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Holiday denarius


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Internet on the phone works pretty well on vacation! And just noticed an auction today having a RR denarius on my wish list for a long time, so I had a go and won it with a price I consider decent. 

I hate writing on the phone so I will leave this link with an accurate description of this coin. 


One of the iconic RR coins with an unique and expressive design and I am very glad I won a decent example. 

Please post anything relevant. 


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Nice coin @ambr0zie! I saw that one in the auction and thought it was nice.

The last time I bought a coin on vacation was in Israel in the old town of Jerusalem in 2016. I overpaid but I don’t care. 😃 


Roman Empire
Constantine II as Caesar (AD 317 - 337)
AE Follis, Siscia mint, struck ca. AD 330 - 333
Obv.: CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C. Laureate, cuirassed bust right.
Rev.: GLOR-IA EXERC-ITVS. Two soldiers standing, facing each other with spear in outer hand, inner hand on shield resting on ground; two standards between.
Ref.: RIC VII 220 (Siscia)
Purchased in Jerusalem, Nov. 2016

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Here is my example of the type

Roman Republic


Ti. Veturius. 137 BC. AR Denarius (19mm, 3.89 g). Rome mint. Helmeted and draped bust of Mars to right; TI•VET (ligate) downwards and X (mark of value) behind / Two soldiers face each other, one bearded and without armour, one bearded and in armour; each holds a spear in left hand and with sword in right hand touches pig held by figure kneeling between them; ROMA above. Crawford 234/1.

Ex Z.P. Collection, Austria.                                 

Ex Roma Numismatics Auction XXII (8 October 2021), lot 565.

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Great to read from you and see your new RR delight🤩

While you're on vacation make sure to party like Pan:


And may you see lots of these:



And plenty of these:


Have a great time and be safe. But no so safe that you don't have a good time 😉

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My example of the OP coin.


I posted a bit about winning this coin... some other time, some other place, in a galaxy thankfully far far away:

I won this coin in Gemini VIII. That was an auction we (HJB) ran jointly with Heritage in Chicago at the CICF, so the Internet biding was unusually aggressive. Many of the online bidders were, I suspect, US collectors used to spending five figures for coins, just dabbling in ancients because Heritage was involved. This was April 2011, six months before the big jump in prices for choice RR denarii in RBW I. I fully expected to win this at around $2500 + commission. The Internet bidding shot well past that and I thought I was out at $3400. The auctioneer was about to hammer the lot closed when I yelled out, LOUDLY, before God and the Internet "Oh f-k it!" and raised my hand one last time. The room cracked up, the Internet shut up, and this terrific coin was mine (MINE MINE!)

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5 hours ago, ambr0zie said:

Internet on the phone works pretty well on vacation! And just noticed an auction today having a RR denarius on my wish list for a long time, so I had a go and won it with a price I consider decent. 

I hate writing on the phone so I will leave this link with an accurate description of this coin. 


One of the iconic RR coins with an unique and expressive design and I am very glad I won a decent example. 

Please post anything relevant. 


Congratulations! My example of this coin was one of the first two ancient coins I ever bought as an adult -- an impulse purchase at a coin show (where I had gone to look at British coins) back in the mid-1980s,

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17 hours ago, Curtisimo said:

Nice coin @ambr0zie! I saw that one in the auction and thought it was nice.

The last time I bought a coin on vacation was in Israel in the old town of Jerusalem in 2016. I overpaid but I don’t care. 😃 


Roman Empire
Constantine II as Caesar (AD 317 - 337)
AE Follis, Siscia mint, struck ca. AD 330 - 333
Obv.: CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C. Laureate, cuirassed bust right.
Rev.: GLOR-IA EXERC-ITVS. Two soldiers standing, facing each other with spear in outer hand, inner hand on shield resting on ground; two standards between.
Ref.: RIC VII 220 (Siscia)
Purchased in Jerusalem, Nov. 2016

Was it in the Old City vis-a-vis the Crusader citadel at Jaffa Gate or that other shop in the Armenian Quarter?

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  • 1 month later...

Nice snare @ambr0zie!  I enjoy the solemnity of the Oath Scene...



AR Denarius, 18mm, 3.8g
Obv: Helmeted bust of Mars right
Rev: Youth kneeling l. holding pig, between two warriors who touch with their swords, ROMA above
Rome 137 BCE
Sear 111, Craw 234/1



Marsic Confederation / Italian Allies
Social War 90-88 BCE
AR Denarius
19x17.9mm, 3.7g
Anonymous Issue, Corfinium Mint
Obv: Italia head, l, ITALIA behind
Rev: Oath-taking scene with eight warriors, four on each side, pointing their swords towards a sacrificial pig, which is held by an attendant kneeling at the foot of a standard. - Binding the Marsi, Picentines, Paeligni, Marrucini, Vestini, Frentani, Samnites, and Hirpini Tribes into the Marsic Confederation against Rome during the Social War
Comment: The reverse is based on the gold Stater and Half-Stater from the Second Punic War, and the Ti Viturius denarius...
Sear 227 SYD 621 SCARCE


And since @Helvius Pertinaxtossed out his super Germany Zwei Mark as a gift to himself, I will toss out my latest fun gift to myself!


Mine:  Germany Prussia Gold 20 Mark .2304 toz - Wilhelm I Type 2; 1874 A (Berlin mint)

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