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Probus - Lugdunum - MARS VICTOR - RIC 82 Bust Type G


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One of my collecting areas of focus is the bronze coinage of Probus from Lugdunum . The coins from the 5th Emission, created to celebrate the successful return of Probus through the city after a campaign in Gaul, introduced the more elaborate bust types. Many of these bust types are commonplace from other mints but not so from Lugdunum. I obtain them whenever I the confluence of them appearing on the market and their price allows. I hope that 2023 allows me to add a couple more but I am very happy to add this one.


Obv:– IMP C M AVR PROBVS P F AVG, Radiate, helmeted, cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield
Rev:– MARS VICTOR, Mars walking right, holding spear and trophy
Minted in Lugdunum (II) Emission 5 Officina 2. End A.D. 277 to Early A.D. 278
Reference(s) – Cohen 339. Bastien 213 (7 examples cited). RIC 82 Bust Type G (rated Scarce)

3.32 gms, 24.60 mm. 180 degrees



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18 minutes ago, maridvnvm said:

One of my collecting areas of focus is the bronze coinage of Probus from Lugdunum . The coins from the 5th Emission, created to celebrate the successful return of Probus through the city after a campaign in Gaul, introduced the more elaborate bust types. Many of these bust types are commonplace from other mints but not so from Lugdunum. I obtain them whenever I the confluence of them appearing on the market and their price allows. I hope that 2023 allows me to add a couple more but I am very happy to add this one.


Obv:– IMP C M AVR PROBVS P F AVG, Radiate, helmeted, cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield
Rev:– MARS VICTOR, Mars walking right, holding spear and trophy
Minted in Lugdunum (II) Emission 5 Officina 2. End A.D. 277 to Early A.D. 278
Reference(s) – Cohen 339. Bastien 213 (7 examples cited). RIC 82 Bust Type G (rated Scarce)

3.32 gms, 24.60 mm. 180 degrees



Nicely detailed obverse and reverse, great pick up

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Probus from Lugdunum you say? May I introduce you to my E1 (Bastien code) var. bust Attic Helmet then. I mainly go after Probus rarities from Siscia but given the opportunity for this rarity I had to get it. As you probably know the E1 (military busts) are already rare for Lugdunum, but an E1 Military Bust with an Attic style helmet rather than the standard Corinthian style is even more rare. This Probus is 5th Emission, 3rd Workshop with a MARS VICTOR reverse. An E1 Attic Helmet Probus is not listed by Bastien afaik for a Mars Victor / III reverse and I have not seen another example show up at auction or online so there is a chance that this coin is unique. 




Mint: Lugdunum

Emission: 5

Officina: 3

Ref: Bastien 239 (for regular E1 Corinthian Helmet type)

3.84 grams, 22 mm

Probus E1 Attic.jpeg

Edited by Humilau
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A beautiful example.

I have a Corinthian from Officina II


The attic variants are not given a separate entry and are generally noted within the same entry in Bastien. I will look through to see if there is mention of your type. The Attic types seem to attract a premium. 

I am aware of a IMP C M AVR PROBVS P F AVG / MARS VICTOR; / II on the market with an Attic style helmet

I do have a couple of Attic types. Neither is in great shape but they do exist.


Obv:– IMP C M AVR PROBVS AVG, Radiate, Attic helmeted, cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield, horseman on shield
Rev:– ABVNDANTIA AVG, Abundantia standing right, emptying cornucopiae
Minted in Lugdunum (IIII) Emission 5 Officina 4. End A.D. 277 to Early A.D. 278
Reference:– RIC 59 Bust type G. Cohen 5. Bastien 248


This one is seen from the rear.

Obv:– VIRTVS PROBI AVG, Radiate, Attic helmeted, cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield, seen from back
Rev:– TEMPOR FELICI, Felicitas standing right, holding caduceus and cornucopiae
Minted in Lugdunum (//I) Emission 5 Officina 1. End A. D. 277 to Early A.D. 278
Reference:– RIC 106. Cohen -, Bastien 210 


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@maridvnvmvery nice attics, even in not so great of shape they are still very nice to have. Since I said I collect some Siscia stuff I might as well show some. I am particularly found of the KA series from Siscia so I try to get those whenever I can. 

First Coin:



Mint: Siscia, 2nd emission, 3rd officina

Bust: E1

Ref: Pink: Em. 2B2

3.80 grams, 22mm

5ish known of this type


Second Coin:



Mint: Siscia, 7th Emission, 4th Officina

Bust: E1 var Parma

Ref: Alfoldi 18/6

3.59 grams, 21 mm

4 known of this type




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Nice. I have/have had a few of the KA Siscia coins. Some are very rough....

Obv:– IMP C M AVR PROBVS P F AVG, Radiate bust left in imperial mantle, holding sceptre surmounted by eagle
Rev:– CLEMENTIA TEMP, Emperor standing right, holding sceptre surmounted by eagle, receiving globe from Jupiter standing left, holding sceptre
Minted in Siscia (S / KA) Emission 7 Officina 2. A.D. 280
Reference:– Alfoldi type 17, n° 16. RIC 643 Bust type H


Obv:– IMP C M AVR PROBVS P AVG, Radiate bust left in imperial mantle, holding sceptre surmounted by eagle
Rev:– CLEMENTIA TEMP, Emperor standing right, holding sceptre surmounted by eagle, receiving globe from Jupiter standing left, holding sceptre
Minted in Siscia (P / KA) Emission 7, Officina 1. A.D. 280
Reference:– Alfoldi type 17, n° 4. RIC 646 Bust Type H (Scarce)


Obv:– IMP C PROBVS P F AVG, Radiate, cuirassed bust right
Rev:– CLEMENTIA TEMP, Emperor standing right, holding sceptre, receiving globe from Jupiter standing left, holding sceptre
Minted in Siscia (Crescent / KA)
Reference:– Alföldi. Type 18, nº 6. RIC Unlisted near 648. Unlisted with this obverse legend in RIC.


Obv:– IMP C PROBVS P F AVG, Radiate, cuirassed bust left, with spear and shield
Rev:– CLEMENTIA TEMP, Emperor standing right, holding sceptre, receiving globe from Jupiter standing left, holding sceptre
Minted in Siscia (Crescent / KA)
Reference:– Alfoldi unlisted. RIC Unlisted near 648. Unlisted with this obverse legend in RIC and Alfoldi



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@maridvnvmI think I recognize those coins of yours haha, Griffiths? The KA siscia coins are such an interesting issue to me. I get them whenever they show up at auction, unfortunately they almost never appear due to their scarcity. Sometimes I get lucky though. Its a fun series for me to collect even within the regular siscia issues I have. Although the rarer KA issues like FIDES MILITVM, SECVRITAS SAECVLI, and PM TR P COS PP may elude me for some time I still pick up KAs' whenever they hit the market to built up that small subset of my collection. Currently for my subset KA collection I have been able to find 8 individual coins with 6/8 being different 7th emission CLEMENTIA TEMP issues with the other two being the ADVENTVS PROBI AVG pictured above and a VICTORIAE AVG. 

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I have a strong liking for the 5th Issue from Lugdunum....

A few more...

Obv:– VIRTVS PROBI AVG, Radiate, helmeted, cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield, horseman on shield
Rev:– ABVNDANTIA AVG, Abundantia standing right, emptying cornucopiae
Minted in Lugdunum (IIII) Emission 5 Officina 4. End A.D. 277 to Early A.D. 278
Reference:– RIC 18 Bust type G. Bastien 252

3.21 g. 22.62 mm. 180 degrees


Obv:– VIRTVS PRO-BI AVG, Radiate, helmeted, cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield, decorated with emperor riding past row of soldiers with shields
Rev:– ADVENTVS PROBI AVG, Emperor riding left, right hand raised, left holding sceptre; at foot, captive
Minted in Lugdunum (IIII) Emission 5 Officina 4. End A.D. 277 to Early A.D. 278
References:– Cohen 69. Bastien 256 (2 examples). RIC 64 Bust Type G (S)
Appears to be an obverse die match to the plate example in Bastien


Obv:– VIRTVS PROBI AVG, Radiate, helmeted, cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield
Rev:– ADVENTVS PROBI AVG, Emperor, riding left, right hand raised, left holding sceptre; at foot, captive
Mint – Lugdunum (//III) Emission 5, Officina 3. End A. D. 277 to Early A.D. 278
Reference:– RIC 64 Bust Type G var (officina), Cohen 69, Bastien 226 (1 ex. same dies)

3.35 gms. 180 degrees. 22.19 mm.



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Lovely Medusa on the 3rd officina Adventus and great strike and silvering on the 4th officina Adventus. For as uncommon the E1 bust is at Lugdunum, a lot of them are engraved so nicely. But sadly, those die engravers at Lugdunum do really love their B type busts of Probus. 

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Nice coins!

This post reminded me I used to own a few coins of Probus.  This one is long gone but here it is...


Radiate, cuirassed bust right

Mars walking right, spear in right hand pointing forward, trophy over left shoulder; II in ex.

Officina 2
Lugdunum, 276 AD.

Edited by Jay GT4
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  • 2 months later...

I have just added another bust type to my collection.

Obv:– IMP C M AVR PROBVS AVG, Radiate, helmeted, cuirassed bust left, holding spear (no shield)
Rev:– MARS VICTOR, Mars walking right, holding spear and trophy
Minted in Lugdunum (II) Emission 5 Officina 2. End A.D. 277 to Early A.D. 278
Reference(s) – Cohen 339. Bastien 215 pl.. XXVI (1). RIC 83 var. B. supp1/- - B. supp 2/- - ROME 2/-


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- Bronze coin (AE Antoninianus) minted at Siscia during the reign of PROBUS between 276 - 282 A.D. Obv. IMP.C.M.AVR.PROBVS.AVG.: Radiate, draped & cuir. bust r. Rev. VIRTVS.PROBI.AVG.: Virtus/Mars walking r, carrying spear and trophy, in ex. XXIV. RICV #810 pg.105. DVM #59 pg.262.


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This is my contribution.


277 AD. Lugdunum mint. Obv: IMP C PROBVS P F AVG legend with radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev: MARS VICTOR legend with Mars advancing right carrying trophy and spear; II in exergue. RIC 84; Sear 11992.3.47 grams. 

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  • 11 months later...

Almost a year on. I have managed to add another couple of coins relevant to this thread.

Obv:– IMP C M AVR PROBVS AVG, Radiate, helmeted (Attic Helmet), draped and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield
Rev:– MARS VICTOR, Mars walking right, holding spear and trophy
Minted in Lugdunum (II in exe) Emission 5, Officina 2. End A.D. 277 to Early A.D. 278
Reference:– Cohen 339. Bastien 216 (6). RIC 83 Bust type G (Scarce)

3.55 gms, 23.44 mm. 0 degrees


Obv:– IMP C M AVR PROBVS AVG, Radiate bust left wearing imperial mantle, holding Victory on globe in right hand
Rev:– MARS VICTOR, Mars walking right, holding spear and trophy
Minted in Lugdunum (II in exe) Emission 5, Officina 2. End A.D. 277 to Early A.D. 278
Reference:– Cohen -. Bastien 219 (5). RIC 83 (Scarce)

3.56 gms, 22.65 mm. 180 degrees


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