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unknown 5th or 6th century empress


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Here's a coin that's a mystery to me.





ovb: female head

rev: salus reipublica ? with riho in left field

0,69 gr ; 10,45 mm

Obverse 90° turn clock wise:



It comes from a lot of 50 minimi, all 4-6 century, 35 pieces are Theodosius II.
unknown 5th century empress. Can someone help me?
Thank you!


Edited by mc9
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I agree with shanxi. The legend starts with DN (dominus noster). Behind it there could be 3 or four letters. The last of these appears to be a "V". In connection with the chi-rho in the field on the left side, the legend "DN PLA VALENTINIANVS PF AVG" lends itself. Thus it would be an imitation of a follis of Valentinianus III. act.

See https://www.acsearch.info/search.html?term=valentinianus+iii+%2Bsalvs+reipvblice&category=1-2&lot=&thesaurus=1&images=1&en=1&de=1&fr=1&it=1&es=1&ot=1&currency=usd&order= 0


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I don't think it's an empress. I would say this is probably an imitative issue of one of the late fourth / early fifth century emperors.

(Pretty good one as far as imitations go.)

It's clearly a SALVS REIPVBLICAE / Victory dragging captive reverse type.

The apparent "V' on the left side of the legend might be reason to call it an imitation of Valentinian II.

Pretty interesting coin. I like these Victory- captive AE4s.

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Thanks everyone for your contribution, 
I take note of the possibility that it could be Valentinian III. 
I've seen this type of head in the distant past and was described as empress. It could be in the late Roman Empire under the Visigoths or other tribes. I also forgot whether it was in the east or west Roman part of the empire.
The message is to keep looking. 
Thank you.
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