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Monday = Moon day


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Monday is translated as dies lunae (day of the moon) in Latin. So post anything to do with a Lunar theme. Planets, stars, crescents, anything goes.

Two crescents and a star to start things off, and then it is over to you.

Constantine II AE follis. 337-340 AD. CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C, laureate head right / PROVIDENTIAE CAESS, campgate with no doors, two turrets and star above. Mintmark: Epsilon SIS double crescent.
Siscia 2.92 g, 19.2mm




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Here is Luna with a crescent moon above her head:


Roman Republic, anonymous issue, AR denarius, 179–170 BC, Rome mint. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma, r.; behind, denominational mark X. Rev: Luna in biga r., with horses prancing; in exergue, ROMA (traces of overstriking?). 20mm, 3.80g. Ref: RRC 158/1.

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10 minutes ago, expat said:

Monday is translated as dies lunae (day of the moon) in Latin. So post anything to do with a Lunar theme. Planets, stars, crescents, anything goes.

Two crescents and a star to start things off, and then it is over to you.

Constantine II AE follis. 337-340 AD. CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C, laureate head right / PROVIDENTIAE CAESS, campgate with no doors, two turrets and star above. Mintmark: Epsilon SIS double crescent.
Siscia 2.92 g, 19.2mm




This bust type for Constantine II in the 320s was one of my favorites when I was first attracted by Constantinian coinage 20 or so years ago. I think it's one of the most elegant effigies and Siscia is one of the best with the design of these coinages both the campgate and the earlier VOTA series.


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Luceria, Apulia

211-200 BC
AE Semiuncia (13.5mm, 2.63g)
O: Bust of Diana wearing crescent moon headdress right, within linear border.
R: Crescent; LOVCERIA to right, all within linear border.
HGC 612; HN Italy 683
Very scarce
ex Aphrodite Art Coins


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18 mm, 3,36 g.
Faustina II. Died 175-176. AR Denarius. Rome. 176-180.
DIVA FAVSTINA PIA, bust of Diva Faustina II, hair waved and fastened in a bun on back of head, draped, right / CONSECRATIO, crescent and seven stars, one within it, and surrounded by six.
RIC III Marcus Aurelius 750; BMC 718; RSC 83.

A bronze version 


25 mm, 10,57 g.
Diva Faustina II. Died 175-176 AD. Ӕ as. Rome. 176-180.
DIVA FAVSTINA PIA, bust of Faustina II, draped, hair elaborately waved in nearly vertical lines and fastened in a low chignon at back of head, down cheek, curls, right / S C, crescent and seven stars: one within, six around.
RIC III Marcus Aurelius 1714; C. 213; BMC 1594 (Marcus Aurelius).

Luna Lucifera


22 mm, 3,00 g.
Gallienus 253-268. Ӕ silvered antoninianus. Antioch. 267.
GALLIENVS AVG, bust of Gallienus, radiate, cuirassed, right / LVNA LVCIF, Diana, draped, walking right, holding torch. Exergue PXV.
RIC V Gallienus 609.

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Spanning a few centuries:

Attica, Athens, classical tetradrachm, "mint state",  440-404 BC.

17.23 grams



German states, Luneberg, thaler, 1547.


28.7 grams


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Heiropolis, Phrygia

2nd-3rd century BC
AE Assarion (19mm, 3.92g)
O: Bust of Hekate/Selene right on cresent.
R: Winged Nemesis standing facing with head left, holding bridle and plucking chiton from breast; IEPAΠOΛITΩN.
SNG Cop 419-20; BMC 19
ex GB Collection

"O Selene, driver of the silver car! If thou art Hekate of many names, if in the night thou doest shake thy mystic torch in brandcarrying hand, come nightwanderer."
~ Apulius


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The moon and the stars...



Hadrian 117-138; Rome c126-7 AD; Denarius 2.59 g; Bust faces right; Rx [COS] - III Seven Stars within and above crescent moon. (From HJB.)



Happy Monday to Everyone

Edited by Ten-Speed
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Star shining bright behind Victory

Elagabalus AR Denarius, Rome 220-222 AD
IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory flying left, open diadem in both hands, shields to both sides, star in right field. RSC 300. RIC 161. BMC 234. 2,8 g - 18,5 mm


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Luna Lucifera


Julia Domna, Denarius - Rome mint, AD 215
IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG, draped bust of Julia Domna right
LVNA LVCIFERA, Luna in biga of horses left, a crescent above her head and drapery billowing in semi circle behind
2.95 gr, 19-20 mm
Ref : RCV # 7101, Cohen # 105 , RIC IV, I # 379c, Hill # 1477
Ex A. Lynn Collection ; Manhattan sale I #358
Ex Freeman & Sear Mail Bid Sale 6 # 538


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Some crescent moons, some with depictions of Diana or Luna.

Roman Republic, Anonymous, AR Denarius 143 BCE. Obv. Head of Roma right, wearing winged helmet ornamented with stylized representation of gryphon’s head, and earring of pellets in form of bunch of grapes; behind, X [mark of value, 10 asses, issued before re-tariffing of denomination to 16 asses ca. 141 BCE] / Rev. Diana, with quiver slung on her shoulder, in biga of stags galloping right; holding torch in right hand and reins in left; below stags, a crescent moon; in exergue, ROMA. Crawford 222/1; RSC I Anonymous 101 (ill. p. 8); BMCRR I 895; Sear RCV I 98 (ill. p. 92); Yarrow p. 42 (ill. fig. 1.36) [Liv Mariah Yarrow, The Roman Republic to 49 BCE: Using Coins as Sources (2021)]; RBW Collection 946 (ill. p. 199). 18 mm., 4.13 gr. Purchased from cgb.fr., 13 Feb. 2023.*


Roman Republic, Mn. Aquillius, AR Denarius, Rome Mint, 109-108 BCE [Crawford], or 108-107 BCE [Mattingly]. Obv. Radiate head of Sol right; beneath chin, X [old mark of value used here (& on several other issues) despite revaluing of denarius from 10 to 16 asses in 136 BCE] / Rev. Luna in biga of galloping horses right, holding reins in both hands; above horses, crescent moon and three stars; beneath horses, a fourth star; MN • AQVIL [MN ligate] below; in exergue, ROMA. Crawford 303/1; RSC I (Babelon) Aquillia 1 (ill. p. 16); BMCRR II Italy 645 (ill. Pl. xcv no. 11); Sear RCV I 180; Albert 1094 (ill. p. 154) [Albert, Rainer, Die Münzen der Römischen Republik (2011)]; RBW Collection - [not included]; for date of issue, see also Mattingly, Harold B., "The Management of the Roman Republican Mint," p. 258 Table 3, in From Coins to History: Selected Numismatic Studies (2004). 18x19 mm., 3.82 g. Purchased 30 Sep. 2023 from Divus Numismatik (Philipp Krüger), Vienna, Austria; ex Marc Walter, Vienna, Austria; ex Numismatica Tintinna, Scandiano, Emilia Romagna, Italy [I couldn't find auction date online]; ex Mario Ratto, Milan, Italy, Fixed Price List Fall 1995, No. 56 [see Richard Schaefer Roman Republican Die Project at http://numismatics.org/archives/ark:/53695/schaefer.rrdp.processed_300-399#schaefer_clippings_output_303_sd, Col. 3, Row 11].* [Footnote omitted.]


Roman Republic, L. Lucretius Trio*, AR Denarius, 76 or 74 BCE.** Obv. Radiate head of Sol right / Rev. Crescent moon surrounded by seven 8-pointed stars (three above and two on each side); TRIO between horns of crescent***; L• LVCRET[I] below crescent.  Crawford 390/1, RSC I Lucretia 2 (ill.), BMCRR I Rome 3245 (ill. BMCRR III, Pl. XLII No. 11), Sear RCV I 321 (ill.), Sydenham 783, Harlan, RRM 1 Ch. 16 at pp. 98-100 [Michael Harlan, Roman Republican Moneyers and their Coins, 81 BCE-64 BCE (Vol. I) (2012)]. 18 mm., 3.83 g.**** [Footnotes omitted.]


Hadrian, AR Denarius, Rome Mint, AD 126-127 [see RIC II.3 p. 132: Group 6]. Obv. Laureate head right with slight drapery on far shoulder, HADRIANVS – AVGVSTVS / Rev. Seven stars (septentriones)* within and above crescent moon (points of crescent upwards), COS III above. RIC II.3 852 (ill. Pl. 19) (2019 ed.), old RIC II 202 (1926 ed.), RSC II 466, BMCRE III Hadrian 464, Sear RCV II 3485. 18 mm., 3.18 g. Purchased from Noonans Auction 13-14 July 2022, Lot 949; ex Seaby (retail purchase 1979).


*Referred to as such at RIC II.3 p. 853. The septentriones were the seven brightest stars within the Ursa Major constellation, forming an asterism currently known in the USA as the “Big Dipper,” and in the UK as the “Plough.” See https://oikofuge.com/septentrionate/;   https://www.britannica.com/place/Ursa-Major.

Hadrian, AR Denarius, Rome Mint AD 126-127 [see RIC II.3 p. 132: Group 6]. Obv. Laureate bust right with slight drapery on far shoulder, HADRIANVS – AVGVSTVS / Rev. Six-pointed star within crescent moon (points of crescent upwards), COS III above. RIC II.3 864 (ill. Pl. 20) (2019 ed.), old RIC II 200 (1926 ed.), RSC II 460, BMCRE III Hadrian 457, Sear RCV II 3484 (ill. p. 145). 18x19 mm., 3.27 g.  Purchased from cgb.fr, 13 May 2022.



Julia Domna (under Caracalla), AR Denarius ca. AD 215-217, Rome Mint. Obv. Draped bust right, hair waved vertically and fastened in large bun in back, six horizontal ridges, IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG / Rev. Luna, draped, crescent moon on head, fold of drapery in circle around head, standing in biga of horses prancing left, leaning forward and holding reins in both hands, LVNA LVCIFERA. 20 mm., 3.18 g., 7 hrs. RIC IV-1 379c (p. 273), RSC III 105 (p. 56), Sear RCV II 7101 (ill. p. 553), BMCRE V 10 (p. 432) (ill. Pl. 67.11). Purchased from Dr. Busso Peus Nachf., Frankfurt a.M., Germany, Auction 434, 17 Apr. 2023, Lot 617; ex CNG Triton XX Auction, Jan. 10, 2017, part of group Lot  614 (consisting of 59 silver denarii of Julia Domna), No. E049*; ex A.K. Collection**; ex stock of Münzen und Medaillen AG, Basel, Switzerland, purchased 1963.  [Footnotes omitted.]


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Philomelion, Phrygia
Early 1st century CE
AE 15.1mm, 4.2gms
Obv: Horse springing right
Rev: FILO – MH above and below upwards crescent; all within laurel wreath
BMC -; SNG Copenhagen -; SNG München -; SNG Tübingen -; SNG von Aulock -; HGC -; Leu 7, lot 393; apparently unpublished in the standard references



Egypt, Achaemenid Province. Sabakes, satrap, AR Tetradrachm. Circa 340-333 BCE
16.61g, 25mm, 9h.
Head of Athena to right, wearing earring, necklace, and crested Attic helmet decorated with three olive leaves over visor and a spiral palmette on the bowl / Owl standing to right with head facing, olive sprig with berry and crescent in upper left field; uncertain letters to left, ""Sabakes symbol"" and SWYK (in Aramaic) to right.
Van Alfen Type III, 24-34 var. (O11/R- [unlisted rev. die]); Nicolet-Pierre, Monnaies 18-26 (same obv. die); SNG Copenhagen 4 var. (no letters on left of rev.); BMC 265 var. (same).



India. Kushan. Yueh Chi. Northern Bactria. Arsiles AR Hemidrachm
1st Century BCE AR 14.66mm 1.50g
Obverse: [APΣЄIΛ]HC, helmeted and draped bust right
Reverse: NANAIA / NANAIA, lion standing right, crescent / Λ above
Senior A4.1

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Two "moon" coins:


Pescennius Niger
Obv.: [IMP C]AES C PESC NIGER IVST A[V], Laureate head right
Rev.: SAECVLI FELICTAS Crescent and stars
Ag, 2.76g, 17.2mm
Ref.: RSC63a, RIC 73 var. (obv. legend)
Ex Henri Delgers Old Roman Coins



Western Kshatrapas
Vijayasena as mahakshatrapa, silver drachm
240-250 CE
Obv.: Head of king right, date behind head: out of flan
Rev.: Chaitya (3-arched hill), river below, crescent moon and sun above, Brahmi legend around “rajno mahakshatrapasa damasenasaputrasa rajno mahakshatrapasa vijayasenasa”


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Severus Alexander / Hekate

Thyatira, Lydia
223-235 AD
AE25 (7.36g)
O: Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right;
R: Hekate Selene, head facing left, wearing a short chiton and holding two torches, full moon around shoulders (billowing veil?); ΘV - ATEI - P - HNΩN.
SNG Fitzwilliam 1374
ex Ancient Imports


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