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Help Id 5 ancients

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Hi thank you for the help in advance. You guys are incredible! 

I went a coin show and got 5 coins for $5 each. My favorite is the first one.  


1. I believe this is Livia but I had 2 dealers tell me this portrait is of cleopatra vii. I couldn't find this type on wildwinds


2. Anastasius Follis minted in Antioch I think


3. Roman provincial of severan period emperess 


4. Roman provincial of Augustus or Claudius


5. Elagabalus provincial with fancy script on the reverse











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1 hour ago, Amarmur said:

1. I believe this is Livia but I had 2 dealers tell me this portrait is of cleopatra vii. I couldn't find this type on wildwinds


It's not Livia (and not Cleopatra, a dealer who tells you this should quit this activity). The obverse should be a generic portrait of the Senate. The reverse appears to be a female character holding a long torch. My guess is https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/2/1036 but you can investigate further based on these preliminary clues.  

1 hour ago, Amarmur said:

2. Anastasius Follis minted in Antioch I think


I am not into Byzantines but this looks correct - a specialist can confirm further. 


1 hour ago, Amarmur said:

3. Roman provincial of severan period emperess 


Salonina, Apamea https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/type/84477

1 hour ago, Amarmur said:

4. Roman provincial of Augustus or Claudius


This puzzled me but I suspect it's Antiochos IV of Commagene with Iotape on reverse, from Elaeusa-Sebaste. Style is similar and ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑ  is visible under the feet - check one of those 


or from Corycus


1 hour ago, Amarmur said:

5. Elagabalus provincial with fancy script on the reverse


Severus Alexander, Caesarea   https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/6/6845

A suggestion for you, in fact 2.
1. Group your obverse/reverse pics. I have a pretty large monitor but it's not confortable to scroll to see the sides of the same coin especially if the pics are large and clear. Something like 

2. Even if for ancients we all know that size and weight are variable even for 2 coins of the same type, the measurements are useful. 

Edited by ambr0zie
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The Anastasius I follis looks like it matches Sear 47 ("M" on reverse surrounded by 2 crosses, as opposed to Sear 48, which has a crescent to the right of the "M"). Apparently, the obverse legend can be blundered and I think the example shown might have some blundered lettering. In the picture, only the "X" of "ANTX" on reverse bottom seems visible. But, yes, it matches what looks like an Anastasius I from Antioch.

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On 2/26/2024 at 4:56 AM, seth77 said:

Were they drug dealers?

Was pretty disappointed with the senate one but a cleopatra for $5 would be a little too crazy. Out of all of these I think the antiochos iv of commogene and Anastasius seem like the most interesting coins. The rest well maybe trade pieces or sell pieces. 

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On 2/26/2024 at 2:56 AM, seth77 said:

Were they drug dealers?

Yep. I call bullshit. Nobody, especially a dealer... led alone two dealers, told this guy that was Cleopatra VII. I don't know why he would lie about it on a forum filled with ancient coin collectors, but it's weird. 

Also, he didn't even show appreciation for the pro helping him identify his shwaggy coins. He just said how disappointed he was. Good parenting shows.

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1 hour ago, Ryro said:

Yep. I call bullshit. Nobody, especially a dealer... led alone two dealers, told this guy that was Cleopatra VII. I don't know why he would lie about it on a forum filled with ancient coin collectors, but it's weird. 

Also, he didn't even show appreciation for the pro helping him identify his shwaggy coins. He just said how disappointed he was. Good parenting shows.

It could've been worse: I was called names on a Facebook group some time ago for identifying a person's coin as something else than his pipe dream. Being taken for granted is not cool, but being insulted and verbally abused by illiterate would-be scammers testing the water is a few steps lower on the ladder to the bottomless pit of insanity that social media often can be. 

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You deserved it. I am being constantly approached by various people from Facebook groups to identify coins. Many write in foreign languages I don't speak, but hey, it's not a secret that we, as regular members on those groups, are paid for identifying coins, translating is not such an effort. So next time be kind and tell them what they want to hear. 

So I simply block them. But if I am an in a good, civic mood and I feel the need to earn my salary from the groups, I identify all their coins as Julius Caesar, aureus, very rare. 

Edited by ambr0zie
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4 hours ago, Ryro said:

Yep. I call bullshit. Nobody, especially a dealer... led alone two dealers, told this guy that was Cleopatra VII. I don't know why he would lie about it on a forum filled with ancient coin collectors, but it's weird. 

Also, he didn't even show appreciation for the pro helping him identify his shwaggy coins. He just said how disappointed he was. Good parenting shows.


2 hours ago, seth77 said:

It could've been worse: I was called names on a Facebook group some time ago for identifying a person's coin as something else than his pipe dream. Being taken for granted is not cool, but being insulted and verbally abused by illiterate would-be scammers testing the water is a few steps lower on the ladder to the bottomless pit of insanity that social media often can be. 


2 hours ago, ambr0zie said:

You deserved it. I am being constantly approached by various people from Facebook groups to identify coins. Many write in foreign languages I don't speak, but hey, it's not a secret that we, as regular members on those groups, are paid for identifying coins, translating is not such an effort. So next time be kind and tell them what they want to hear. 

So I simply block them. But if I am an in a good, civic mood and I feel the need to earn my salary from the groups, I identify all their coins as Julius Caesar, aureus, very rare. 

Maybe I missed something, or maybe some posts were deleted, but reading the thread and @Amarmur's responses I don't think this kind of reaction is called for. He asked for ID help and received it. Sure, some thanks would have been appropriate, but it's hardly something to get that upset about. I've had some interactions with Amarmur and he's always been courteous and honest. Furthermore, he's been a pretty regular contributor here for over a year now - not at all one of those drive-by scammers fishing for a victim.


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@CPK - first, I did not take it personally (as we're on the Internet) but do you feel this attitude is OK? I know you for some years on these boards and I can bet you wouldn't act that way. 

1. posting 5 coins where the preliminary assumptions were far from the truth 

2. I (and another member) provide correct attributions

3. no reply, except the part with the disapointment after a few days. 

For me the solution is clear - I will only help in attributions when a member proves to be polite. I am sorry $5 coins are not $500 coins but this is life. 

The discussion between @seth77 and me was related to different scenarios. 

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4 hours ago, ambr0zie said:

@CPK - first, I did not take it personally (as we're on the Internet) but do you feel this attitude is OK? I know you for some years on these boards and I can bet you wouldn't act that way. 

1. posting 5 coins where the preliminary assumptions were far from the truth 

2. I (and another member) provide correct attributions

3. no reply, except the part with the disapointment after a few days. 

For me the solution is clear - I will only help in attributions when a member proves to be polite. I am sorry $5 coins are not $500 coins but this is life. 

The discussion between @seth77 and me was related to different scenarios. 

I understand your feelings, and as I said certainly a word of thanks was in order. If someone routinely behaves like that I tend to lose interest in helping as well. All I'm trying to do is give Amarmur the benefit of the doubt - after all we all forget to say 'thank you' sometimes. As for the preliminary assumptions, we all start somewhere and what may be obvious to some of us isn't so much for a beginner.

From my observations in the past I think the OP is an honest contributing member and I'd hate to see him piled on just because of this thread.

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Thank you for helping me Id the coins. Yes it happens, I'm not fishing for the victim. I got it from 1 dealer, went around to some other tables for help with attribution. It is reasonable to misidentify the senate coin as cleopatra because the portrait is actually very similar. Dealers are just people, even ancient coin dealers aren't experts on everything. 

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