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Hello i need help from france for différent reales silver coins

Christophe 77

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Je commence une nouvelle collection de pièces de monnaie mais malheureusement je ne semble pas avoir les compétences pour repérer un vrai d'une imitation
Permettez-moi de vous envoyer des photos de mes récentes acquisitions
Qu'est-ce qui vous semble authentique ?

Merci beaucoup pour votre aide et bonne journée à tous



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6 minutes ago, ominus1 said:

..France?!?....don't you mean 'Spain'?....:)

Presumably, he means he is French.

It'd be very hard to say which are authentic from those photos. Perhaps only which are not authentic. I'd say the bottom four need a closer look.

Edited by John Conduitt
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Thank you for the answer


I mean I’m in France 


And I want to buy these Spanish reales


Apparently they were bought at auction and would therefore be authentic 

Why do you think certains IS Fake?

The seller want to sell me the all coins for 500e

What do you thinks?

Thanks and good day 

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Bonjour @Christophe 77. Welcome to Nvmis Forvms. I collect Spanish colonial pieces of eight. Unfortunately, I'm not knowledgeable enough, to know if your coins are authentic. Je ne sais pas (I think that means "I don't know", if I remember correctly, from my middle school, high school, and college French classes, from long ago). Perhaps you could make some progress, if you search the following web site, for your coin types, and compare your coins to those examples :   https://www.acsearch.info/ 

For example, you can search for "8 reales"

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If you do not have the numismatic experience to determine if these coins are real or not then I would not buy them unless they are coming from a major numismatic company. There are so many fakes out there from random people and eBay you're taking a real chance buying them from someone who's not a reputable coin dealer. For 500 Euros you could get a really nice  eight realest and probably some additional coins from a major dealer such as found on MA-shops.com or vcoins.com. They also guarantee the authenticity of their coins for life. Anytime a deal seems too good to be true it probably is.

Good luck!


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