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Coins of Claudius II from Milan/Mediolanum

Orange Julius

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Hi all, 
I don’t know why I love them… but I really enjoy the scrappy coins of the 3rd century crisis years. I especially like coins of Gallienus and Claudius II. So… an era most think is one of the ugliest in Roman coinage (pre-Byzantine), is my favorite! Of Claudius II coins, I really enjoy coins of Cyzicus and Milan.

Below is a new coin I just received of Claude and more coins from Milan/Mediolanum.

Some of the photography is too dark and I need to retake images but I hope you like them anyway! As always, let’s see your Claudius II coins from Milan/Mediolanum!

Claudius II - AEQVITAS AVG - Milan - RIC V-1 137

Claudius II - VIRTVS AVG - Milan - RIC V-1 172v

Claudius II - PAX EXERC- Milan - RIC V-1 159

Claudius II - VICTORIA AVG - Milan - RIC V-1 171

Claudius II - FORTVNAE RED - Milan - RIC V-1 151

Claudius II - FELIC TENPO - Milan - RIC V-1 145v

Claudius II - PAX AVG - Milan - RIC V-1 157

Claudius II - SPES PVBLICA - Milan - RIC V-1 168

I have a few more to add that are unphotographed, I’ll edit and add those this the OP later.

Edited by Orange Julius
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36 minutes ago, hotwheelsearl said:

One of my faves from Mediolanum.


This guy has a jawline that could break rocks. Nice little splats of malachite on the portrait too. The Victoria reverse is also somewhat unusual.

That’s a nice coin, I really like the feeling of movement by the Victory figure on the reverse of these coins. I wonder what victory they are commemorating… perhaps victory over Aureolus?  

Not only did he have a great jawline but it’s said he’d knock out a horse’s teeth with one punch! 

From the always trustworthy (sarcasm alert) Historia Augusta’s The Life of Claudius:

“Now Claudius himself was noted for the gravity of his character, and noted, too, for his matchless life and a singular purity; he was sparing in his use of wine, but was not averse to food; he was tall of stature, with flashing eyes and a broad, full face, and so strong were his fingers that often by a blow of his fist he would dash out the teeth of a horse or a mule. 6 He even performed a feat of this kind as a youth in military service, while taking part in a wrestling-match between some of the strongest champions at a spectacle in the Campus Martius held in honour of Mars. 7 For, becoming angry at one fellow who grasped at his private parts instead of his belt, he dashed out all the man's teeth with one blow of his fist. This action won him favour for thus protecting decency; 8 for the Emperor Decius, who was present when this was done, publicly praised his courage and modesty and presented him with arm-rings and collars,62 but bade him withdraw from the soldiers' contests for fear he might do some more violent deed than the wrestling required.” - Historia Augusta - http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Historia_Augusta/Claudius*.html

15 minutes ago, Ancient Coin Hunter said:

Here's my Claudius II...(alive) I particularly enjoy the realistic, less stylized, portrait on this coin.



And headed to the afterlife (Milan mint)



Great coins! Ah yes! Thanks for the reminder, I do have a CONSECRATIO coin from Milan to ad!

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2 hours ago, Orange Julius said:

As always, let’s see your Claudius II coins from Milan/Mediolanum!

Claudius II - AEQVITAS AVG - Milan - RIC V-1 137

Claudius II - VIRTVS AVG - Milan - RIC V-1 172v

Don’t have a Claudius from Milan, but an Aureolus just minted a few month before your second coin. Guess where Claudius took his inspiration…


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2 hours ago, Ocatarinetabellatchitchix said:

Don’t have a Claudius from Milan, but an Aureolus just minted a few month before your second coin. Guess where Claudius took his inspiration…


That’s a cool coin! I have quite a few Gallienus, Claudius and Quintillus coins from Milan… so I have the late 260s - early 270s pretty well covered but I have yet to get an Aureolus!

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