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First Coins of the Year and Fun Update! 😃


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Hi Coin Friends,

Its been a while, how’s is everyone?

I got hit with depression for a while and it sucked, like it always does.  But, I have really exciting news after I share our first coins of the year. 😃

First, I’ve added a new ‘reptile’ coin and it happens to be my first Roman Republic. 🙂


When I participated in the Secret Saturnalia, my brother helped me purchase the coin I wanted to get for my giftee.  I never actually heard from the person, so I don’t know if they got it or if they liked it. 😞

Anyway, as reimbursement, I gave my brother the gift voucher I won from @YOTHR a few months back.  With it, he purchased this great Domitian denarius.  Pic courtesy of @YOTHR because mine suck. 🤪



Domitian as Caesar, RIC 921, Date 76-77 AD, Silver Denarius Rome, Pegasus, COS IIII

For the exciting update- I have new landlords that are allowing me to bring my geckos into my apartment. 🦎🦎

I am sooo excited!!

This means no coins for a while because I’m taking the opportunity to do major upgrades to their terrariums.  But, it’s well worth it!

Feel free to post anything that is completely random and irrelevant. 🤪

Have fun and stay safe. 😎



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Erin, Congrats on scoring your fascinating RR denarius 🤩. Could the creature on the obverse be a Nile River crocodile 🤔? I've never seen Apollo paired with a crocodile before, maybe there is a mythological association.... I'm sure your geckos will be happy with their new environment too ☺️.

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5 hours ago, airhead1983 said:

First, I’ve added a new ‘reptile’ coin and it happens to be my first Roman Republic. 🙂

What the…. a crocodile?! Never seen that as attribute / mintmark. That’s absolute cool. 

5 hours ago, airhead1983 said:

Anyway, as reimbursement, I gave my brother the gift voucher I won from @YOTHR a few months back.  With it, he purchased this great Domitian denarius.  Pic courtesy of @YOTHR because mine suck. 🤪

If you happy with the coin, I am happy too 🙂 


5 hours ago, airhead1983 said:

For the exciting update- I have new landlords that are allowing me to bring my geckos into my apartment

Fantastic… in my younger years my Reptils are outside - in my living room. I had a green Leguan. But after he died - I never buy a new - because all of my girlfriends don’t like visit me with a Reptil in the room 😄 

Geckos are fantastic and interesting. It’s OT - but if you want you can post one or two pictures of your geckos…

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Thanks everyone!

I was really excited to get the republic denarius.  I couldn’t find many other examples. 

I’ll never miss an opportunity to show off my cold blooded children. 😃

First is Achoo, my golden gecko.  He’s about 23 yrs old and I’ve had him for a little over 20 years.  He’s still very much like a young gecko - very active.B3297820-A2D8-43BC-A770-FF7ACB8D45AC.jpeg.97769cd12c87fe956491c5cf7b664230.jpeg

Next is Dottie, my leopard gecko.  I think she’s around 7 years old now.  She’s very shy, but, loves her super worms.


I’m hoping to be able to adopt a crested gecko in the late summer/early fall.

If I had more room, I’d get a Kenyan sand boa too.  But, that will have to wait until I get a bigger apartment.

Reptiles rule. 😎🦎


Edited by airhead1983
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