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Link; Commodus

Commodus, AR Denarius, 187-188 AD. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P XIII IMP VIII COS V P P, Hercules naked, standing front, holding patera and club. RSC 534; RIC 162. 17 mm, 2,91 g


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Link: Commodus/Herakles



Moesia Inferior, Markianopolis. Commodus AE20. Nemean Lion.

Obv: AVT KAI L AVP KOMODOC, laureate head right
Rev: MAPKIANOPOLEITWN, Hercules wrestling Nemean lion left.

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Taras, Calabria

335-333 BC
AR Diobol (12mm, 1.22g, 11h)
O: Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with hippocamp; Ξ behind neck-flap.
R: Herakles kneeling right, strangling the Nemean lion; [club] to left, TA above.
D'Andrea XXX, 609; D'Andrea Diobols E, 83 (this coin); Vlasto 1296 (this coin); HN Italy 912
From the M.P Vlasto Collection. ex Pegasi Numismatics; ex MNS

Vlasto plate coin, #1296
D'Andrea Diobols plate coin, Series E, Type 83


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Link: Hercules/Herakles & Nemean lion again.

Roman Republic, C. Poblicius Q.f., AR Serrate Denarius, 80 BCE. Obv. Head of Roma right, wearing helmet decorated with grain ears; ROMA behind, V above / Rev. C•POBLICI•Q•F; Hercules standing left, wrestling (and strangling) the Nemean Lion; bow and quiver to left, club below, control-letter V above lion. Crawford 380/1, RSC I Poblicia 9, Sear RCV I 308 (ill.), Harlan, RRM I Ch. 5 at pp. 23-27, BMCRR Rome 2896. 20.13 mm., 3.84 g. 


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Let's give Herakles a break as he must be tired of such a long fight with a lion. And I will replace him with another lion. 


7 mm, 0,36 g.
Greek satraps of Caria, Mylasa. Hekatomnos. AR hemiobol. Circa 395-377 BC.
Forepart of a roaring lion, left / forepart of a lion, with both forelegs facing.
Klein 506; SNG Keckman 837-840; SNG von Aulock 7805.

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Link: left-facing lion.

Gallienus, Billon Antoninianus, 264-265 AD, Antioch Mint, 12th emission (Göbl MIR and Reinhardt). Obv. Radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right, two ribbons behind, seen from behind, GALLIENVS AVG / Rev. Lion, radiate, advancing left, holding thunderbolt in his jaws, P M TR P XII; in exergue, C VI PP [CVI = COS VI]. RIC 601 var. (obv. bust left); RSC IV 842 var. (obv. bust left; palm branch in rev. exergue); Göbl MIR [Moneta Imperii Romani] Band 36, No. 1620i (not ill. at Ed Flinn’s site; this bust type not ill. in Reinhardt). Purchased from Leu Numismatik AG, Winterthur, Switzerland, Web Auction 21, 19 Jul 2022, Lot 4893; ex Collection of Dipl.-Ing. [ = Engineering Master’s Degree] Adrian Lang, b. Germany 1956 [see https://leunumismatik.com/source/images/auction/36/pdf/b2acb9be-1e8d-4395-a863-6c5c7c37ed4b.pdf for biography]. [Leu describes this variety of the type as “Very rare,” with three examples recorded in Göbl MIR; acsearch.com lists seven examples including this coin.]*


*See Woods, David, "From Caracalla to Carausius: The Radiate Lion with Thunderbolt in its Jaws," British Numismatic Journal 88 (British Numismatic Society 2018) at pp. 189-194, explaining that this type was “first used by the emperor Caracalla (211−17) in 215 and last used by the British usurper Carausius (286−93) and his continental contemporaries Diocletian (284−305) and Maximian (286−305).” According to the author, “the radiate lion with a thunderbolt in its jaws was a symbol of [imperial] courage. The fact that the emperor during whose reign this type was first used [Caracalla] was strongly interested in Alexander the Great encourages the belief that traditions concerning Alexander the Great may have influenced the design of this symbol. The match between the main elements of two ominous dreams experienced by the parents of Alexander before his birth and the main elements of this symbol, a lion and a thunderbolt, suggest a connection between the two. [See article for details on these dreams.] The fact that these dreams were understood as omens of how courageous Alexander would be confirms this connection.” Id. p. 193. The purpose of the crown on the lion’s head “may have been to denote royal or imperial status” (id. p. 191), reinforcing the reference to imperial courage.

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Bought purely to have a portrait of Gallienus that is presentable

Gallienus AE Antoninianus. Rome. AD 260-268 (Sole Reign). 4.13 g. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right. / AETERNITAS AVG, Sol, radiate, standing left, chlamys draped over shoulder and hanging down behind, holding globe and raising right hand. Γ in left field. RIC V-1 Rome 160; Goebl 0577w


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Link: Gallienus, Rome mint, 3rd officina.

Gallienus FELICIT AVG antoninianus.jpg
Gallienus, 253-268 CE.
Roman billon antoninianus, 2.61 g, 17.1 mm, 11 h.
Rome, 3rd officina, 261-262 CE.
Obv: GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head, right.
Rev: FELICIT AVG, Felicitas standing right, holding caduceus in right hand and globe in left; T in right field.
Refs: RIC 188; Göbl 478f; Cohen 183; RCV 10204.

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Link: Gallienus, Felicitas


Gallienus, 253-268

billon antoninianus, local imitation, 4.21g, 19mm

Obverse: GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head, right.

Reverse: FELICITNS AVG [sic], Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus in right hand and cornucopia in left.

I don't have proper reference for Gallienus, so I am not sure if this exact reverse type was issued by an official mint for Gallienus.

Edited by Postvmvs
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Roman Egypt, Alexandria. Gallienus, AD 253-268. Potin Tetradrachm (23.5mm, 8.91g, 11h). Dated RY 14 (AD 266/267). Obv: AVT K Π ΛIK ΓAΛΛIHNOC CЄB; Laureate and cuirassed bust right. Rev: Radiate and draped bust of Helios right; palm frond before, [L]-IΔ (date) across field. Ref: Köln 2936; Dattari (Savio) 5239; K&G 90.92; Emmett 3813.14 (R2). Good Very Fine, brown surfaces with iridescent toning. Ex CNG eAuction 445 (5 June 2019), Lot 314. From the New Orleans Collection, purchased from Edward J. Waddell, Ltd.




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Link: Helios on a Roman Provincial.

Gordian III, AE 26x28 mm., AD 238-244, Thrace, Hadrianopolis (now Edirne, Turkey). Obv. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right [small planchet defect on cheek], seen from rear, AVT K M ANT – ΓΟPΔIANOC AVΓ (AVΓ ligate) / Rev. Helios, radiate, standing facing, head left, nude apart from cloak falling from left shoulder, raising right hand, and holding globe and whip in left hand, AΔPIANO – Π – OΛEITΩN. 26x28 mm., 9.56 g. RPC [Roman Provincial Coinage] Online VII.2 708 (see https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/7.2/708) [Specimen 20 is this coin, used as “plate coin” for type]; Varbanov II 3793 [Ivan Varbanov, Greek Imperial Coins And Their Values, Vol. II, Thrace (from Abdera to Pautalia) (English Edition) (Bourgas, Bulgaria 2005)]; Jurukova 479 (die combination 249/497=465, a new combination) [Y. Jurukova, The Coinage of the Towns in Moesia Inferior and Thrace, 2nd-3rd centuries AD: Hadrianopolis (Sophia 1987)].      Purchased from Harlan J. Berk, Ltd., 223rd Buy or Bid Sale, 20 Apr. 2023, Lot 397, from Mark Gibbons Collection; ex Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Online Auction 271, 20 May, 2020, Lot 257. (Video of coin at https://www.hjbltd.com/#!/inventory/item-detail/ancient-coins/100346?fromBbs=223rd Buy Or Bid Sale.)



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link: emperor standing right with globe and spear


Postumus 260-269 antoninianus, local imitation

Obverse: IMP C POSTVMVS PF AVG, radiate and draped bust right.

Reverse: SAECVLI FELICITAS, Emperor standing right, holding globe in left hand, and spear in right hand.


Although weakly struck, I love the style of the reverse.

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Julia Maesa, 218-225 CE
Roman AR denarius; 3.15 g, 19.5 mm, 7 h.
Rome, 220-222 CE.
Obv: IVLIA MAESA AVG, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: SAECVLI FELICITAS, Felicitas standing left, with long caduceus, sacrificing out of patera over lighted altar, left; star in right field.
Refs: RIC 271; BMCRE 79; Cohen 45; RCV 7757; CRE 472; Thirion 419.

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19 mm, 2,31 g.
Julia Maesa, Augusta 218-224. AR denarius. Rome. 218-222.
IVLIA MAESA AVG, bust of Julia Maesa, hair waved and turned up low at the back, draped, right / FECVNDITAS AVG, Fecunditas, draped, standing left, extending her right hand over a child and holding cornucopiae in left hand.
RIC IV Elagabalus 249.

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IVLIA, deity and child. All characters different to above but similar theme

Julia Domna AR Denarius.
IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / SAECVLI FELICITAS, Isis, wearing polos on head, standing right, left foot on prow, holding Horus; behind, rudder. RIC 577, RSC 174, BMC 75


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Link: Severan Empress and Isis.

Annia Faustina Isinda.jpg

Annia Faustina, 221 CE.
Roman provincial Æ 25.0 mm, 8.56 g, 6 h.
Pisidia, Isinda, 221 CE.
Obv: ANNIAN FAVCTEINAN, bare-headed and draped bust of Annia Faustina, right.
Rev: Confronted heads of Serapis and Isis, Ι(CI)Ν-ΔΕΩΝ.
Refs: Ex Lindgren I A1322A (Plate coin); von Aulock, Pisidia I 833.
Notes: Busso Peus, Auction 366, lot 888, 29 Oct 2000; ex- Marcel Burstein (Nevada) collection; ex- Lindgren collection.
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Link  Annia - however as a gens name 


19,3 mm, 3,77 g.
C. Annius T. f. T. n. and L. Fabius L. f. Hispaniensis AR denarius. Mint in North Italy or Spain. 82-81 BC.
Diademed and draped bust of Anna Perenna to right; C•ANNI•T•F•T•N•PRO•COS•EX•S•C• around, scales before, winged caduceus behind / Victory driving quadriga to right, holding reins and palm-branch; Q above, B• below, L•FABI•L•F•HISP in exergue.
Crawford 366/1c; BMCRR Spain 29; RSC Annia 2; Syd. 748b.

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Elagabalus AR Denarius, Rome 220-222 AD
IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory flying left, open diadem in both hands, shields to both sides, star in right field. RSC 300. RIC 161. BMC 234. 2,8 g - 18,5 mm


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Link: Elagabalus.

Elagabalus and Julia Soaemias [his mother], AE Pentassarion [5 Assaria], 218-222 AD, Marcianopolis, Moesia Inferior [now Devnya, Bulgaria] (Iulius Antonius Seleucus, Consular Legate) (legatus Augusti pro praetore). Obv. Confronted busts of Elagabalus right, laureate, facing Julia Soaemias left, bareheaded and draped, ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑVΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙ[ΝΟ]Ϲ ΑVΓ ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΥΑΙΜΙϹ around from 7:00 o’clock / Rev. Homonoia* standing, draped, head left, holding patera in outstretched right hand and cornucopiae in left, ΥΠ ΙΟΥΛ ΑΝΤ  ϹΕΛΕΥΚΟΥ ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ around from 7:00, E [mark of value for “5”]** in left field beneath patera. 27.2 mm., 10.41 g. (broken die at 12:00 on obverse).  RPC [Roman Provincial Coinage] VI Online 1448 (temp.) (see https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/6/1448) [6 examples, including this coin as example no. 6; see https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coin/474175 ]; Hristova & Jekov [Rarity 7 on 1-10 scale] [Nina Hristova and Gospodin Jekov, The Coins of Moesia Inferior I-III c. A.C. MARCIANOPOLIS (2d ed. 2014)]; Pfeiffer 507.40 [Pfeiffer, H.-J., Die römischen Münzen aus Markianopolis: Sammlung H.-J. Pfeiffer (Kaarst, 2013)]; Varbanov I - ; AMNG I - ; Moushmov - ; BMC 3 Moesia -. [The type was unpublished until it was first listed in Pfeiffer (whether in the 2011 1st ed. or the 2013 2nd ed. is unclear) and then in Hristova & Jekov (the 2014 2nd ed.).] Purchased from Kölner Münzkabinett, Cologne, Germany, Auction 121, 12 April 2024, Lot 185.*** [Footnotes omitted.]


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Elagabalus provincial

RPC Volume: VI №: 10032 (temporary)
Reign: Elagabalus Persons: Elagabalus (Augustus)
City: Alexandria  Region: Egypt Province: Egypt
Denomination: Tetradrachm Average weight: 12.63 g. Issue: L B = 2 (218/9)
Obverse: Α ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΜΑ ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟϹ ΕΥϹΕΒ; laureate head of Elagabalus, right
Reverse: L Β; Sarapis bust right, draped and wearing kalathos. 23mm, 11.64g.
Reference: D 4137, Ο 2757, Geissen 2313, E 2952 (2) Specimens: 27


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Sarapis, Alexandria


25 mm, 12,71 g.
Egypt, Alexandria. Hadrian 117-138. Billon tetradrachm. 133-134 AD.
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ - ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹƐΒ, laureate draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, r., seen from rear / L ΙΗ, Sarapis seated, l., holding sceptre; to l., Cerberus.
RPC III, 5871; BMC 620-623.

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Link: Alexandrian tet of Hadrian.

Hadrian, 117-138 CE.
Roman provincial billon tetradrachm, 12.76 g, 24.8 mm, 11 h.
Egypt, Alexandria, year 21= 136/7 CE.
Obv: ΑVΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΑ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹЄΒ; laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on l. shoulder.
Rev: L ΚΑ; Demeter standing facing, head l., wearing crescent, holding ears of corn and torch.
Refs: RPC III, 6131; BMC 16.71,579; Köln 1209; Dattari 1335; Milne 1519; Emmett 832.
Note: Ex-Clain-Stefanelli.

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Hadrian, AD 117-138. AR Denarius (18mm, 3.24g, 6h). Rome mint, struck AD 120-121. Obv: IMP CAESAR TRAIAN H-ADRIANVS AVG; Laureate head right. Rev: P M TR P-COS III; Aequitas standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. Ref: RIC II 80; RSC 1119.


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Link: Aequitas Greek equivalent/Dikaiosyne


Phrygia, Prymnessus. Pseudo-autonomous Æ28. Time of the Antonines.

Obv: ΔΗΜΟС, Laureate head of Boule right.
Rev: ΠΡVΜΝΗСCЄΩΝ, Dikaiosyne standing left, holding scales and grain ears.
RPC IV.2, 3353

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