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Plautilla, AE of Nicaea, Bithynia.

gencho kitov

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Very nice, @gencho kitov, and scarce, too! I have provincial of Plautilla from Nicaea. It's unlisted in the major references, from what I can tell.

Plautilla Nicaea.jpg

Plautilla, AD 202-205.
Roman provincial Æ 15.8 mm, 3.08 g.
Bithynia, Nicaea.
Obv: ΠΛΑVΤΙΛΛΑ CEΒΑCΤΗ, bare-headed and dr. bust, right.
Rev: ΝΙΚΑ-ΙΕΩΝ, Demeter standing left, holding long torch.
Refs: BMC --; Sear --; Mionnet --; Wiczay --; Lindgren --.

A CNG listing says to compare the coin to Waddington's Recueil General Des Monnaies Grecques D'Asie Mineure (RG), 494, pl. LXXX. But that catalog listing is for an Æ 27--quite a bit bigger and it has a different obverse legend:

Edited by Roman Collector
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