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One has got to love nature...♡


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Please feel free to post your photos of your local wildlife.


The beautiful Red tail hawk hunts the water retention basin either from the over flow tube..or a huge large dead oak which over looks the basin. I wast an avid sportsman years ago mostly ducks and geese. I no longer hunt as I need not the food or need not to kill...unless a good reason.

I am shocked as to the amount of wild life we have here in an urban setting 10 miles South of Baltimore and same North of Annapolis.

We have and unbelievable amount of Eagles,Hawks, even wild turkeys! White tail deer, beaver, and a host of woodland creatures....racoons, possums, muskrat, and more.

I am and always have been in love  with mother nature... she never disappoints...as long as you're looking she's giving you a one on one with nature.






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  • Paddy54 changed the title to One has got to love nature...♡

In my high school days I had a squrrel an Eastern grey squrrel...who I fed by hand. I name it Harry...But one day Harry had nipples...so a name change was due...so Harry became Harriet.  I sit under the maple tree and read..and Harriet would stop by for peanuts...one day I was out and Harriet came by..I gave her a nut...and went back to my book...I felt another touch on my hand...I looked up and she had brought her pups over to introduce them to me...and some free nuts.

What was funny I had young neices,and nephews...at this time...and somehow in their minds...a squrrel was a Harry!  So every time they see a squrrel they scream out look there's Harry!


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We used to live in a condo with a balcony, and a nearby tree - one squirrel would leap from the tree onto the balcony, so we decided to befriend him and started feeding him nuts, gradually getting him to come inside into the living room. After a few months he was quite confident to some inside and explore, and would even sit on my lap to be fed !

My daughter, who was about 3 at the time, named him "crotter". Not sure why !


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Harry before his  change lol...would also come in the kitchen and sit on mom's cabnets. We wouldn't let her got futher inside..but she and her pups were a joy . Here in Maryland around DC there are both black and grey squirrels.  But most of the Black Squrrels stay right within the DC beltway.

About  year ago walking my pups I saw a black one in our neighborhood and was really shocked on how a black squrrel is 35 miles from the area they are most prevalent. 

Now we are loaded with Foxes!  I could make a coat every week with the number of fox we have.....and they too get too friendly as one Sunday morning we took the pups out for our walk. In the next court on the driveway apron a fox licking its self.... yup it saw us walking and we kept going it decided that it would follow us on the walk....we also had a yearling deer follow us walking around the neighborhood.  It was funny an older gent was sitting on his porch having his  morning coffee.... he calls down to us you know there's a deer following you?

LoL yeah we do....thanks 

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In my area we have an extraordinarily wide range of animals, and not infrequently I capture some of the more reclusive ones on my outdoor cameras.  The most amusing might be this one from a couple years ago -- a mother bobcat (lynx) and her three cubs:


Recently we also caught this lone explorer around our pool:




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Beatiful thank you for sharing... 🤗 I love watching the river otters play....Depending what part of my state you are in we have black bears, wild cats, coyote, when I did  hunt I go though the swamps.. and wow... was never disappointed on the daily sights. My wife would ask me why I leave at 4 am...sit in a pit to hunt geese....well it matter not if I pulled the trigger...it was out in nature with a cup of coffee a good retriever and ...mother nature waking up. Evey morning at 8:30 the deer would run the heage behinde anothe blind we had.

Two hawks would dance across the sky... and I sit and wait for what else mother nature was going to please my eyes with... thats why I can sleep any time or where...I can't buy with money...what mother nature gave me free.


We do have some animals that aren't from here nutrea large SA rats were raised here durring the fur trade days.

After that went bust the farmer let them go....bad move!

As they will make mess out of a farm field feeding.... reminds me of ROUS from princess bride  in the fire swamp. Rodents of unusual size. 🙂

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Here's a deer visiting the house...Folks are surprised that there are deer in Berkeley (home of the counterculture) but they are prevalent in the hills and the urban/parkland transition zone. They like to hang out in the lofty neighborhoods to avoid the mountain lions, which are present but infrequently seen.





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Wow!! => great photos, coiners!!

Here is one of Hector (our Spaniel) ... he is totally oblivious to the deer in the next yard (worst guard-dog ever!)

deer hunter.png


... but pretty cute




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Of course, no discussion of nature can be without Africa. I'm super-excited to head there soon. Something that IMHO everyone needs to experience. Here are some of my photos from previous visits. Note that these are all 100% wild animals - no enclosures, captivity, or baiting.


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An absolutely lucky shot of a chameleon in our garden, just imaged it as it was about to disappear, still has the colors of the branch it fell off. You can see it if you look at the white triangle. 2nd pic is of our tortoises out for a walk.



IMG_20200701_164112 (2).jpg

IMG-20210529-WA0000 (2).jpg

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Wow folks...I am so happy to see all those great post.... I had no idea that this thread be so exciting seeing all those different types of animals...

I thank you all for your support,and stories...yeah i know its a coin forum...but isn't it nice to know that we share other interest? But most of all the unity it brings.  Another fun fact of mine is....my photos taken by accident or on a whim....always end up better than those planned.

I'm very proud to be a member here, as very happy having support from new friends! Cheers ;.... "friendship is the wine of life....may your cups always be full...and those who have gone...their memories never forgotten " 

Salinte bottoms up...

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I was a avid fisherman back in my youger years.... I fish the Chesapeake and Delaware bay, as well off the Outer Banks of NC. 

The group shot was a sea trout torument out of Lewis Delaware, the 80 lb Wahoo taken off shore of North Carolina. 

The trout  "aka Weakfish" went from 16lbs.8oz. To 7 lbs....  that was a crazy day...as late afternoon  radar showed a small squall coming in ....we pull up and headed back in....some weren't as smart and that storm killed 7 . We had planned an early start the next day....but the coast guard had the fishing grounds hunting the lost fishermen.

The wahoo was one of my favorite catches....it was like a fishing rod attached to a torpedo! Man did it run....that same day from the fly bridge I spoted a large Mako sunning itself on top of the water....I guess 12 foot +/-...as I yelled for the 308 to take a shot....the boat coming off plane it sounded.... and no shot could be taken... but what a day! 

These were days way before cel phones...so no photos....but those visions are and will always be with me. 🙂





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Thank you, Paddy and everyone else, for a brilliant idea for a thread, and some fantastic pics.

Of which I have none (...having spent the last hour trying to persuade an antiquated camera to work; lost the argument), but even in the decidedly urban place where I live now, the (trees,) squirrels and birds are medicine on a near-daily basis. 

There are crows that are smarter than some people's dogs (they don't sing because you're not paying them enough).  But as of this spring and summer, songbirds are coming back in a big way.  They're all fat; to all appearances, doing very well.  And I I need how squirrels' tails, from behind, resemble some superhero's cape.  As in, It's Mr. Squirrel, Star of the Mr. Squirrel Show.  Off to Another Exciting Adventure.

...Once, on a Christmas Eve at my folks' house, there was a Big deer, with a Huge rack, who went all the way up their driveway.  I was out to do That Which Is Evil for a smoke, and I can promise you, I kept a couple of feet of distance.  But he was chill as anything. 

Where larger mammals are concerned, including the equine and bovine varieties, I love how you can look into one or the other of their eyes, and see some of what's happening behind them.  Howevever superficially, that's a moment of communion.

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Woke up to see this beautiful creature right outside our tent after a long stormy night camping with FFIVN at Rodney Scout Reservation a couple of months ago. Unbeknownst to us when we set up camp, we were right underneath an eagle's nest. We got to enjoy watching them soaring over the bay all weekend.


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I'm quite late to the party, but I have a bit to share too. I am lucky enough to live near a lake with a forest around it, which is particularly nice when temperatures are getting close to 40°C. In the Winter it is quite nice as well:


 And since we are speaking about nature, ill share a few pics of my favourite place on earth. Its been 8 years since I first went on holiday to this Austrian valley, and I've come back every year since. I think its easy to understand why:



This spot is my favourite place, I can sit the for hours!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a little buddy that eats the bugs in my garden... Ive seen these up to 8 inches in the garage...which I am thankful as they will eat black widow spiders. They love to sun themselves on my porch and driveway. It direct sunlight they have a neon electric blue stripe down their back. 




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Flash.... "we interupted these post for breaking news!"

Dateline Washing DC Georgetown 

A giant Mantis tried to eat an elementary school....on Wisconsin Ave. 

Jets were scrambled to deter the giant bug... or move it down the street towards the Russian embassy.  Film at 11 


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Those are beautiful.  After having a fascination with "coins with insects" I too enjoy looking at the real insects.  So far I have only 2 in my collection.  A leaf insect and a scarab.  That is a U.S. quarter on the right to show you the scale.








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