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Mixed lot of loose world coins

The Eidolon

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Made an offer for abut 30+ world coins from an unpriced, unsorted large bag at a shop.  Cost about $32 for the whole lot, which I'm not sure if it was a good deal or not yet.  I picked out a couple interesting coins which will make up most of the value, and the rest are probably near junk value.  The lot:IMG_3378.JPG.7f9531b9c6b90976f4d3ea51781167d7.JPG

Here's one of the more interesting ones to me:  China puppet East Hebei 2 Jiao 1937 Year 26

I'm always interested in WW2-era occupation coinage, and these don't turn up for me very often.  I'll post some of the others as time permits.893715985_ChinapuppetEastHebei2Jiao1937Year26.jpg.e53579afd8606aa71c7d5fcc0c59eda5.jpg



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Most of the coins I picked are modern with no significant value, but there's been a few fun ones.

Fiji Shilling 1934 George V, 0.500 Ag.  I like colonial silvers and Pacific Island coins in general.  Mintages for many Pacific nations are not huge due to the small populations.  This is one of the higher mintage shillings at 360K.758619905_FijiShilling1934GeorgeV.jpg.798a468e43f42bdc8a32ca68e2bece56.jpg

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Looks like fun! Hopefully any shortfall in monetary value compared to what you paid is more than made up for by the enjoyment of going through them. I would guess that coins like the 1909 British penny aren't worth more than a few cents, but others are clearly more unusual.

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