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Busy thanksgiving - buying coins


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So, first I had to get up a 5:30am to bid live in the Jesus Vico auction, and was pleased to win this one for $103.


This is only mentioned in RIC as a footnote to RIC 154 which is Daia's coinage reform issue with crescent in field... except here no crescent. This is in fact a separate and scarce issue that preceded the crescent one.

Then at 10am, won this one in Jesus Vico 2nd part (floor auction), for a decidedly non-pandemic price of $63.


RIC VII Antioch 163b. Not a rarity, but surprisingly tough to find in decent condition and at a decent price.

Then finally, at 1:15pm, with Thanksgiving guests arrival imminent, sniped this one at Roma for $187.


This is RIC VI Nicomedia 56, issued by Galerius for Constantine with his meant-to-appease (I think) title of FIL AVG. I big condition upgrade from my other specimen. I don't think that Roma did themselves any favors here having the auction close at Thanksgiving dinner time.

And then onto feasting, also successfully accomplished. All in all a good day!



Edited by Heliodromus
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Great haul, I'm glad your dinner went well.


Speaking of RIC154a, here's mine! No crescent, although there was definitely intended to be one.🤣



Maximinus II (310-313). Æ Follis (23mm, 7.02g, 12h). Antioch, 311-3. Laureate head r. R/ Sol standing facing, head l., holding bust of Serapis and raising hand; crescent/I//ANT. RIC VI 154a

I have a budget Maximinus FIL AVGG as well to join your party but vcoins has lost the photo! I should really start saving them. I do love the FIL AVGG issues. The whole Sons of the Augusti debacle is so bizarre that it gives me peace of mind that the coins confirm it actually happened. There's also some interesting mint games going on:

Coins show each as FIL AVG or FIL AVGG, but only at mints they did not influence. Galerius, who thought up the idea, struck FIL AVGG coins (with two G's) for both Constantine and Maximinus II at Siscia and Thessalonica [Coins 18-22]. In addition, FIL AVG coins (with one G) were struck by Galerius for Constantine at Nicomedia and by Maximinus for Constantine at Antioch and Alexandria [Coins 23-25].13    Maximinus did not strike them for himself [Coin 17]. Other eastern mints simply did not strike for Constantine at all. Constantine did not strike for Galerius ever again, or for Maximinus until he became Augustus with Constantine in mid 310.  

From @Valentinian's http://augustuscoins.com/ed/FILAVGG/

Edited by Steppenfool
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2 hours ago, Steppenfool said:

I have a budget Maximinus FIL AVGG as well to join your party but vcoins has lost the photo! I should really start saving them. I do love the FIL AVGG issues. The whole Sons of the Augusti debacle is so bizarre that it gives me peace of mind that the coins confirm it actually happened.

Yes, it's a fascinating period - a lot going on!

It's hard to be sure exactly what Galerius was thinking with the FIL AVG titles both for Constantine and Daia. The more I think about it, the more it seems it really wasn't meant to appease either one, and certainly wasn't taken that way. The fact that Daia preferred to keep calling himself caesar rather speaks for itself!

While Carnuntum might appear as an attempt by Galerius to restore order to the tetrarchy (expel. Maximianus, replace Severus with Licinius), it seems it was really more just about wanting to put himself in control. Of course in the circumstances Constantine (being in partnership with Maximianus) was never going to be promoted to replace Severus as western augustus, but neither did Galerius promote Daia to that role, and instead just installed his buddy Licinius. Given Daia's preference to remain caesar (which promised an eventual promotion to augustus), it seems apparent that "FIL AVG" offered so such promise. Daia choosing to continue to call himself caesar while issuing "GENIO FIL AVGG" for Constantine seems like an attempt to restore his own seniority in the system (whatever we might call it at this point).. he's basically agreeing to Constantine having been sidelined, while positioning himself as caesar as future replacement to Galerius.


Edited by Heliodromus
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2 hours ago, Ancient Coin Hunter said:

Nice wins. I like the reverse of the first example where instead of "SOLI" the legend says "SOLE"


Yes - it's interesting to see how  "SOLE" then changed to "SOLI" and propagated to Daia's other mints...

Daia had initially only controlled Antioch and Alexandria, and his coinage reform - when he introduced the SOLE/IOVI/HERCVLI types - was initially limited to Antioch, first with the unlisted no-crescent issue (above coin), then the crescent one when the VIRTVS and GENIO (later) types were added.

RIC only lists the spelling "SOLE" for the crescent issue, but in fact SOLE and SOLI both exist:





After the death of Galerius, Daia assumes control of the Cyzicus and Nicomedia mints, which now start issuing these same types, but interestingly Cyzicus starts with the SOLE spelling, and Nicomedia starts with SOLI. Perhaps this difference relates to the timing of the SOLE->SOLI change at Antioch, and timing of his expansion to Cyzicus and Nicomedia ?

In the following star-in-field issues (evidentially well coordinated across all three mints), Cyzicus is on board with the SOLI spelling, and all mints are now using "VIRTVTI" EXERCITVS rather than Antioch's initial "VIRTVS".

Edited by Heliodromus
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Nice pickups!

These two days have been my largest coin pick-up ever. It would have been even larger, but yesterday's Roma was crazy. I'd put very aggressive bids on a number of coins - often going well over the highest ever paid for the type - and I was still killed.

There's one Pri 1 coin I've been after for some time and I was sick of losing, so I put in a bid close to the last minute of roughly 40% more than the type has ever received, even though this wasn't the best of type, and someone still outbid me. I had to draw back (again), because I know it will come up again.

Still, I picked up the following gems:

  • A triobol from Amyntas III, which was a Pri 1 target. His triobols are far rarer than his staters and show a continuum with the Herakles coinage of Alexander. This one was a bit rough, but the inscription is clear.
  • A nice Perrhaboi with Hera and Zeus
  • A rare Histaia with a bull and lion's head
  • A rough but still clear Neapolis triobol
  • A tiny little Thasos coin

I also added a small trove I've been watching for some point on VCoins. Total pickup between the two was 33 coins, which is roughly 10% of my collection.

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I Have one of the Constantine I as Fil Aug.

Constantine I as Fil Aug Ae Follis  308-310 BC Alexandria Obv Hear right laureate Rv Genio standing left holding patera and cornucopia RIC 100b 6.18 grms 22 mm Photo by W. Hansenconmag316.jpg.60e93cbf7fbf45affada792c9cd20024.jpg

I believe the Fil Aug title was an attempt by Galerius to get himself out of the pickle he had created for himself. It did not work It is interesting that even though the tetrarchic portraits are very stylized the image of Constantine is depicted clean shaven.   

Edited by kapphnwn
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47 minutes ago, kirispupis said:

I also added a small trove I've been watching for some point on VCoins. Total pickup between the two was 33 coins, which is roughly 10% of my collection.

Wow! Not even Christmas yet, either! 😀

Prices do still seem to be all over the place, and no doubt depends a bit on collecting area and other variables too.

At Jesus Vico there were some bargains to be had, and other coins going for 5x what I think they were worth.


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