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Request: looking for people to deliberate


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Hi everyone,

I'm looking for someone or maybe a group of people, to deliberate potential coin purchases with in upcoming "lower-end" auctions. I'll explain myself. 

I've always collected Romans on a somewhat tight budget and my coin purchases/year are on the low side in comparison to other members (10 to 12 / year). This year the budget is even tighter. So far I've never disussed my targets and how to go for them, with others on this board or on CT, public nor private, and don't have other collectors in my own surroundings. However, I've noticed that I would like to talk with people about upcoming auctions, my targets, my chances and how to spend the budget wisely. I'm not looking for a dealer, but a private individual or individuals to have a nice talk with about these matters, which also means it would go both ways :-) And to be clear: I'm looking at Romans in general, and mainly at e auctions, and definitely not the high end stuff. 

I realise that there are some difficulties, for example what if me and the other person are interested in the same coin. And I don't know how to deal with such a case, or something similar. But certain agreements can of course be made I think. 

I do believe however that such interaction is enriching for my hobby experience. So, my question: is someone interested, and willing to start conversations? Please let me know. A PM is much appreciated! Thanks. 

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I have these types of conversations with a few members pretty regularly (though sometimes with quiet periods). This includes some members that don’t post on the open forum very much anymore. Feel free to PM me anytime you want to chat about random coin things or to discuss targets.


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Posted (edited)

I had a toxic interaction at a coin show. A dealer acted like a total jerk. I was interested in one coin an unattributed ancient which was a sestertius of Trajan. I said it was cool hold for me. I went to the bathroom, 5 minutes later another dealer bought from him "because he saw and sniped an opportunity right out of my fingers" and then will probably sell it for 10 times the price. People can be jerks. I won't go after someone's target out of common respect. Like there are a decent amount of ancients out there and all of my targets are more or less available. I will not deal with either of those dealers again because that is just slimy and disgusting behavior towards collectors.  

PM me if you wanna talk. I'm not exactly an expert but I do love ancients. 

Edited by Amarmur
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I'd be happy to give whatever advice I can, although I'm no expert either. You could always PM a group of people, and then the responses should be visible to all participants, as if it were a group chat. Of course I would never go after a target of yours except in the unlikely event that I were already watching that specific coin.

I wouldn't mind being able to ask for advice myself sometimes. For example, right now I'm having trouble deciding which of two examples of a particular type, both for sale on MA-Shops for about the same price, I should buy. If either. I might be leaning towards one of them, but other opinions would be nice to have.


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I enjoy talking about coin prices. I believe that I'm usually quite good at price estimations for Roman silver coins but I have no clue about anything else.
If you're also interested in Roman silver coins, then I would be very happy to join.

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I  am always open to collaborating & enjoy exchanges on ancients, pricing, history, ...PMs are welcome, and I am grateful for the advice, references & ideas I've received from members of this forum over time. 

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I'd be happy to talk over any prospective purchases. And certainly I wouldn't buy a coin that you tabbed as interesting. As I narrow down my list it includes, for example, Caesar Otho Vitellius and Aemilianus amongst regular rulers. Plus Gordianus I and II. Those are all target coins for me at this time. I've been eyeing a high quality sestertius of one of the above for awhile but I'm fairly certain it is tooled and smoothed. That's the kind of coin where peer discussions are useful.

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I completely understand the want/need/desire to chat with like-minded souls regarding potential purchases and upcoming auctions. It's in that same spirit I started a private Telegram group of fellow Flavian collectors. If anyone wishes to join shoot me a PM.


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I too am open to discussions of that sort (I already do with some people here).

More specifically, any question you might have about Dombes coinage is welcome 😄 !! (I'm ready to stay alone on that one though !!)


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There's a #live-auction-madness text chat in the Discord group, you can join here: https://discord.gg/zWmZsjWz

Often people will post there while auctions are on-going to discuss hammer prices, wins, interesting lots, etc. When it comes to competition among members, people are pretty good at sorting it out publicly or privately. Often someone will defer to the other, other times they will discuss their max bids and decide from that (e.g. I'm bidding up to X, after that it's all yours), or they just agree to let the chips fall where they may.

It's a younger demographic in that Discord group but there's a full range of ages.

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Posted (edited)

Thanks everyone for replying. The number of messages and replies is absolutely heartwarming, I didn't expect that many replies! Some good ideas too! I'll see if I can follow up on that. And thanks @Kaleun96 for the discord channel. I'll check that out. 

Edited by Limes
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