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Postumus, founder of The Gallic Empire


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As some of you will be aware, this coin was seized by Spanish Customs, held until I had transferred an exorbitant amount of Euros. Its details were then sent to the Cultural and antiquities dept who held it for another week before releasing it.

Finally it has arrived, and here he is. A weak reverse strike but I wanted it for the Obverse

Postumus AR Antoninianus. Trier, 264-265 CE
IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left with scales in right hand and holding cornucopiae and raising hem of skirt with left. RIC 75. RSC 199, Sear 10962. (Note the curly hair above the brow on the obverse.
This is one of the main characteristics which distinguishes this coin from RIC 315 from Cologne, on which the hair is in more or less straight lines.)




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Postumus (260 - 269 A.D.)
AR Antoninianus
O: IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG, Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right.
R: FIDES EXERCITVS Four military standards, hand on top of second, eagle on third.
Lugdunum (Lyon) mint. Struck 266 A.D.
RIC V 303; Cunetio 2432; Elmer 417; RSC 65

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1 hour ago, Ocatarinetabellatchitchix said:

Happy ending finally. Your coin was minted in Trier circa 264-265, and as you noticed, the curly hair makes it a RIC 269 in the new RIC V.4.


Thank you for that info. I have amended the attribution details regarding the mint and date range of striking.

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I haven't posted this one in a while.

Postumus, 260-269 CE.
Roman Billon Antoninianus, 2.84 g, 21.1 mm.
Cologne (?), 265-68 CE.
Obv: IMP C POSTVMVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust, right.
Rev: SALVS AVG, Aesculapius standing facing, head left, holding snake-entwined staff; globe at feet, right.
Refs: RIC 86; Hunter 85, 86; Cohen 336; Sear 10985; DeWitte 280.

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My Postumus is eating crack.


Treveri, 260 CE
AR Antoninianus 4.36g, 22mm, 1h
IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right /
HERC DEVSONIENSI, Hercules standing facing, head to right, leaning on club and holding bow and lion’s skin.
RIC V.2 64; J. Mairat, The Coinage of the Gallic Empire, Wolfson College, Trinity, 2014 (unpublished PhD Thesis), 17; RSC 91a
Ex Fritz Rudolf Künker 2008

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Silver coin (AR Antoninianus) minted at Lugdunum during the reign of POSTUMUS between 263 - 265 A.D. Obv. IMP.C.POSTVMVS.P.F.AVG.: Radiate, draped & cuir. bust r. Rev. MONETA.AVG.: Moneta standing l., holding scales in r hand and cornucopia in l. RCS #3116. RSCIV #199a pg.131. RICV #75 pg.343. DVM #32.

GAA-255 OBV.jpg

GAA-255 REV.jpg

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2 hours ago, Ocatarinetabellatchitchix said:

Happy ending finally. Your coin was minted in Trier circa 264-265, and as you noticed, the curly hair makes it a RIC 269 in the new RIC V.4.

Yes this new RIC was nearly as overdue as the coin.

3 hours ago, expat said:

Its details were then sent to the Cultural and antiquities dept who held it for another week before releasing it.

I wonder if the Cultural and Antiquities department roll their eyes when they get yet another Gallic Empire antoninianus diverted their way. 

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One of my favorite reverse types of Postumus:

Obv: IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: PIETAS AVG, Pietas standing left, holding two children, two children standing at her feet.

Elmer 395; AGK (corr.) 58; Cunetio 2428;

1424,antoninien Postume Postumus PIETA-S AVG b.jpg

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Don't have any Postumus Antoniniani coming in recently. But I do have a Tetricus on the way. The gallic enjoyers will know how special this one is with the senatorial name, very nice strike, as well as a great flan. Perhaps the one of if not the best for the type.


Obv: IMP C G P ESVVIVS TETRICVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Tetricus I to right.

Rev: SPES PVBLICA Spes advancing left, holding flower in her right hand and raising skirt with her left.



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Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, John Conduitt said:

Yes this new RIC was nearly as overdue as the coin.

I wonder if the Cultural and Antiquities department roll their eyes when they get yet another Gallic Empire antoninianus diverted their way. 

It would not surprise me in the slightest. Just last week a teller at the post office refused to send a coin to Italy, saying it is illegal to send out from Spain unless accompanied by an export license. The same teller quite happily and without comment sent my secret santa AR denarius of Titus to France in November. No-one seems to know the rules and regulations. If something is sent using the shipping app of ebay, the shipping label quite clearly shows the contents of the package as Moneda y biletes (Coins and currency). Sent by Spanish Post and nobody blinks an eye at them.

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