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GLADIATOR 2 trailer

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13 minutes ago, Ocatarinetabellatchitchix said:


If there ever will be a Gladiator II it probably will have a lot of heavily altered history, like the latest Napoleon movie. Ridley Scott will probably do whatever he wants with it and just place it in a roman setting. I love the first Gladiator though it's a masterpiece, and Ridley Scott’s movies in general as they have fantastic cinematography but I watch them as entertainment and not as history lessons.

Edited by Spargrodan
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2 hours ago, Ocatarinetabellatchitchix said:


I‘m quite sure that this is not the real trailer. Probably a fan-made one. I recognized some scenes from different movies like Lord of the Rings, Kingdom of Heaven and 300… 

Otherwise it would be a really bad trailer. 

Edited by Salomons Cat
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A official film trailer? With battle scenes - as example - from lord of the rings? Not really.  
And correct history? Lucius Verus comes back to Caracalla and Geta. It’s a Hollywood Film - I don’t think with this constellation (Verus Caracalla Gera) we get a historical correct Dokumentation 🙂 

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4 hours ago, Salomons Cat said:

I‘m quite sure that this is not the real trailer. Probably a fan-made one. I recognized some scenes from different movies like Lord of the Rings, Kingdom of Heaven and 300… 

Otherwise it would be a really bad trailer. 

The real trailer, which @Ocatarinetabellatchitchix linked, can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzzN3YonwMQ and is 1:12 long.

The fake/fan-created trailer, which @Spargrodan linked, is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpJn5o_A4Ak and is 1:22 long.




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17 minutes ago, DonnaML said:

The real trailer, which @Ocatarinetabellatchitchix linked, can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzzN3YonwMQ and is 1:12 long.

The fake/fan-created trailer, which @Spargrodan linked, is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpJn5o_A4Ak and is 1:22 long.

No, that's another 'FAN (CONCEPT) Trailer Concept For Gladiator 2'. At least that's what the description below the video says when you open it on youtube.
According to newspapers, the real trailer shows a rhino and baboons and is not public yet.

Edited by Salomons Cat
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13 minutes ago, DonnaML said:

The real trailer, which @Ocatarinetabellatchitchix linked, can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzzN3YonwMQ and is 1:12 long.

The fake/fan-created trailer, which @Spargrodan linked, is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpJn5o_A4Ak and is 1:22 long.

I believe these are both fan-made trailers.

There is an actual trailer, but so far it was shown only at Cinemacon and hasn't been publicly released yet. 

One thing greatly confused me in the original, and I presume it's an issue in the sequel. I'm not well-versed in Roman history, but from my understanding:

Film: Lucilla has a son Lucius
Actual: Lucilla was married to Lucius (who wasn't her son)

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9 hours ago, kirispupis said:

I believe these are both fan-made trailers.

There is an actual trailer, but so far it was shown only at Cinemacon and hasn't been publicly released yet. 

One thing greatly confused me in the original, and I presume it's an issue in the sequel. I'm not well-versed in Roman history, but from my understanding:

Film: Lucilla has a son Lucius
Actual: Lucilla was married to Lucius (who wasn't her son)

Booth linked trailers are fan made, I never realized I by mistake linked another one when I quoted @Ocatarinetabellatchitchix that said my point was not about the trailers beeing real or not, but the correctness of the history if Ridley Scott decides to make a second Gladiator. Which I beilieve he will heavily alter to fit into his story to serve the plot he comes up with.

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I just expect a good Hollywood film - which somehow has something to do with Roman antiquity, then I won't be disappointed.

When I read in the plot that Lucilla's son - Verus - is lost somewhere in the forest and suddenly reappears - at the time of Caracalla and Getra, then I suspect the worst historically. 


I already made the mistake with Gladiator Part 1 of expecting too much historical stuff. When I watched Gladiator 1 for the first time, I was completely disappointed, even annoyed (because of the historical inaccuracy). Once I accepted that it was simply a good action film with Romans - I made my peace with this film.

But some historical inaccuracies are simply terrible in some films. Yes, I understand that if you only went 1:1 historically, the general public would fall asleep in the cinema. 

But for me, the best example is still the ROME series. There is so much in the series that is not historical - but the producers and writers have done the story so well - even without a historical background - that you don't want to write out loud every 10 minutes. That's not the case with many other Roman films - which are so illogical and bad. 

A very bad example of completely illogical plots and Teutons disguised as Vikings is the second instalment of "Barbarians".

As written. I expect an action film with Romans. Then I won't be disappointed by Gladiator 2. 

But I'm afraid - if they portray Caracalla or Geta as clowns and idiots, I'll probably bite the back of my chair again.

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With Caracalla and Geta both co-existing presumably plus the imaginary Lucius who knows what the plot turns might be. Gladiator has similarities to the 1960s film Fall of the Roman Empire with Alec Guinness as Aurelius, Sophia Loren, and Stephen Boyd as the favored general and foe of Commodus. It starts with Marcus's death due to a poisoned apple and ends with Commodus played by Christopher Plummer and Boyd fighting in the arena. Commodus dies and with him, the narrator says, did the Empire. I almost shouted at the TV. This early intended blockbuster was a flop at the box office whereas Gladiator with it's higher production values surpassed a billion eventually.

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