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Making labels.


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I’ve been putting it off for a while now, and just got around to make these attribution labels. I didn’t print off anything, just a simple handwritten tags with basic information. The album itself comes with a labelling page, but I shuffle coins with new additions, so having individual labels are better.

please share your set-ups! 

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You are not alone with your handwritten labels.


Here are some handwritten labels from famous collections:


 Dr. Robert Friedinger-Pranter:






Stancomb Collection



coin gallery Leiden





Edited by shanxi
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  • 1 year later...
On 7/23/2022 at 8:01 AM, LouisvilleKYShop said:

In a few hundred years whatever write today may still be with the coin, pretty cool!  Now I'd love to see how Emperor Augustus labeled his coins he famously had!

In his slave's best Latin.  😉

I think I have organization problems with my small collection, but imagine having to deal with all those tiny scrolls!

~ Peter 

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I used to make labels when I kept my coins in flips.  I since changed it up to trays.

What I do now is create a page for each coin and print it, and put it in a punch hole binder, I create the same page for coin online, like CollecOnline.

On the physical copy, I also add a QR code, which links to the online page for that coin.

I don't know if this is productive or worth it, but its fun and engaging and I have  both physical page on the coin, with photo, specs, and details, which links to the same online coin page.

It is however behind on updates as it can be a process, I try to force myself to do this at least once a month, but ya know how that goes.


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