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Control Marks on a Pentanummi?


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I’m assuming the answer here is no, just damage, but I have a lowly Justinian 1 sb 241, 1.82g from Antioch with interesting parallel scrapes which remind me of filling marks “control marks” to adjust coin weight.

I saw one other mention of this a while ago on a Facebook coin group, before then I just considered it a damaged coin.

I can’t see the need to control weight on such a coin, but the uniformity of the lines makes me wonder if this was purposely done. Anyone come across similar examples?IMG_4216.jpeg.d5ace6923f962f7760cc2a720f5780ec.jpegIMG_4217.jpeg.7ab95620555cb18b505ca3fbd85b5130.jpeg

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I have an Anastasius follis from Constantinople, 507-12,  (13.19 gr. 26.7 mm. 6 hr. Sear 16; Hahn 23; DO 20b; BNP 25-26; BM 37-38) that has deliberately filed notches, 8 on the obverse rim, and 9 on the reverse. Its weight is exceptionally heavy for the first reform coinage which averages between  8-9 gr. I quickly dismissed my initial thought that it was done perhaps to bring the weight in line. One would not expend the energy for such a low value coin. It more likely was converted by the notches to a weight of 3 nomismata. For similar coins converted to weights by this method, see K. Weber: “Late antiquity weights. The second life of antique and late antique coins”, in Maß und Gewicht 16 (2014 Mai), #14, 161.

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