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Antiochus I Soter Tetradrachm


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Seleucid Empire, Antiochos I Soter (281-261 BC) AR Tetradrachm, mint of Magnesia ad Sipylum, 16.73g. Diademed head of Antiochos I facing right. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ – ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟY, Herakles, holding club, seated left on rock draped with lion skin, monograms in exergue.

I really like this Herakles reverse because it's a bit harder to come across, most of the Seleucids that come up have Apollo as the deity. I was very happy to find this one at auction last year 😄

Antiochus I Tetra.jpg

Antiochus I Tetra 2.jpg

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Wow! I wasn't even aware of the type! Beautiful example.

Here's my more typical issue.


Seleukid Empire, Antiochos I Soter AR Tetradrachm
Seleukeia on the Tigris, 281-261 BC
Diademed head to right / Apollo Delphios seated to left on omphalos, testing arrow and resting left hand on grounded bow; ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ to right, ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ to left, monogram to outer left and right.
SC 379.5a; HGC 9, 128g. 16.80g, 29mm, 3h.

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