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Lego Fun, Vol. XX: The Parthian Arch of Augustus

Julius Germanicus

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My latest architectural study in Lego was created especially for the exhibition "New Media in the Age of Augustus - Power and Media in Ancient Rome"

currently shown at the Buccerius Kunst Forum in Hamburg. It is highly recommended:



The arch was granted to Augustus in 19 BC after he recovered the Aquilae lost in the battle of Carrhae and by Marcus Antonius. It can be reconstructed through detailed numismatic depictions - they show a three-gated ach (probably the first such structure built in Rome) with Augustus riding a chariot surmounting the central attic, flanked by two subjugated Parthians offering him standards over the side gates:


My Lego recreation is in 1:50 scale:


As a bonus, you may take a look at some of my other Lego arches at the exhibition until January 11 (if you happen to be in town):


Sadly I do not have a coin featuring Augustus´ arch, but maybe you can show yours or anything related!



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Lovely lego recreation, and great that they are on display! Unfortunately, Hamburg is not around the corner, the show seems very interesting. 

My coin (description and photos needs an update): 


And another issue to the return of the standards. Despite it being struck a bit off the flan, I really like this coin because it has no portrait.


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Absolutely fantastic creation @Julius Germanicus  Sadly Hamburg is not possible for me but here is my Augustus Arch.



Augustus Denarius. Colonia Patricia mint, 18-16 BC.. SPQR IMP CAESARI AVG COS XI TR POT VI, bare head of Augustus right / CIVIB ET SIGN MILIT A PART RECVPER, triumphal arch with three portals, Augustus in quadriga between two Parthians on top. RSC 84. NRCV 1606
Ex-Lodge AntiquitiesAugustus Denarius. Colonia Patricia mint, 18-16 BC.. SPQR IMP CAESARI AVG COS XI TR POT VI, bare head of Augustus right / CIVIB ET SIGN MILIT A PART RECVPER, triumphal arch with three portals, Augustus in quadriga between two Parthians on top. RSC 84. NRCV 1606
Ex-Lodge Antiquitieimage.png.6109a4ba0baf55eb42a8691b9a09ceb4.png

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Those are fantastic! I would love to attend and see them in person, but I'm a bit of a ways from Germany. There is this ocean, see...

Do you seek out these commissions or do they seek you out? Or perhaps both? I worked in the museum field years ago, but it was probably not during the golden era of Legos, so I never saw any Lego commissions come through. I can see where they would be a draw. Again, fantastic!

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21 hours ago, kirispupis said:

I've said this before, but these are super cool! Kudos for the work in building them!

One question: do you just print out a sticker for the Latin inscriptions or do you 3D print a plaque?

Actually I did it the easy way and printed stickers with the original inscriptions in Times New Roman font :-). The rest is 100 % Lego.






20 hours ago, ewomack said:

Those are fantastic! I would love to attend and see them in person, but I'm a bit of a ways from Germany. There is this ocean, see...

Do you seek out these commissions or do they seek you out? Or perhaps both? I worked in the museum field years ago, but it was probably not during the golden era of Legos, so I never saw any Lego commissions come through. I can see where they would be a draw. Again, fantastic!

No, I am doing this as a private hobby. I build the roman architecture models purely for my own enjoyment and am happy if someone wants to show them.

When I do commissions, they always seek me out and mostly concern my other Lego area, which is historic ships, something that has many more fans in a harbour town like Hamburg than Roman triumphal arches. Sigh... 






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