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A lot of Lucilla!

Michael Stolt

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It has been a good while since I posted here, quite a lot of things have happened since. Among them, I decided it was time for something new, that new being Lucilla.

I have always had a soft spot for her coinage and I have been admiring her coins from a distance, while having other focal points, collection wise. 

Having parted with my remaining Roman Republican coins, I have spent the past few months acquiring coins of Lucilla, both imperial and provincial types.

The main focal point for imperial lies on pre World War II pedigreed coins of her, and I have been fortunate enough to find five so far, all were listed for sale without any provenance attached to them, so they were rediscovered by me. Over the past few months I have built an immense photo file with pedigreed coins of her, nearly 400 of them, so provenance hunting has become very quick and easy. 

Her coinage in general is quite badly researched, and as many empresses, her coinage is fairly underappreciated, which thankfully in most cases keeps prices of the coins quite low. 

I will share the provincial coins of her in a future post, until then, here are the imperial ones acquired so far, ordered by RIC number:



Lucilla. Æ Sestertius (30mm 22.00 g). Rome, AD 164-169. LVCILLA AVGVSTA, draped bust to right / FECVNDITAS, Fecunditas seated to left, nursing a child, in front and behind her two children, both raising their arms.; S C in exergue. RIC III 1737 (Aurelius).

Note: Fourth (possibly fifth) known specimen, and the finest known of this very rare type with Fecunditas seated left.



Lucilla. Æ Sestertius (30mm 21.27 g). Rome, AD 164-167. LVCILLAE AVG ANTONINI AVG F, draped bust to right. / HILARITAS, Hilaritas standing to left holding long palm and cornucopiae; S-C across fields. RIC III 1742 (Aurelius).

Provenance: Monnaies romaines, consulaires & impériales, monnaies byzantines provenant des collections du colonel Allotte de la Fuÿe (2e vente) : 4-5 mai 1925 / Fernand Lair-Dubreuil, commissaire-priseur ; Florange et Ciani ; Jules Florange, expert ; Louis Ciani, expert. Lot 295.



Lucilla. Æ As (25mm 11.68g). Rome, mid AD 164. LVCILLA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / IVNO REGINA, Juno standing left, holding patera and scepter; at feet to left, peacock standing left. RIC III 1752 (Aurelius).

Provenance: Ex. Numismatik Lanz Auktion 94 - Sammlung Leo Benz - Römische Kaiserzeit I - München, 22 November 1999, lot 661.

Ex. Ars Classica VIII - Catalogue de monnaies romaines antiques: en or, argent et bronze ; composant la collection de feu Clarence S. Bement de Philadelphie (U.S.A.) ; dont la vente aura lieu aux enchères publiques les 25, 26, 27 et 28 juin 1924 dans les salles de l'Hôtel Schweizerhof à Lucerne, lot 1093.

Ex. Duplicates from the Imperial Habsburg collection - Brüder Egger XXXIX - Griechische Münzen, römische Münzen: Doubletten der Münzensammlungen des Allerhöchsten Kaiserhauses und aus anderem Besitz ; die öffentliche Versteigerung findet statt: 15. Januar 1912 und folgende Tage, lot 1048.



Lucilla. Æ Sestertius (30mm 20.93 g). Rome, AD 164-169. LVCILLAE AVG ANTONINI AVG F, draped bust to right. / PIETAS / S - C, Pietas, veiled, standing front, holding acerrum and dropping incense onto lighted altar to left. RIC III 1756 (Aurelius).

Provenance: Ex. P. & P. Santamaria - Numismatici Roma - 'Collezione Del Sig. Conte B. de P. e di altro distinto collezionista.' - 25 May 1926, lot 546.



Lucilla. Æ Sestertius (30mm 26.83 g). Rome, AD 164-169. LVCILLAE AVG ANTONINI AVG F, draped bust to right. / PIETAS / S - C, Pietas, veiled, standing front, holding acerrum and dropping incense onto lighted altar to left. RIC III 1756 (Aurelius).

Provenance: Adolph E. Cahn - Sammlung Dr. Paul Friese in Berlin. - römische Kaisermünzen: Versteigerung vom 23. bis 26. Februar 1920 (Katalog Nr. 40) — Frankfurt a. M., lot 608.



Lucilla. Æ As (25mm 10.73 g). Rome, circa AD 164. LVCILLAE AVG ANTONINI AVG F, draped bust right / PIETAS, Pietas, veiled, standing front, holding acerrum and dropping incense onto lighted altar to left. RIC III 1757 (Aurelius).

Provenance: Ex. Collection of the Princes of Waldeck in Arolsen - Münzhandlung Basel - Römische Bronzemünzen einer alten fürstlichen Sammlung. Donnerstag, den 28. Juni 1934 in Basel (Katalog Nr. 1), lot 1465.



Lucilla. Æ As (25mm 11.06 g). Rome, AD 163-164. LVCILLAE AVG ANTONINI AVG F, draped bust right. / VENUS, Venus seated left holding Victory and sceptre. RIC III 1774 (Aurelius).

Note: Very scarce type, difficult to find in good grade.



Lucilla. Æ Sestertius (31mm 25.20 g). Rome, AD 161-162. LVCILLAE AVG ANTONINI AVG F, draped bust right / VESTA, Vesta standing left, holding palladium and sacrificing with simpulum over lighted altar to left. RIC III 1779 (Aurelius).

Note: A common type, but in exceptional grade, coupled with one of the finest patinas I have seen in hand.


Edited by Michael Stolt
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Those are very beautiful coins with painstaking provenances. Definitely a group to be proud of.

I only have one coin from Lucilla.


Lucilla (daughter of M. Aurelius)
AR Denarius. Rome, 164-180 CE
3.15g, 18mm, 6h
LVCILLAE AVG ANTONINI AVG F, draped bust to right
PIETAS, Pietas standing to left, draped and veiled, raising arm over lighted altar and holding perfume box.
RIC III 775 (Aurelius); BMCRE 317 (Aurelius and Verus); RSC 50
Ex Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger

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What an excellent endeavor! Thanks for sharing. Though I am sad to read that you got rid of your amazing RR collection, I am excited to see more of your lovelies and their wild provenance. 

Here is a sestertius of the lovely lady:


LUCILLA Sestertius, RIC 1779, Vesta


REVERSE: VESTA, S-C, Vesta standing left, holding palladium and sacrificing with simpulum over lighted altar to left

Struck at Rome, 161-161 AD

30.4 mm, 21.89g AD ex @Bing CT

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I agree that Lucilla sometimes goes unnoticed and this is very good news. 

One of my favorite denarii:


18 mm, 2,89 g.
Lucilla 164-182 AD. AR denarius. Rome. 164-180.
LVCILLA AVGVSTA, bust of Lucilla, bare-headed, hair waved and fastened in a bun on back of head, draped, right / VENVS VICTRIX, Venus, draped with right breast bare, standing left, holding Victory in extended right hand and resting left hand on shield set on ground.
RIC III Marcus Aurelius 786; Sear 5492; RSC 89.


and a sestertius 


30 mm, 20,6 g.
Lucilla. Augusta 164-182. Æ sestertius. Rome. 164-169.
LVCILLA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / IVNO, Juno seated left, holding patera and sceptre, S C across fields.
RIC III Marcus Aurelius 1746.

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Beautiful coins, @Michael Stolt. I should have this very nice portrait of Lucilla myself, purchased from Kölner Münzkabinett a year ago in January 2023, ex Peus 2008:


Sadly, it disappeared in the mail and never arrived; nor was it ever returned to Kölner to the best of my knowledge. I did get a refund, but I'd much rather have the coin! So if you should ever happen to come across this specimen for sale, it's actually stolen goods and I'd appreciate your letting me know so I can notify Kölner.

Edited by DonnaML
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On 1/18/2024 at 9:35 AM, Michael Stolt said:

Having parted with my remaining Roman Republican coins, I have spent the past few months acquiring coins of Lucilla, both imperial and provincial types.

You collection has come along way in a short amount of time. They are excellent coins. 
Someone else collected them, too, and sold them off in 2016. The auction catalog M&M Gmbh 44 (Nov. 25, 2016) had 74 coins of Lucilla. I recalled one catalog had lots of her coins and I searched this page to remind myself which one:

I have some Lucilla coins, not from that auction:


RIC 759. Sear II 5480


19-18 mm, 3,41 grams.
RIC 792. Sear II 5495.
Rare. Reka-Devnia had 2 in contrast to 53 of the next type:


18 mm. 3.42 grams.
RIC 791. Sear II 5494
Commemorates her second marriage--after Lucius Verus died.


19-18 mm. 3.95 grams.
This one has a different style--I might say fine style. 


Sestertius. 32-30 mm. 28.58 grams.
RIC 1742. Sear II 5500.

Edited by Valentinian
typo fixed
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Great coins @Michael Stolt and pre-WW2 provenance rediscovered is impressive.  I must have missed a story about "Having parted with my remaining Roman Republican coins".....Here are two more Lucillae for the thread - unfortunately neither with known pre-WW2 provenance.  The first a worn Lucilla that I nevertheless find attractive.


Lucilla (Augusta, 164-182). Sestertius. Rome.
Obv: LVCILLAE AVG ANTONINI AVG F., draped bust right.
Rev: HILARITAS / S - C, Hilaritas standing left, holding long palm and cornucopiae.
Ref: RIC 1742 (Marcus Aurelius)

and the second a less worn VENUS


Lucilla Æ Sestertius. Rome, AD 164-169.

Obv: LVCILLAE AVG M ANTONINI AVG F, draped bust to right

Rev: VENVS, Venus seated to left, holding winged Victory and sceptre; S-C across fields.

Ref: RIC III 1776 (Marcus Aurelius)

Edited by Sulla80
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Nice Lucilla coins with great pedigree, @Michael Stolt. I like her various hairstyles and portraits. I also enjoy pairing up my Lucilla with Faustina Junior coins to become "mother and daughter" coin pairs. Here are a few I picked up:

Lucilla, wife of Lucius Verus AD 161-169, AR Denarius (18mm, 3.19 gram) Rome
Obv: LVCILLA AVGVSTA; draped bust r.
Rev: FECVNDITAS; Fecunditas seated r., holding child, young girl standing before her
RIC 765

Lucilla. AR Denarius 3.36g. 19mm. 164-169 A.D. Rome Mint
Rev: VENUS. Venus standing l., holding apple and sceptre.
RIC III 784; RSC II 70


Lucilla AD 164-169. Rome. Sestertius Æ
31mm., 23,06g.
LVCILLA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / PIETAS, S - C, Pietas standing left, holding acerrum and extending hand over lighted altar at feet to left.
RIC III 1755 (Marcus Aurelius).


Lucilla. Augusta, AD 161-162. AV Aureus. Rome Mint.
Struck under Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus. 
Obv: LVCILLΛE ΛVG ΛN TONINIΛVG F, draped bust right, hair waved and knotted low at back in chignon 
Rev: VOTΛ/ PVBLI/CΛ •/ • in three lines within laurel wreath. 
RIC III 790 (Aurelius); MIR 18, 22-2(a) – (same obv. die as illustration on pl. 5, 22-2/10); Calicó 2219a (same rev. die as illustration); BMCRE 327 (Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus; same rev. die); Biaggi 979 (same rev. die); J. Hirsch XVIII, lot 1008 (same dies). 
18mm, 6.07 g, 12h.

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Be careful!! Coins of the Antonine women are addictive!! Pretty soon you'll be collecting Lucilla's coins by hairstyle!! I have too many Lucillas to post. Here is one with Salus to send healing vibes to any of our members who are fighting disease. 

Lucilla, AD 164-169.
Roman orichalcum dupondius, 11.49 g, 24.88 mm, 6 h.
Rome, AD 166.
Obv: LVCILLAE AVG ANTONINI AVG F, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: SALVS SC, Salus standing left, feeding snake arising from altar.
Refs: RIC 1761; BMCRE 1186; Cohen 67; RCV 5521.

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10 hours ago, happy_collector said:

Nice Lucilla coins with great pedigree, @Michael Stolt. I like her various hairstyles and portraits. I also enjoy pairing up my Lucilla with Faustina Junior coins to become "mother and daughter" coin pairs. Here are a few I picked up:

Lucilla, wife of Lucius Verus AD 161-169, AR Denarius (18mm, 3.19 gram) Rome
Obv: LVCILLA AVGVSTA; draped bust r.
Rev: FECVNDITAS; Fecunditas seated r., holding child, young girl standing before her
RIC 765

Lucilla. AR Denarius 3.36g. 19mm. 164-169 A.D. Rome Mint
Rev: VENUS. Venus standing l., holding apple and sceptre.
RIC III 784; RSC II 70


Lucilla AD 164-169. Rome. Sestertius Æ
31mm., 23,06g.
LVCILLA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / PIETAS, S - C, Pietas standing left, holding acerrum and extending hand over lighted altar at feet to left.
RIC III 1755 (Marcus Aurelius).


Lucilla. Augusta, AD 161-162. AV Aureus. Rome Mint.
Struck under Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus. 
Obv: LVCILLΛE ΛVG ΛN TONINIΛVG F, draped bust right, hair waved and knotted low at back in chignon 
Rev: VOTΛ/ PVBLI/CΛ •/ • in three lines within laurel wreath. 
RIC III 790 (Aurelius); MIR 18, 22-2(a) – (same obv. die as illustration on pl. 5, 22-2/10); Calicó 2219a (same rev. die as illustration); BMCRE 327 (Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus; same rev. die); Biaggi 979 (same rev. die); J. Hirsch XVIII, lot 1008 (same dies). 
18mm, 6.07 g, 12h.

You have the "golden" version of my AR Denarius! Beautifull!


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