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Everything posted by lordmarcovan

  1. I’ve ordered three more ancients to add to the prize selection (see gallery link above). Yep, I bought these to give away. I do think they’re pretty handsome, if I say so myself…
  2. Mallorca-Attica (or- Athens. Take your pick.)
  3. That's the one for me! I just like the look of it. Also very handsome.
  4. Stunning! An Akragas crab is on my "to-do" list for the coming year.
  5. PS- I've always liked Teos griffins, and that is the sharpest one I've seen.
  6. I see we both bought octopus litrae this (oops- last) year. I wanted to do a side-by-side comparison. I'd say they're fairly close, though yours is a touch sharper. Yours (the face reminds me of the features of an old friend of mine, and several of his family members.) Mine (Arethusa has more kissable lips here, anyway. Or maybe she's pouting? LOL)
  7. Admittedly, Byzantine is outside of my scope, though I will say I quite like the Christ portrait on #4 and #1 is just an overall cool looking coin. The Pisidia obol is cute. How can you not love a face like that, staring up at you from the mists of time? (In fact, you've got two faces to look at on that one!)
  8. As did I. Those three seem to be in the majority. And yet it wasn't an easy choice, with such a scintillating selection to choose from.
  9. The Internet was made for cat pictures and food pictures!
  10. What this thread needs is a good cat picture to offset the doom & gloom. This is Lily (orange) and Elvis (B&W). They’re the two “Daddy’s cats”. Most of the other critters gravitate to Ladymarcovan, but these two have adopted me. Are you more of a dog person? Fine, here are Lucy (Australian shepherd) and Grace (dachshund). (We have four dogs and twelve cats.)
  11. Enter on: https://www.cointalk.com/threads/lordm-giveaway-108-pick-your-prize.409738/ Obviously, since the giveaway is hosted on another site, you'll need CoinTalk credentials to post an entry over there, but if you are unable to do so for whatever reason, you may post here and I will post an entry for you over there. Just let me know what your prize selection is (either by posting on CoinTalk or here). To pick your prize: Here is a direct link to the prize gallery. https://www.colleconline.com/en/collection-items/21292/coins-giveaway-gallery If you would prefer a more valuable prize, you may opt instead for a $50 discount voucher towards anything in my For Sale gallery. (Free US shipping included.) Obviously, if you chose this option, you would owe me any remaining balance left after your $50 discount is applied. https://www.colleconline.com/en/collection-items/10029/coins-for-sale
  12. ArtDeco on Cointalk won the drawing and selected the Indian gold fanam. I will get another giveaway up soon. Happy New Year!
  13. I have one from the Harptree Hoard myself. Mine is a bit darker than yours. I like the look of yours a little better, since it has hints of iridescence.
  14. A Judaea Capta! Wow! That one looks easily as nice if not slightly nicer than the one I had in my old Twelve Caesars collection, for which I paid somewhere in the mid-$200s, as I recall. That’s a sweet Saturnalia gift!
  15. @LONGINUS - you consistently find the greatest old paintings to use in these presentations! I can only recall owning two coins of Commodus, neither of which was particularly impressive. The first was this denarius from my old 2007 novice collection. (The images, alas, were created with a flatbed scanner.) The second was this cheap sestertius: low grade, but appealing enough for a $10 coin.
  16. See? Cheer up! It’s a good thing in this particular case! Unless they keep going and become charcoal grey or black, I think you’ve got nothing to worry about.
  17. In this case, I say no. To the contrary, I think they’re attractive. Unless they go really dark grey or black, I wouldn’t be concerned. In those pictures, I see what looks like the initial stages of “cabinet toning”, which I consider a good thing most of the time. Here is a coin of mine with cabinet toning. I like it better this way than I would if the coin was bright white.
  18. Joe, if I had some influence on you, I’m amazed to hear it, since your collection is one I have aspired to emulate (as far as my budget allows). Your keen eye for beautiful coins is second to none. If anyone asked me which coin from someone else’s collection I’d most like to have, my answer would likely be your Vespasian aureus with the purplish toning from the Boscoreale hoard. That thing blows me away, and your collection is an absolute joy to behold. I’ve long said, “I want to be like @AncientJoe when I grow up!” I also haven’t forgotten the generous gift of your time, back when you used to help me with those Photoshop templates for coin backgrounds. Those “shadowbox” templates really look amazing, and they lend your collection a sense of depth and gravitas. As you’ve seen in the examples above, I’ve since adopted a simpler grey gradient background template of my own that I’m able to duplicate without begging for help from others. But I still think your “shadowbox” templates look better.
  19. ‘Tisn’t nearly so nice as the one on your profile page, but hopefully that little bit of crude Russian silver made up for that, and I’m glad you like it.
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