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Canada and Denmark now share a land border

The Eidolon

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...on a tiny, uninhabitable island in the Arctic between Ellesmere Island and Greenland.  Source

Kind of cool because both countries formerly only had one land border, the US and Germany, respectively.   Still needs to be ratified.

If you like, please post a Canadian or Danish coin to celebrate the peaceful resolution of the "Whisky War."


Some early Canada tokens:1057856206_EarlyCanadaTokensBrock1816Trade1825Lower1833.jpg.e6e7d61a0a02123d1b7d76c59c1b8cf6.jpg

Denmark:  1856 16 Skilling, 1841 4 Rigsbankskilling, 1852 1/2 Rigsbankskilling




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9 minutes ago, UkrainiiVityaz said:

I rather liked the idea of a low key "whisky war" vs the current boring settlement.


It is a bit more interesting... although as someone who took quite a bit of geography classes in college the idea of two countries literally doubling their number of neighbors is also pretty cool.

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