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Everything posted by Paddy54

  1. Next a souvenir of Italian pavilion A century of progress Chicigo 1933 on an 1933 Wheat cent as host.
  2. Next the 1915 P.P.I.E. Pan Pacific international expo San Francisco Ca.
  3. Next two from the 1904 Expo Worlds Fair Saint Louis Palace of Liberal arts. Host coin an 1904 IHC. And the 1904 forestry building Lewis and Clark Expo. Hosts coin an 1905 IHC.
  4. My next post is an specimen that was made on a ship with a history on the Jersey shore.. Asbury Park September 1934. The S.S. Morro Castle which caught fire and burned. I also have a capped cent that is a souvenir of the ship. You can google its history. https://www.google.com/search?q=s.s.+morro+castle&client=tablet-android-samsung-rev2&sxsrf=ALiCzsahUFwnxdM2jmYrUBL6IZwCJGZmCw%3A1660098195203&ei=kxbzYtT0C8au5NoPnMai4AQ&oq=s.s.+morr&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYADIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgYIABAeEBYyBggAEB4QFjIFCAAQhgMyBQgAEIYDMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgM6BwgAEEcQsAM6BAgjECc6BQghEKABOgcIABCxAxBDOgUIABCRAjoECAAQQzoICC4QgAQQsQM6CAgAEIAEELEDOgsILhDHARCvARCRAjoICC4QsQMQgwE6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBENEDOgcIIxDqAhAnOgcILhDqAhAnOhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARDRAzoLCC4QgAQQxwEQrwE6CwguEIAEELEDEIMBOggILhCABBDUAjoLCC4QgAQQxwEQ0QM6BQguEIAESgQIQRgAUOYNWMtNYMFZaAJwAXgAgAGLAYgB2A2SAQQ2LjExmAEAoAEBsAEPyAECwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp
  5. My next specimen is of the 1901 Expo in Buffalo NY. This particular specimen was gifted to Ron Pope about 6 months before his passing. I really loved this one...but Ron became a great friend while I was recovering from surgery. I not able to handle pain killers I am allergic to opioid drugs. Ron Mr. Buffalo nickel himself ...well known in the states as the expert on the Buffalo nickel. Ron was a cherry picker too...like myself...many a night while recovering from my total hip replacement we private message each other talking coins...and helping me to forget the pain. Gifting this to him was the least I could do... as he spent many sleepless nights chatting with me...until sleep took over. Now I was fortunate enough to find another one! About 9 months after Ron's passing...this one also struck on an Indian Head cent was in uncirculated condition. I sort of felt that Ron gave me the guidance to find it...and I'm very proud to share it as well as this text about a nice coin....and even nicer friend. Thanks Ron for everything....you truly made a difference when I needed it. Such a small tribute to a real hero and friend.
  6. Numismatic's has so much to offer us... can you just imagine back in the day being able to be able to afford a vacation or a visit to an expo? Esspecially an expo that newly developed items are now going to make life better. Then think about the value of just one cent??? I can recall my father who was born in 1915 ....working at 15 to help support the family...and actually quitting high school to accept a job that ended up a 47 year career. So even in the 1930's a cent was a lot of money...considering that most made a few dollars a week....but again money went further. Elongated coins have been the average guys souvenir....it was doable after spending the cost to entry a worlds expo or fair. Yes there were plenty of other items...to buy as a remembrance of a day filled with new technologies and goods. However again how much could a working guy or gal afford? Well perhasp 1 cent smashed into a small souvenir to have and remember such a spectacular event. Please share your elongated specimen's in this thread and share any information on the specimen you choose to post. Here's a few of mine that I been fortunate to have found. I'll start with this one ...it's one of my favorite as it's pressed on both sides. It was made in Philadelphia Pa. For the 150 celabration of the declaration of independence. What's really neat is you can actually see the N of cents in the bell. As well wheat stalks ,and other lettering from the Lincoln cent that was the host coin. Just imagine how proud it must of been to be able to afford this smashed penny such a wonderful memories of celebration ones freedom.
  7. I love buffalos ...one of my favorite coins
  8. Here's a very different type of clash upside down dead center both sides of the Monticello
  9. @thenickelguy You ever have one of these? At one time I had an example of every Jefferson nickel and all major varities, I had a 71 s no s in 67 deep camo plus another back up in a 71 proof set. Watching the nickel market crash literally I sold off all high dollar specimens, as I could see the writting on the wall. Was glad to sell off and put the money into my half dimes. LoL I actually paid off my car as well our honeymoon by returning bags of searched nickels to the bank....when I finally got married my folks were like its time for "all your stuff leaves our house....." once and for all.... !
  10. Does anyone know or do any stone cutting? I have this beautiful 8.4 g piece of old turquoise slab. I love to have it cut. Years ago I had 3 friends who were Jewlers and stone cutters . Unfortunately 2 have passed the other is no longer working in thd business.
  11. Well the saga of this mule finally came to an end. As the coin gods have smiled last month but the mail man hasn't. Its a long story that is just unbelievable so it ends happy as finally ended with a few lost items now found..and in my collection now. But will share with you this... do not take no as an answer....do not believe what youre being told...as A PO employee did her very best to try and tell me that the tracking isn't correct! That they were fake or whatever scans. Ah no as remember this... all mail is tracked as it put into the system as it travels in the system from A to Z if need be but remember dont buy anyone spoon feeding you a lie. And be your own advocate if need be... and pull strings if need be I wrote my congressman to investigate and guess what.... it worked. As today all the missing packages showed up.
  12. There were a lot of European's coming to the new world. That said one needs to remember that at that time peroid there wasn't a mint in the new world. So it was very common to use other countries coins as a bartering system. As was cutting cobs was how most paidva bill. B6 weight of silver or gold. As again cobs 27/28 g. Could be easy cut and weighted to pay for something. And again money was money no matter whom minted it.... but those coins in question on the Outer banks were most probably from the Lost of the first settlers on the island...as the entire settlement residents were missing and no trace of any bodies ever found. Other than their settlement. There was a simular site found in Southern Maryland within the last year or so.
  13. Flash.... "we interupted these post for breaking news!" Dateline Washing DC Georgetown A giant Mantis tried to eat an elementary school....on Wisconsin Ave. Jets were scrambled to deter the giant bug... or move it down the street towards the Russian embassy. Film at 11
  14. Yes that would of been sweet! But let ya in on a little secret.... I cherry picked something this week something rarer! An 1857 Seated Liberty Quarter clashed with an Flying Eagle cent! On about 30 known to exist! A $60 purchase that's worth in vf. 20 around $475/$500 ! So its been a great week !
  15. Here's a little buddy that eats the bugs in my garden... Ive seen these up to 8 inches in the garage...which I am thankful as they will eat black widow spiders. They love to sun themselves on my porch and driveway. It direct sunlight they have a neon electric blue stripe down their back.
  16. In todays world...we all need to make lemon-ade out of lifes lemons 😉 I truly appreciate your post , and I will reiterate ones again...I love how you all roll ! I've only have recieved postive vibes..woof woof....from odd ball.
  17. Wow I was pretty stoked about recieving this specimen. I have signed up with the USPS for daily notices of what to expect in todays mail. Well I knew Lord M had sent it up to me. And it was on my notice this morning that it will arrive today 7/1/22 . However it seems a postal employee wanted more than I. Yep...they cut the envelope and helped themselves. It was a prize from a contest Theodosius sponsored across the river on ct. Yes I am disappointed...but I appreciate the generosity of Theodosius as well Lord M for holding the contest. I have stuff...and I like stuff...but material stuff isn't what makes the world go round...friendship, and good deeds,means a heck of alot more to me. I'm a firm believer in Karma...and its a double edge sword... both good...and bad! Well I did like this coin...and hope to search out another...like it. To add to my ever growing pile of stuff.... so acients aren't in my wheelhouse so anyone who could give me some direction ...to a link to another they think is a good value...please pm me or give me a link...as yeah I want one..lol I always say that friendship is the wine of life! So cheers my friends...'Slainte mhath'. & Thank you...for being my friends.
  18. Paddy54

    Paging stevex6

    * California disclosures ..Skake & Bake can cause highten sexuality in white mice..... like they need an excuse.... 😮
  19. Paddy54

    Paging stevex6

    We now return you to the controls of your monitors. To enjoy some more good clean fun! After another fun commercial.
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