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Help with creation of identification flip inserts


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Hello All,

I was wondering if anyone had something like a google docs mask that they use to print out coin identification inserts for their flips. I had a document that had 3 columns and was perfectly set up but sometime ago something got messed up and I can't for the life of me get the settings back the way they were supposed to be. I've been working on this stupid thing for an hour and a half and am at my wits end.

I am trying to print something out that will fit in a standard 1.5x1.5 flip

If you know how to set up a google docs so I can make them, or can share a mask you use I would greatly appreciate it. 

Here is an example of what I had before:


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I have a Word template I used for 2x2 flips but nothing for 1.5". If you want to use it I can send it to you.

Then I bought a label printer which works great for printing one-off flip labels. That way I didn't have to wait till I filled out a whole 8x11 or waste a sheet of paper printing only a couple labels.

That's a very attractive little silver coin, by the way!

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I just checked and the flips are 1 7/8"...so essentially 2".  If you don't mind, I'd like to try out that word doc. 

The label maker sounds like a good investment. After the struggle and wasted time/paper/ink perhaps that is the way I need to go.

I do love that coin. I am always a sucker for a Nike and the best part: I actually won it from a @JAZ Numismatics auction the night my youngest was born. 🙂

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I had sheets of inserts for the 2x2 flips, but when I changed to mylar they didn't quite fit. So now I have to trim about 1/16" off the top and bottom to use them.

When i started collecting I used color coded index cards in an old Remington portable typewriter. I had 17 spaces on five lines to describe the coin, then trimmed them down with scissors, which was a definite upgrade from my old hammer and chisel!

~ Peter 

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3 hours ago, Furryfrog02 said:

I just checked and the flips are 1 7/8"...so essentially 2".  If you don't mind, I'd like to try out that word doc. 

The label maker sounds like a good investment. After the struggle and wasted time/paper/ink perhaps that is the way I need to go.

I do love that coin. I am always a sucker for a Nike and the best part: I actually won it from a @JAZ Numismatics auction the night my youngest was born. 🙂

Sure! I don't know if this will work but I just uploaded it like a photo here...if not let me know and I can try something different.

It's not much, just an outlined grid of the right size with each cell being its own editable space - but I found it useful. 

2x2 coin flip labels V.2 outline.doc

Anyone else feel free to download/use it if you want!

The printer was a game-changer for me. The print quality is actually very good, able to print very small size font clearly and sharply. The editing program it comes with is easy to use as well. And of course the biggest advantage is that I can create single labels at a time very quickly without wasting sheets of paper.

The labels are printed on sticker paper and need to be trimmed with scissors. I stick them onto the cardboard inserts that came with the 2x2 archival flips.

I bought mine refurbished on Amazon, here's the direct link in case you are interested: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07MRGX4VL/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Here's what the editing software looks like. As you can see you can define the boundaries of the text however you want, so you can print perfectly sized labels even if the sticker tape roll is not the perfect size.


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