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Link: Bull

Celtic Britain. Atrebates & Regni, Verica. Circa AD 10-40. AR Unit (13mm, 1.31g, 11h). 'Head on Spear' (Atrebatic J). Southern mint, struck circa AD 25-40. Obv: VERICA; Bull butting right; REX in exergue, all within pelleted border. Rev: COM-MI F; Diademed male figure standing left, holding branch, behind him a spear topped by a bust facing left, all within pelleted border. Ref: Bean VERS3-5; Hobbs 1450ff; Van Arsdell 506-1; Seaby 137; ABC 1235. Scarce. About Very Fine, toned. Ex-Heritage Long Beach 378 (3 Jun 2005), Lot 13429.


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Severed head

RPC Volume: III №: 2958
Reign: Hadrian Persons: Hadrian (Augustus)
City: Tyana  Region: Cappadocia Province: Galatia-Cappadocia
Denomination: Æ (15 mm) 3.80 g. Issue: Year 20 (AD 135/6)
Obverse: ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑ ΤΡ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒΑϹΤ; laureate head of Hadrian, right
Reverse: ΤΥΑΝΕΩΝ ΤΩ ΠΡ Τ ΙΕΡ ΑϹ, ΕΤ - Κ (in field); Perseus standing facing, holding head of Medusa and harpa
Reference: Ganschow 1014b Specimens: 10 (Zero in the core collections)


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Link; Medusa,


Moneyer issues of Imperatorial Rome. L. Plautius Plancus. 47 BC. AR Denarius.. Rome mint. Facing mask of Medusa with disheveled hair; coiled serpents flanking / Aurora flying right, conducting four horses of the sun and holding palm frond. Crawford 453/1a; CRI 29; Sydenham 959; Plautia 15; RBW 1583.

17 mm diameter weight 3.6 gm

Edited by Dafydd
Dimensions added
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Facing Gorgon

Alexander III of Macedon, AE15. Salamis Mint, Cyprus, struck c. 323 - 315 BC, Facing gorgon with lolling tongue at center of ornamented Macedonian shield with alternate 5 pellets and double crescents. / B-A to left and right of Macedonian helmet, caduceus below left. Price 3158


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Links; "Alexander", Macedonia.


Kings of Macedon. Uncertain mint in Asia Minor. Alexander III "the Great" 336-323 BC. Struck 323-310 BC
Bronze Æ

20 mm, 5,63 g

Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress / Club and bow in bowcase, ??S???OS between; race torch below.

Nearly Extremely Fine

HGC 3.1, 951 (Alexander IV) corr. (no monogram, Price ref.).

Alexander the Great was a renowned ancient Macedonian king and military conqueror. Born in Pella, Macedonia, he was the son of King Philip II and Queen Olympias. He inherited a strong military tradition and education from his father and the philosopher Aristotle. After Philip's assassination in 336 BC, Alexander ascended to the throne at the age of 20. Alexander's most famous achievement was his vast conquest, which created one of the largest empires in history. He led his armies across Asia, through Persia, Egypt, and into India, defeating powerful empires along the way. He employed a mix of military genius, strategy, and diplomacy to unite his diverse empire. His speed and ability to adapt in battle earned him the title "Alexander the Great." He is best known for the Battle of Issus in 333 BC, where he decisively defeated the Persian King Darius III, and the Siege of Tyre in 332 BC, which showcased his innovative siege tactics. In 331 BC, he founded the city of Alexandria in Egypt, which became a prominent centre of learning and culture. Despite his military prowess, Alexander aimed to blend Greek and Persian cultures, facilitating a cultural exchange known as Hellenization. His death at the age of 32 in Babylon in 323 BC marked the end of his conquests. His empire was divided among his generals, eventually leading to the rise of the Hellenistic kingdoms. Alexander's legacy has left an enduring impact on history, culture, and military strategy. His leadership, achievements, and vision continue to be studied and celebrated across the world.

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MYSIA. Pergamon.
Cistophor (Circa 166-67 BC).

Obv: Cista mystica with serpent; all within ivy wreath.
Rev: Bowcase between two serpents.
Controls: Civic monogram to left, stylis (ship's mast) to right.
AR, 12.56g, 30mm
Ref.: Kleiner & Noe Series 15; SNG Copenhagen 406.


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Link: Pergamon

Mysia, Pergamon, ca. 133-27 BCE.
Greek Æ dichalkon, 16.4 mm, 3.74 g, 2 h.
Obv: Laureate head of Asklepios right.
Rev: AΣKΛHPIOY ΣΩTHPOΣ, serpent-entwined staff.
Refs: BMC 154-157; SNG Cop 368 ff; SNG France 1828-48; SNG von Aulock 1373.

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Link: Asklepios.

Severus Alexander, AE 22, AD 218-222, Mysia, Parion. Obv. Laureate bust right, wearing cuirass with Gorgoneion, seen from front, IMP CAEƧ L ƧEP ƧEV ALEXANDER (all S retrograde) / Rev. Asklepios seated right on throne, with right hand extended, holding and examining raised right fore-hoof of bovid (bull or cow) standing left with head raised towards his face, DEO AE ƧVB above, C G H I P [Colonia Gemella Hadriana Iulia Pariana] in exergue.* RPC VI Online 3871 (temp.) (see https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/6/3871). 20.03 mm., 4.24 g.  Purchased from Lodge Antiquities, UK, Jan. 2022.


*According to RPC VI 3871, the (blundered) reverse legend “is presumably an attempt at DEO AESCVLAP.” But see https://www.forumancientcoins.com/catalog/roman-and-greek-coins.asp?param=85231q00.jpg&vpar=1901&zpg=91146&fld=, stating that DEO AE ƧVB stands for “Deo Aesculapius subvenienti - to Aesculapius, the god who helps.”

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Link: Bull

Roman Cilicia, Tarsus. Hadrian, AD 117-138. AR Tridrachm (25mm, 10.31g, 12h). Obv: ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΘΕ ΤΡΑ ΠΑΡ ΥΙ ΘΕ ΝΕΡ-ΥΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟC CΕ; Laureate head of Hadrian right with balteus and drapery on left shoulder. Rev: ΤΑΡCΕΩΝ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩC; Lion attacking bull kneeling left. Ref: Prieur 765; RPC 3264. Good Very Fine, old cabinet tone, two small punches on reverse, scattered light scratches. From the collection of a Mentor. Ex Naville Numis 75 (31 Jul 2022), Lot 469. 


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1 hour ago, Edessa said:

Link: Bull

Roman Cilicia, Tarsus. Hadrian, AD 117-138. AR Tridrachm (25mm, 10.31g, 12h). Obv: ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΘΕ ΤΡΑ ΠΑΡ ΥΙ ΘΕ ΝΕΡ-ΥΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟC CΕ; Laureate head of Hadrian right with balteus and drapery on left shoulder. Rev: ΤΑΡCΕΩΝ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩC; Lion attacking bull kneeling left. Ref: Prieur 765; RPC 3264. Good Very Fine, old cabinet tone, two small punches on reverse, scattered light scratches. From the collection of a Mentor. Ex Naville Numis 75 (31 Jul 2022), Lot 469. 


Wow!!! 🤩 Now that is some spectacularly realistic artistry on the reverse!


Link: Realistic scene of one animal attacking/devouring another:


AR Hemidrachm (14.76mm, 1.86g, 2h)
Struck 420-406 BC
Obverse: Eagle facing left, standing on and tearing at hare
Reverse: Crab; below, fish swimming right
References: SNG ANS 1003-9
Well-centered strike with attractive toning.

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Taras, Calabria

290-281 BC
AR Diobol (12mm, 1.13g)
O: Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with Skylla.
R: Herakles kneeling right, wrestling the Nemean lion; crab above, club behind.
D'Andrea XL, 956; D'Andrea Diobols F, 154; HN Italy 976; Vlasto ----; Cote ---; SNG France ----; McGill ---
ex Pavlos S. Pavlou

A scarce variety with the crab control mark, unlisted in most major references.


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Link Athena


WEIGHT 17.50
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Helmeted Athena 


30 mm, 18,30 g.
Pontos, Amisos. Time of Mithradates VI Eupator. Ӕ. Circa 105-90 or 90-85 BC.
Helmeted head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with Pegasos / AMI - ΣOY - Perseus standing left, holding harpa and head of Medusa, whose decapitated body lies at his feet; monogram to left and right. SNG BM Black Sea 1169-72; HGC 7, 238.

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RPC Volume: III №: 2958
Reign: Hadrian Persons: Hadrian (Augustus)
City: Tyana  Region: Cappadocia Province: Galatia-Cappadocia
Denomination: Æ (15 mm) 3.80 g. Issue: Year 20 (AD 135/6)
Obverse: ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑ ΤΡ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒΑϹΤ; laureate head of Hadrian, right
Reverse: ΤΥΑΝΕΩΝ ΤΩ ΠΡ Τ ΙΕΡ ΑϹ, ΕΤ - Κ (in field); Perseus standing facing, holding head of Medusa and harpa
Reference: Ganschow 1014b Specimens: 10 (Zero in the core collections)


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Link: Hadrian provincial.

Hadrian, 117-138 CE.
Roman provincial billon tetradrachm, 12.76 g, 24.8 mm, 11 h.
Egypt, Alexandria, year 21=136/7 CE.
Obv: ΑVΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΑ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹЄΒ; laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on l. shoulder.
Rev: L ΚΑ; Demeter standing facing, head l., wearing crescent, holding ears of corn and torch.
Refs: RPC III, 6131; BMC 16.71,579; Köln 1209; Dattari 1335; Milne 1519; Emmett 832.
Note: Ex-Clain-Stefanelli.

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ex  Clain-Stefanelli...

Taras, Calabria

272-240/35 BC
AR Obol (11mm, 0.35g)
O: Kantharos, 5 pellets around, within dotted border.
R: Bucranium.
D'Andrea XLIV, 1505; Vlasto 1615-17; Cote 446; SNG France 2201; HN Italy 918
From the E.E. Clain-Stefanelli Collection. ex Naville Numismatics


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Ex Naville Numismatics

Roman Egypt, Alexandria. Vespasian, AD 69-79. Æ Diobol (25mm, 8.91g, 12h). Alexandria mint, struck RY 6 (AD 73/74). Obv: ΑΥΤΟΚ ΚΑΙΣ ΣΕΒΑ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΥ; Laureate head right. Rev: Draped bust of Isis to right, wearing taenia and crown of solar disk and horns; in right field, LϚ to lower right. Ref: Geissen 299; Dattari 385; RPC 2442 (19 examples); Emmett 217.6 (R1). Nice dark green patina, Very Fine. Ex Naville Numismatics Auction 84 (8 Oct 2023), Lot 234. 


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Link: wreath


Asia Minor, Aiolis
340-300 BC
Obv.: Head of Athena left, wearing crested Corinthian helmet
Rev.: Ε - Λ, Corn grain within olive wreath.
Æ, 1.25g, 11.7mm
Ref.: SNG Copenhagen 171-172, BMC 126 11, SNG Muenchen 386


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Link; Wreath

Sardes, Lydia, AE16, 3.39gr civic issue, 133-1 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right / ΣAΡΔIANΩN, club, all within oak wreath. GRPC Lydia 1. Unpublished monogram.




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Thessalonika, Macedon

2nd - 3rd century AD
AE18 (19mm, 3.49g)
O: Veiled and turreted head of goddess (Tyche?) right; ΘECCAΛONIKH around
R: ΘΕC−CΑΛΟ−ΝΙΚΕ−ΩΝ in four lines within laurel wreath.
Moushmov 6616-17; SNG ANS 816; SNG Cop 388-90
ex Ancient Coin Art




Edited by Phil Anthos
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Link; Text in wreath

Kyzikos, Mysia. AE civic issue. 2nd-1st centuries BC. 10mm,  1.91 g. Bull's head right. / KY above, ZI below monogram ΡΔI within wreath. BMC 154.


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Syracuse, Sicily (Reign of Agathokles)

317-289 BC
AE17 (16mm, 3.29g)
O: Head of Persephone left, wreathed in grain.
R: Bull charging right; club and ΛY above, IE (magistrate) in exergue.
HGC 2, 1498; CNS II, 200
ex Praefectus Coins

A rare variant with the bull charging right.


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Link: Persephone (as Kore Soteira, the "savior maiden").

Greek AE 17
Mysia, Cyzicus, c. 400 BC - 280 BC or later 4.02 g; 17.3 mm
Obv: Head of Kore Soteira (Persephone), right.
Rev: KY/ZI either side of tripod; tunny fish below; plectrum in field, right.
Refs: BMC 15.37,136; Sear Greek 3861; c.f. SNG Cop 62.

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Link: Tripod


Kings of Pergamon
ca. 200-130 BC
AE 11
Obv.: Laureate head of Apollo right
Rev.: ΦΙΛΕ / TAIPOY, Tripod
AE, 11.1mm, 1.10g
Ref.: SNG France 1688-90, SNG Cop 354, BMC 120.33, SNG von Aulock 7456

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