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  1. Zarco


    Hope you feel better soon, Donna. I caught it for the first time last month. Symptoms were mainly fever, chills, tiredness and a little coughing. Fortunately, it was relatively mild and I was feeling better in a few days, thanks to Paxlovid and the updated Moderna vaccine from last November.
  2. Here's my latest acquisition. I've been looking for one of these for three years. Now, I have both sides of the temple of Venus and Roma. Antoninus Pius, 138-161 AD. AE sestertius, 24.9 g, 32.7 mm, 11 h. Rome mint, AD 141. Obv: [ANT]ONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR [P COS III]; Head of Antoninus Pius, laureate, right. Rev: [VENERI] FELICI [SC]; Front view of decastyle temple with statues on roof and in pediment. Refs: RIC 651a, Sear RCV 4257. Acquired from CGB Numismatics Paris, 27 January 2024.
  3. The 43-foot tall replica was reconstructed by a digital art group, based on the 10 known fragments of the original sculpture. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/07/world/europe/colossus-constantine-rome-statue.html?unlocked_article_code=1.T00.uhp7.awnpgZWh70BO&smid=url-share To keep it legal, here's a coin of Constantine. Constantine I, 306-337 AD. AE1, 4.52 g, 24.1 mm, 7 h. Londinium mint, 310 AD. Obv: IMP CONSTANTINVS P F IN AVG; Bust of Constantine I, laureate, cuirassed, right. Rev: SOLI INVIC-TO COMITI ; Sol, chlamys falling from left shoulder, standing left, raising right hand and holding up globe with left hand. Refs: RIC VI Londinium 120 (correction). According to Not in RIC webpage, "RIC lists this type with obv. legend IMP CONSTANTINVS PI IN AVG and annotation that Bastien reads this legend as IMP CONSTANTINVS P F IN AVG. Cloke-Toone agrees with Bastien and gives P F in obv. legend (6.02.009). However, on some specimens F may resemble deformed I. There is quite similar case with LONDINIUM 146b (eBay; 4.76 g, 24 mm). RIC gives obv. legend IMP MAXIMINVS P F AVG but notes also example with ...P I AVG (p. 135 and footnote 2)." URL: https://www.forumancientcoins.com/notinric/6lon120cor.html For info about the Bourton-on-the-Water hoard: BURGE, DAVID W. “Bourton-on-the-Water (Gloucestershire) Hoard of Constantinian Folles.” The Numismatic Chronicle (1966-) 13 (1973): 98–125. http://www.jstor.org/stable/42664668. Acquired from Roma Numismatics, E-Sale 68, Lot 1222, 27 February 2020. From the inventory of a UK dealer; Ex Bourton on the Water hoard of Constantine period Roman coins, purchased from C.J. and A.J. Dixon, 20 February 1979.
  4. I have two coins featuring Livia, the ubiquitous "tribute penny" denarius issued by Tiberius and a sestertius issued by Galba. Photos are from the sellers. Tiberius, AD 14-37. AR Denarius, 3.6 g, 19.0 mm, 4 h. Lugdunum mint, AD 36-37. Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS; Head of Tiberius, laureate, right. Rev: PO[NT]IF MAXIM; Female figure, draped, right, seated, right holding branch and long vertical sceptre, on chair with ornamented legs; below chair, a single line. Refs: RIC 30, Giard Lyon, group 5, 152. Acquired from Incitatus Coins and Antiquities, 11 February 2018. Galba, AD 68-69. AE sestertius, 22.4 g, 34.2 mm, 6 h. Rome mint, October AD 68. Obv: [IMP] SER GALBA CAES AVG T[R P]; Bust of Galba, laureate and draped, right. Rev: AVGVSTA S C; Livia seated left, holding patera and scepter. Refs: RIC 336. Acquired from Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 490, Lot 270, 21 April 2021. Provenance: From the Peter J. Merani Collection. Ex Harding Collection (Hans Schulman, 10 October 1972), lot 486. "Galba always behaved most graciously to Livia Augusta, who showed him considerable favor while she lived, and then left him half a million gold pieces, the largest bequest of all. But, because the amount was expressed in figures, not words, Tiberius, as her executor, reduced it to a mere 5,000; and Galba never handled even that modest sum." (Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars, Galba 5) The support of Livia allowed Galba to legitimize his rule by associating himself with Augustus and the foundation of the principate.
  5. Here's my first purchase of 2024, from this past Saturday's Savoca Blue auction. FedEx delivered it yesterday afternoon. I'm always impressed with the speed of Savoca's shipping. Nero, AD 54-68. AE As, 10.2 g, 28.6 mm, 7 h. Lugdunum mint, AD 62-68. Obv: IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P MAX TR P P P; Head of Nero, bare, left; small globe at point of neck. Rev: S C; Victory, winged, draped, moving left, holding in both hands shield inscribed S [P Q] R. Ref: RIC I (2nd ed.) 544 or 606, BMC 387. Acquired from Savoca Coins, 192nd Blue Auction, Lot no. 323, 27 January 2024. This was an interesting one to attribute. I narrowed it down to two seemingly identical issues on OCRE; RIC 544 or RIC 606. I found a post on the German language Numismatikforum (https://www.numismatikforum.de/viewtopic.php?t=28844) that explained the situation, with help from Google Translate. It seems the two types are from two different Lugdunum emissions, RIC 544 from Emission IV and RIC 606 from Emission V.
  6. Here's my first coin received in 2024. Although I actually acquired it in Leu Web Auction 28 in December, it just arrived last week. Domitian, AD 81-96. AR Denarius, 3.5 g, 18.2 mm, 12 h. Rome mint, AD 88. Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P VIII; Head of Domitian, laureate, right. Rev: COS XIIII; Legend and column inscribed LVD SAEC FEC within laurel wreath. Ref: Sear RCV 2725, RIC II, Pt. 1 (2nd ed.) 604. Acquired from Leu Numismatik, Web Auction 28, Lot No. 3424, 11 December 2023. This type commemorates the secular Games, celebrated in Rome by Domitian in October of AD 88.
  7. That's an awesome top 10 list, @Limes. I voted for 1, 6 and 7. Great idea to post the group photo of your runners-up. I think I will do the same and add to my top 10 post this week.
  8. Great post, @Roman Collector. I learned something new about my coin today. I featured this one recently in my 2023 top 10 list. Photo credit: Roma Numismatics. Faustina I, AD 138-140. AE Sestertius, 22.6 g, 33.4 mm, 6 h. Struck under Antoninus Pius. Rome mint, AD 150. Obv: DIVA FAVSTINA; Bust of Faustina I, veiled, right. Rev: AETERNIT[AS] S C; Hexastyle temple, in which is seated figure of Faustina I. Refs: RIC III 1115b. Acquired from Roma Numismatics, E-Sale 105, Lot 870, 19 January 2023. From a private UK collection.
  9. @Limes My collection is primarily Roman Imperials, with a few Roman Republican and Greek types as well. My favorites are architectural types and coins that tell a story, mostly historical events, but also some mythological, like the dolphin rider. Looking forward to seeing your list!
  10. Happy New Year! 2023 was another good year for my collection. My interest is primarily Roman Imperial, but I also dabble in Roman Republic and Greek types. I like architectural types and types commemorating historical events. Both are well represented in my list. The coins are not arranged in any particular ranking but rather in order of acquisition date. All photos are from the sellers. 1. Faustina Senior Sestertius with Temple Reverse: Technically, I acquired this one in 2022, but it arrived in January 2023, so I didn't include it in last year's top 10. Faustina I, AD 138-140. AE Sestertius, 23.6 g, 31.99 mm, 12 h. Struck under Antoninus Pius. Rome mint, AD 143-144. Obv: DIVA AVGVSTA FAVSTINA; Bust of Faustina I, draped, right, hair elaborately waved and coiled in bands across head and drawn up at back and piled in a round coil on top. Rev: PIETAS AVGVSTI S C; Hexastyle temple on podium of four steps; on fastigium, quadriga; on angles, Victories. Refs: RIC III 1148, Sear RCV 4632. Acquired from Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 529, lot 680, 14 December 2022, received in January 2023. Ex Antonio Carmona Collection (Roma E-Sale 82, 15 April 2021), lot 1368. 2. Another Faustina Senior Sestertius with Temple Reverse: In addition to the temple reverse, I like this one for the veiled portrait. Faustina I, AD 138-140. AE Sestertius, 22.6 g, 33.4 mm, 6 h. Struck under Antoninus Pius. Rome mint, AD 150. Obv: DIVA FAVSTINA; Bust of Faustina I, veiled, right. Rev: AETERNIT[AS] S C; Hexastyle temple, in which is seated figure of Faustina I. Refs: RIC III 1115b. Acquired from Roma Numismatics, E-Sale 105, Lot 870, 19 January 2023. From a private UK collection. 3: Claudius As with Minerva Reverse: I always like the style of lettering on the Julio-Claudian bronzes. Claudius, AD 41-54. AE As, 12.0 g, 29.9 mm, 6 h. Rome mint, AD 50-54. Obv: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P; Head of Claudius, bare, left. Rev: S C; Minerva, helmeted and draped, advancing right, levelling javelin in right hand and shield in left. Refs: RIC I 116, Sear RCV 1861. Acquired from Ken Dorney Ancient Coins & Antiquities, 23 February 2023. 4. Trajan As with Temple Reverse: It's not the prettiest example, but I really like the temple with colonnades. According to Philip Hill in "The Monuments of Ancient Rome as Coin Types," this is the temple of Jupiter Victor. This is one of the first slabbed coins I have owned, but I broke Trajan out of that slab shortly after receipt. The other is a Trajan sestertius with temple reverse from the same CNG auction. Trajan, AD 98-117. AE Sestertius, 11.8 g, 29.0 mm, 6 h. Rome mint, AD 103-111. Obv: IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M T[R P COS V P P]; Bust of Trajan, laureate, slight drapery, right. Rev: S P Q R OPTIMO PRI[NCIPI] S C; Jupiter seated in center of octastyle temple; architrave decorated with figure of Jupiter among other figures; figure holding spear between two Victories on roof. Ref: RIC II 577 var. (bust type). Acquired from Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 534, Lot No. 569, 15 March 2023. 5. Tarentum Dolphin Rider Didrachm: Such a cool type! I had been wanting one of these for awhile, just waiting for the right one to come up. Calabria, Tarentum. AR Didrachm, 6.3 g, 19.7 mm, 9 h. Tarentum, 272-240 BC. Obv: AΡΙΣΤΟ/KΡΑΤΗΣ; Youth on horseback right, crowning horse and holding rein; behind, Nike flying right, crowning youth. Rev: ΠI TAP[AΣ]; Phalanthos riding dolphin left, holding cornucopia and trident; ΠI to left, herm to right. Ref: Vlasto 908. Acquired from Aegean Numismatics, 16 April 2023. 6. Domitian As with Secular Games Reverse: The temple depicted here is that of Jupiter Capitolinus, which was rebuilt by Domitian and dedicated in AD 82. The is is my third in a mini set of Domitian's secular games coinage. Domitian, AD 81-96. AE As, 10.1 g, 29.0 mm, 6 h. Rome mint, AD 88. Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P VIII CENS PER P P; Head of Domitian, laureate, right. Rev: COS XIIII LVD SAEC FEC S C; Domitian standing left over altar; flute and lyre players left; temple behind. Ref: Sear RCV 2803, RIC II, Pt. 1 (2nd ed.) 623. Acquired from Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 539, Lot No. 657, 31 May 2023. This type commemorates the secular Games, celebrated in Rome by Domitian in October of AD 88. 7. Augustus Denarius with "Julian Star" Reverse: This is a type I have been wanting for a long time. The "Julian Star" is the comet that appeared in the sky shortly after Julius Caesar's assassination in 44 BC and was taken as a sign of his divinity. Augustus, 27 BC - AD 14. AR Denarius, 3.4 g, 20.9 mm, 5 h. Caesaraugusta, 19-18 BC. Obv: CAESAR AVGVSTVS; Head of Augustus, oak-wreathed, left. Rev: [D]IVVS IVLIVS; Comet with eight rays and tail. Refs: RIC I (2nd ed.) 37B, Sear RCV 1607. Acquired from Savoca Coins, 168th Blue Auction, Lot no. 1227, 16 July 2023. 8. Caligula Pietas Sestertius: Another type I have been wanting for a long time. It has the nice Julio-Claudian lettering, plus the temple of Divus Augustus on the reverse. Caligula, AD 37-41. AE Sestertius, 26.5 g, 35.2 mm, 7 h. Rome, AD 37-38. Obv: C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS P M TR POT PIETAS; Pietas, veiled, draped, seated left, holding patera in right hand and resting left arm on a small draped figure, standing on a basis, facing. Rev: [D]IVO AVG S C; Front view of hexastyle garlanded temple surmounted by quadriga. In front, Caligula, veiled and togate, sacrifices with patera over garlanded altar right; one attendant leads bull to altar right; a second holds patera. Ref: RIC 36 Acquired from RomanCoinShop.com, 2 October 2023. 9. Augustus Denarius with Signis Receptis Reverse: I like this one because it commemorates a historical event, the restoration of the standards captured by the Parthians from Crassus and Antony. Augustus, 27 BC - AD 14. AR Denarius, 3.7 g, 21.1 mm, 7 h. Colonia Patricia, 19 BC. Obv: CAESAR AVGVSTVS; Head of Augustus, bare, right. Rev: SIGNIS [R]ECEPTIS; Round shield inscribed CL V, with S P Q R in corners between aquila, left, and standard, right. Refs: RIC I (2nd ed.) 86A, Sear RCV 1633. Acquired from Naville Numismatics, Auction 84, Lot no. 386, 8 October 2023. 10. Trajan Sestertius with Trajan Spearing Dacian Reverse: One of many types to depict Trajan's conquest of Dacia. Trajan, AD 98-117. AE Sestertius, 26.3 g, 33.9 mm, 6 h. Rome mint, AD 107. Obv: IMP CAES NERVA[E TRAIAN]O AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V [P] P; Bust of Trajan, laureate, draped on left shoulder, right. Rev: S P Q R OPTIMO [P]RINCIPI S C; Trajan, bare-headed, in military dress, cloak floating behind him, riding right, thrusting spear at Dacian in front of horse. Ref: RIC II 534, Sear RCV 3204. Acquired from Incitatus Coins and Antiquities, 18 November 2023.
  11. Faustina II, AD 147-169. AE Sestertius, 24.0 g, 32.1 mm, 6 h. Struck under Marcus Aurelius. Rome mint, AD 161-176. Obv: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA; Faustina, draped bust to right, wearing double band of pearls. Rev: IVNONI REGINAE S C; Juno standing facing, head to left, holding patera and sceptre; peacock at feet to left. Ref: RIC III 1651, Sear RCV 5278. Acquired from Roma Numismatics, E-Sale 80, Lot no. 1352, 4 February 2021. From the Vitangelo Collection. Photo from Roma Numismatics.
  12. Here's my only coin related to Dacia, the same type as your new coin. Trajan, AD 98-117. AR Denarius, 3.3 g, 18.1 mm, 6 h. Rome mint, AD 103-111. Obv: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P; Bust of Trajan, laureate, right, draped on left shoulder. Rev: COS V P P S P Q R OPTIMO PRINC DAC CAP; Dacian seated left on a pile of arms in an attitude of mourning; round him, left and right, various arms. Refs: RIC 98. Acquired from Silbury Coins, 30 September 2022. This coin was part of the Ropsley hoard of 522 denarii found by a metal detectorist in Lincolnshire, England on 16 March 2018. The hoard is believed to have been deposited between AD 150 and 152. https://finds.org.uk/database/artefacts/record/id/894168 https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/hoards-and-research/the-ropsley-hoard/ Photo credit: Silbury Coins.
  13. This article from the New York Times is primarily about nails found in a Roman tomb outside Sagalassos in Turkey, but it also mentions other items found in the tomb, including an obol. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/25/science/archaeology-ancient-rome-tomb.html?unlocked_article_code=4EHozuCx1_6lX7HZ6MzZklK6yG9cq10DeG3p9Y_CiQhDZ--nPfRbVvQC3kMCK5AQfWbY4YWSh2L8M8AU7eXNkETB7Y_o8BNU8djyvU7OWX4MJdDhNjiMMZAjRgEjf4LW_sljGjV1fzi5ihupAvTHjaowmOrDiKMKfT3joB-CUmcF6fwYatZS9bVbV5bih1lu2vkOXAsybSicBmN8GFZx1z9K1Kr9Z498K42rmXzI0j2-4J-cKTMOLsdw4z-Ioto6fgRaS-EihIAFwTcaUVBvPE4bfJBSiUUE6Hnxvu5FGCruYHY5FTR1uPaO24lDj9D8fWnBVYGofYS-7v12swS5oL7FQBkJABQ&smid=url-share
  14. Here are my coins of Faustina and her temple. All photos are from the sellers. Faustina I, AD 138-140. AR Denarius, 3.3 g, 18.3 mm, 11 h. Struck under Antoninus Pius. Rome mint, AD 150. Obv: DIVA FAVSTINA; Bust of Faustina I, draped, right, hair elaborately waved in several loops round head and drawn up and coiled on top. Rev: AED DIV FAVSTINAE; Front view of Hexastyle temple in center of which is seated a statue of Faustina I; pediment is ornamented and roof has statues and quadriga as decoration. Ref: RIC 343. Acquired from Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 429, Lot 339, 26 September 2018. From the DMS Collection, purchased from Pegasi Numismatics, 26 March 2009. Faustina I, AD 138-140. AR denarius, 3.2 g, 17.9 mm, 7 h. Struck under Antoninus Pius. Rome mint, AD 143-144. Obv: DIVA AVG FAVSTINA; Bust of Faustina I, draped, right, hair elaborately waved in several loops round head and drawn up and coiled on top. Rev: PIETAS AVG; Front view of temple, showing six columns on a podium of three steps: pediment and roof ornamented. Refs: RIC 396, Sear RCV 4599. Acquired from Germania Inferior Numismatics, 8 February 2021. Faustina I, AD 138-140. AR denarius, 3.10 g, 18.3 mm, 7 h. Struck under Antoninus Pius. Rome mint, AD 143-144. Obv: DIVA AVG FAVSTINA; Bust of Faustina I, draped, right, hair elaborately waved in several loops round head and drawn up and coiled on top. Rev: DEDICATIO AEDIS; Hexastyle temple, on podium of four steps, with statues. Refs: RIC 388, Sear RCV 4596. Acquired from Savoca Coins, 133rd Silver Auction, Lot 348, 15 May 2022. Faustina I, AD 138-140. AE Sestertius, 23.6 g, 31.99 mm, 12 h. Struck under Antoninus Pius. Rome mint, AD 143-144. Obv: DIVA AVGVSTA FAVSTINA; Bust of Faustina I, draped, right, hair elaborately waved and coiled in bands across head and drawn up at back and piled in a round coil on top. Rev: PIETAS AVGVSTI S C; Hexastyle temple on podium of four steps; on fastigium, quadriga; on angles, Victories. Refs: RIC III 1148, Sear RCV 4632. Acquired from Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 529, lot 680, 14 December 2022. Ex Antonio Carmona Collection (Roma E-Sale 82, 15 April 2021), lot 1368. Faustina I, AD 138-140. AE Sestertius, 22.6 g, 33.4 mm, 6 h. Struck under Antoninus Pius. Rome mint, AD 143-144. Obv: DIVA FAVSTINA; Bust of Faustina I, veiled, right. Rev: AETERNIT[AS] S C; Hexastyle temple, in which is seated figure of Faustina I. Refs: RIC III 1115b. Acquired from Roma Numismatics, E-Sale 105, Lot 870, 19 January 2023. From a private UK collection.
  15. This is is a great coin. It combines my two favorite types of reverses, one that can be tied to a specific historical event, and architectural. Here's my example. It won't win any beauty contests either, but it is still one of my favorites. It's a pity I didn't get to see the Column of Marcus Aurelius when I was in Rome 15 years ago. From what I have read online, the bearded guy is a rain god. Marcus Aurelius, AD 161-180. AE Sestertius, 27.3 g, 31.5 mm, 6 h. Rome mint, AD 172-173. Obv: M ANTON[INUS] AVG TR P XXVII; Head of Marcus Aurelius, laureate, right. Rev: [I]MP VI [COS III] S C, [R]ELIG AV[G] in exergue; Statue of Mercury, wearing petasus and short robe, standing front, head left, on base, holding purse in right hand and caduceus in left hand, within a tetrastyle temple; columns are telamons; the pediment is semicircular and contains, from left to right, tortoise, cock, ram, petasus, winged caduceus, and purse. Ref: RIC III 1075, Sear RCV 4996. Acquired from Incitatus Coins and Antiquities, 17 October 2020. Photo credit: Incitatus Coins and Antiquities
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