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Some recent world copper/silver purchases

The Eidolon

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My local coin shop had purchased a decent-sized collection, so I picked out a few to get before them got mixed in with the rest of the stock.  (Or is it before other collectors had the chance to grab them first?)  Here are 3 unpackaged coppers I got for $17 total.

USSR 3 Kopeck 1924.  I like early Soviet coppers, but I don't find them very often.  This one was in passably good shape.1481470240_USSR3Kopeck1924.jpg.1af22db948c14b0925f1cc0cfcbc6d1c.jpg

And two from Japan:  1 Sen Meiji 34 1901 and 2 Sen Meiji 8 1875.  The sunburst Meiji 1 sen is a new type for me, though I have the Taisho version, which is almost the same.  I have lots of 2 sen coins, but I am gradually working on a date set.  There was a big stack of Meiji dragon 1 sen coins, but they weren't priced yet and the shopkeeper gets annoyed if I ask him to price too many loose coins when there are other customers in the store...  Sometimes I can get them to accept an offer for a set of loose coins as a lot to save them the trouble of looking them up, but often they don't go for it. It's usually a pretty good deal when it works, though.1890086560_Japan1SenMeiji341901.jpg.25e5edf3fed20088959a95334b34c8f3.jpg


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