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Coins from the Troad


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Perhaps one of the easiest and most rewarding ancient regions to collect is the Troad, also called Troas. Perhaps a sign of how populous it was, most of its coins are common.

Defining which cities were in the Troad can be challenging because unfortunately all of the "Welcome to the Troad" signs that visitors would see on the road have been lost to history. Its boundaries were debated in ancient times. Therefore, my coins below are somewhat arbitrary.

Please show off your coins from the Troad!

Since it was such an important crossing point, pretty much anyone who was famous in ancient times passed through Abydos.


Troas, Abydos
Circa 4th-3rd centuries BCE
Æ 7.23g, 20mm, 12h
Laureate head of Apollo to right
Eagle standing to right; ABY to left, facing bust of Artemis to right.
SNG Copenhagen 25. 


Achilleion was named after, of course, Achilles. It was a great place to pick up his memorabilia.


Troas. Achilleion/Achaion
circa 350-300 BCE
Æ 10 mm, 0,97 g
Crested helmet left
Civic monogram
SNG Ashmolean –; SNG Copenhagen 64

Alexandreia was originally founded by Antigonos I Monophthalmos as Antigoneia, then renamed shortly afterwards. Many of its original inhabitants came from Neandria, hence the similar coin types.


Troas, Alexandria Troas
281-261 BCE
AE 22mm 8.03g
Head of Apollo right
Horse feeding right, palm to right, grain ear in exergue "ΑΛΕΞΑΝ-ΔΡΕΩΝ"
Bellinger A28c


Antandros was famous in ancient times for its timber.


Troas, Antandros
c. 350-340 BCE
Æ 11mm, 1.43g, 12h
Laureate head of Apollo r.
R/ Head of lion three-quarters r.
Cf. SNG Arikantürk 263-5


Assos was a very important city in the Troad because it had the only good harbor.


Troas, Assos
ca 400-241 BCE
AE 10mm 1.2g
Ox: Head of Athena right, in crested Attic helmet
Rx: AS-SI around Bucranium; two handled vase above
SNG Copenhagen 243 var. (symbol on reverse); BMC Troas pg. 37, 8; SNG von Aulock 1496; Laffaille -


The coins of Birytis are extremely common, but we know next to nothing about the city.


Troas, Birytis
4th-3rd centuries BCE
Æ 11.5mm, 1.17g, 12h
Head of Kabeiros l., wearing pileos; two stars above.
R/ Club within wreath.
BMC 1; SNG Copenhagen 247; SNG von Aulock 1502

Dardanos was named from the Greek version of Noah's flood.


Troas. Dardanos
circa 300-200 BCE
Æ 11 mm, 1,08 g


Gargara was originally founded on Mount Ida, but the inhabitants moved it lower because the higher elevation was too cold.


Troas, Gargara
4th century BCE
Æ 17mm, 5.37g, 12h
Laureate head of Apollo r. R/ Horse running r.; thunderbolt below.
SNG Copenhagen 316 var. (symbol); SNG von Aulock -; BMC 5


The priestesses of Artemis were called 'bees', hence the image of one on this coin from Gentinos.


Troas, Gentinos
4th century BCE
Æ 14mm, 1.94g, 3h
Female head (Artemis?) r.
R/ Bee; palm tree to lower l.
Bellinger 145; SNG München 194-6; SNG Copenhagen 335


Gergis was the birthplace of the Herophile sybil, who is depicted on this coin.


Troas, Gentinos
4th century BCE
Æ 14mm, 1.94g, 3h
Female head (Artemis?) r.
R/ Bee; palm tree to lower l.
Bellinger 145; SNG München 194-6; SNG Copenhagen 335


Hamaxitos was founded when a horde of mice ate the leather and provisions of a party. Mice would come to be worshipped there.


Troas, Hamaxitos
10.61mm, 1.52g 4th Century BCE
Obverse: Laureate head of Apollo Smintheos right
Reverse: ΑΜΑ-ΞΙ, lyre
SNG Copenhagen 341


A number of years ago, a famous battle was fought near Ilion. A guy named Homer wrote a book about it.


Troas, Ilion (Troy)
301-281 BCE
AE 9mm 0.81g
Helmeted head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with a wreath /
IΛ-I; hydria.
Bellinger T3; SNG Cop 346


Kebren was a strong city, as evidenced by its coins, but its ruins have never been found. 


Troas, Kebren
circa 400-310 BCE
Æ 10 mm, 0,98 g
Laureate head of Apollo to right /
Head of ram to right; K below.
SNG Copenhagen 263-4; BMC 23-27


Lysimachos controlled Kebren for some time, but after he died it was renamed for a short period to Antiocheia.


Troas, Kebren (as Antiocheia)
Circa 281-261 BCE
AE 17 mm, 3.62 g, 3 h
 B-K Laureate head of Apollo to right.
Rev. ΑΝΤΙΟ-XEΩΝ Head of a ram to right; behind, club.
SNG Copenhagen 272-3. SNG von Aulock -


Kolone literally means 'hill mound', which explains why there were multiple cities with the name.


TROAS. Kolone
4th century BCE
Chalkous AE 15.5 mm, 3.79 g
Helmeted head of Athena to right. Rev. KOΛΩNAEΩN between the rays of an eight-pointed star.
SNG Copenhagen 277. SNG von Aulock 1552


The historian Ephoros, who hailed from Kyme, remarked that his fellow citizens sat idly for hundreds of years while things were happening elsewhere. It seems debated whether Kyme was in the Troad or Aeolis.


Aeolis. Kyme. Proitos, magistrate
350-250 BCE 11.16mm 1.22g
Obverse: ΠPOI, eagle standing right
Reverse: K-Y, oenochoe
SNG Turkey 9.2 223
Ex Gorny & Mosch Auction 170 (13 October 2008), lot 3214 (part)


Strabo placed Lamponeia in Aeolis, but Herodotos wrote that it was in the Troad.


Troas, Lamponeia
4th century BCE
AE 13mm 1.89g
Obv: head of Dionysos right, wearing ivy wreath
Rev: ΛΑΜ, Facing bull's head; kantharos above
SNG Copenhagen 445


Most scholars believe Larissa Ptolemais was the 'Larissa' referred to in the Iliad, and not Larissa Phrikonis.


Troas, Larissa-Ptolemais
400-300 BCE
AE 16mm 3.89g
Female head in sakkos left
Amphora, kerykeion to left, grape bunch above, grain to right


Pausanias wrote “The land around Lebedos is a happy one; in particular its hot baths are more numerous and more pleasant than any others on the coast.”


Ionia. Lebedos-Ptolemais
circa 375-350 BCE
Æ 11 mm, 1,18 g
Obv: Head of Athena left, wearing corinthian helmet.
Prow left.
BMC -; SNG von Aulock -; SNG Copenhagen -; SNG München -; SNG Tübingen -.
Apparently Unpublished


Most of Neandria became Alexandria, which is evident from the similarities in coins. This was the last coinage of Neandria, as opposed to the first coinage of Alexandria above.


Troas, Neandreia
350 - 310 BCE
AE 17mm 3.94g
Laureate head of Apollo right /
NEAN; horse grazing right; in exergue, corn grain.
SNG von Aulock 1528


Hector was supposedly buried in Ophrynion, and this coin bears his image.


Troas. Ophrynion
circa 350-300 BCE
Æ 12 mm, 1,73 g
Bearded head of Hector of Troy facing, turned slightly to the right, wearing triple crested helmet /
ΟΦΡΥ, the infant Dionysos kneeling right atop ivy branch, holding grape cluster in right hand.
SNG Copenhagen 456; SNG von Aulock 1559.


Sigeion means 'quiet place' in Greek, which was humorous since it lay on a promontory famous for violent storms. This coin is believed to have been minted by the Athenian general Chares.


Troas, Sigeion Circa
Issued by Chares
350 BCE AE12 2.06g
Helmeted head of Athena right
Owl standing right, head facing
BMC 19-20


Skamandria was mentioned by Pliny as a small city a mile and a half from its harbor. We don't know much else about it.


Troas, Skamandria
c. 350-300 BCE
Æ 19mm, 5.04g, 3h
Wreathed head of nymph Ida r. R/ Fir tree; Σ-K flanking.
SNG Copenhagen 464.


During Roman times, a collector happened across the decaying works of Aristotle in a basement in Skepsis. He purchased and sent them to Rome, where they were preserved for our times.


TROAS. Skepsis
Circa 400-310 BCE
AE 11 mm, 1.23 g
Forepart of Pegasos to left
Rev. Σ-Κ Palm tree; all within linear square
SNG Copenhagen 477. SNG München 329


Zeleia was the headquarters of the Persians before the Battle of the Granicus. I believe this coin was minted by Nikagoras of Zeleia.


Mysia, Zeleia
Nikagoras of Zeleia(?)
4th century BCE
Æ 12mm, 1.65 gm, 5h
Obv: Head of Artemis (Hermes?) left, wearing stephane decorated with pellets.
Rev: Z-Ε/Λ-Ε, stag standing left.
BMC__; SNG Copenhagen__;SNG France__; SNG Ashmolean__
Unrecorded in the major references with bust and stag left




Edited by kirispupis
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Assos is all  I've got. But good  enough for pre-Macedon Aristotle (he had an academy there) , Luke and St Paul (both mentioned there in the Bible).

Assos. Circa 500-475 BC. AR Drachm  ob the   Chian standard. Griffin springing l / Head of roaring lion r within incuse square.




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I love it, @kirispupis!! Quite a plethora of Troadic beauties indeed!!!

I could bore you all with Tyche and Valerian coins of Alexandria, but I'm not. I'm going to post a coin from a city that was UNDOUBTEDLY in the Troad -- TROY ITSELF!!!

This one features the Trojan prince, Hector!


Faustina II, 147-175 CE.
Roman provincial Æ 24.5 mm, 8.60 g, 7 h.
Troas, Ilium, issue 4, c. 164-166 CE.
Obv: ΦΑVϹΤΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤ, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: ΕΚΤΩΡ ΙΛΙΕΩΝ, helmeted Hector advancing right, holding fire brand and shield.
Refs: RPC IV.2, 98 (temporary); SNG Munich 247; von Fritze Ilion 72.

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Just the one. Suppose Troas similar to Alexandria, tons of them.


Antiochus Hierax
Mint: Alexandria Troas
AR Tetradrachm
242 to 227 BC
Obvs: Diademed head of Antiochus Hierax with prominant cheekbone.
Revs: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ on r., ANTIOXOY on l., partially nude, with slight drapery on thigh, Apollo seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow that has pellets that symbolize the handle. Horse symbol in exergue and two control monograms in left field.
29x30mm, 16.35g
Ref: Sear GCV 6919; SC 877.2; HGC 9, 405g(R1)

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Here is a coin from Tenedos 


Troas. Tenedos circa 480-450 BC. Obol AR 7 mm, 0,52 g.
Janiform head of female, facing left, and bearded male (Philonome and Tenes), facing right / Labrys (double axe) within shallow incuse; T-E across fields.
SNG München 340; SNG Copenhagen 509; HGC 6, 387; SNG von Aulock 7666.




Troas. Gargara circa 400-300 BC.
Bronze Æ
7 mm, 0,63 g
Troas, Gargara AE9. ca 350 BC, Laureate head of Apollo right. / ΓAΡ above horse galloping right.
Lindgren 362; SNG AUL 7599, SNG AUL 1511, SNG LEIPZIG 1113, SNG COP 20 331




Troas. Kebren circa 500-400 BC.
Diobol AR
8 mm, 0,99 g
Troas. Kebren circa 500-400 BC. Diobol. ΚΕΒΡΕΝ, ram's head to right / Quadripartite incuse square. BMFA 1632; Rosen 530; SNG Copenhagen 254; SNG von Aulock 1544; Traité II, 2, 2326 and pl. CLXIV, 15.

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Nice coins everybody. I have a few:


Asia Minor
Alexandria, Troas
Year 253-268, Time of Gallienus
Obv: CO ALE AV , Turreted and draped bust of Tyche right; to left, vexillum inscribed CO/AV in two lines.
Rev: COL AVG TROA , Marsyas standing right, on pedestal, right hand raised and holding wine-skin over his shoulder
Æ, 7.4 g, 22-23mm
Ref.: Bellinger A497, SNG Copenhagen 103, SNG von Aulock 1463.



Asia Minor, Troas
Ae10, 350-250 BC
Obv.: Laureate head of Apollo right
Rev.: ANTAN , Head of a roaring lion right, grapes above A
AE, 0.99g, 9.60mm
Ref.: SNG Copenhagen 218 var. (no grapes), BMC Troas pg. 34, 8



Asia Minor, Troas
AE13, 4th Century B.C.
Obv.: horseman galloping right, wearing petasos and chlamys flying behind
Rev.: cock standing right, ∆AP downward on right
AE, 2.739g, maximum diameter 12.7mm, die axis 180deg
Ref.: SNG Cop 293; SNGvA 1504; SNG München 177; SNG Tübingen 2582; BMC Troas p. 49, 8; McClean 7812; Weber 5363


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No coins, but I understand that the Troad refers to Troy and its hinterland.  There is one book, never read, Bellinger, Troy the coins.  What's in there is a mystery. Anyone wish to enlighten me? I also understand it's a bit old and Arthur Bellinger has been dead for decades.

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Nice thorough collection of coins from Troas @kirispupis!  Are you missing any hard to get cities?




Troas, Zeleia. AE10. 4th c. BC.

Obv: Head of Artemis right, wearing stephane.
Rev: Ζ E / Λ E. Monogram (or torque) within wreath of grain ears.
SNG Copenhagen 503-4.




Troas, Neandria. AE unit, 11 mm, 1.12 g. 4th century BC.

Obv: Laureate head of Apollo left.
Rev: N-E-A-N with dots between each letter, barley corn.



Troas, Assus. Vespasian Æ18.

Obv: ΟΥƐϹΠΑϹΙΑΝΟϹ ϹƐΒΑϹΤΟϹ / laureate head of Vespasian, r.
Rev: ΑϹϹΙΩΝ / helmeted head of Athena, r.


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11 minutes ago, AncientOne said:

Nice thorough collection of coins from Troas @kirispupis!  Are you missing any hard to get cities?


There are no cities I'm aware of in the Troad that I don't have - that minted coins from 350-250 BCE at least. Of course, I'm always learning of new ones.

I also have a coin from Tenedos, though it's before this period. It's one of the first ancient coins I bought.


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it turns out that one of my recent addition is a coin minted in Troad.


Lysimachos. Gold Stater (8.53 g)
Alexandria Troas, ca. 297/6-282/1 BC. 
A/ Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. 
R/ BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAΧOY, Athena seated left on throne without ornament, holding Nike and resting arm on shield set behind her; 
leaning against her far side, spear; in left field, monogram; in exergue, eagle head. 
Thompson 141.

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