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New to My Collection • A Few Married Folks


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I’m sorting through a number of great Roman denarii acquisitions and having a lot of fun

reading up on them and creating these graphics. Here are a few husbands and wives.








Thanks for looking and thanks for the inspiration!



Edited by LONGINUS
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5 hours ago, DonnaML said:

Lovely coins and presentation! May I ask the source for the sculptures? The one of Otacilia Severa makes her look particularly pretty. I wonder how it's known that it's supposed to be her.

Thank you for your comments, Donna!

An image of the (presumed to be) Otacilia Severa is in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotekcan museum of art in Copenhagen and can be found on this Cambridge University site at: https://museum.classics.cam.ac.uk/collections/casts/otacilia-severa

The images of the sculptures and castings of Commodus, Crispina, and Philip are from Wikimedia Commons and have no copyright. Many of the digital photos that I use in my posters are royalty free reference images that I’ve compiled in my years employed as a graphic designer for the Federal Government but I definitely need to do a better job of providing source information.



I enjoy restoring damaged sculptures in PhotoShop and have made a few repairs to the image on the right.


Another un-named version of the casting can be seen at:

 https://www.tumgir.com/tag/roman portrait



Edited by LONGINUS
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