn't do the wrong one! And I waited until 4:00 AM. Yes, Options 2 and 3 did come to mind. And I thought about refusing her request for those very reasons. Other guests have tried to recruit me as an accomplice in their pranks before, and I've only complied once or twice, on the most harmless ones. Generally I will refuse these kinds of requests, but I believed her this particular time. And if she was pranking ME, and that WAS someone else's car, the repercussions will be mild enough.
  18. (Forgive me if this is stretching the parameters of this "General" forum a bit too far.) After 36 years in the resort hotel business, tonight I got what is probably my most bizarre guest request ever. A lady wanted me to roll her car in toilet paper in the middle of the night! Apparently she’d told her kids some story about elves, and recruited me to perform some elfin mischief. So I complied. (Why elves would roll cars in TP, I did not ask.) “Rolling” someone’s car was actually a new experience for me, as I had been a relatively well behaved youth in my teenaged years, when one is supposed to do that sort of stuff. I never got up to any hijinks like that. Side note: elves have gotten considerably worse since I was a kid, it seems. When MY mother told us elf stories, we’d find fun little presents hidden in the old hollow cedar tree, not TP on the car. 😕
  19. Nero has a pretty bad reputation. The Norman king William I (no, not William the Conqueror of England, but the Sicilian William I) was even known as "William the Bad". But this might be due of the bias of his chronicler, Hugo Falcandus, in The History of the Tyrants of Sicily (Liber de Regno Sicilie). William may or may not have deserved the negative nickname. Let's have more bad guys. They're interesting.
  20. Ouch! On a smaller scale, I once sold a US coin for $75, which sold on eBay in the neighborhood of $2K and was later said to be worth $10,000! Short summary: it was a newly discovered die variety. I congratulate the person who discovered it, as he had the knowledge, and I would never have discovered the variety myself. No heavy lamentation from me (nor am I particularly interested in die variety minutiae). I was just amazed- and I figure I got a good story out of it.
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