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Another Emperor to add to your list.


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The original scientific article is here:


The case made in the article for the authenticity of the Sponsian coins seems spurious to me:

-  similar patterns of wear and tear to genuine coins, suggesting they had been in circulation for several years
-  minerals on the surface of the coins consistent with them having been buried for an extended period

I am pretty sure i can simulate wear and tear on any coin, and then bury it for a while.

The Guardian example cites that using gold worth $20,000 is a big outlay for a forger to start with. I would counter that gold forgeries of rare emperors could result in a massive return on investment, well above the value of the raw materials.

The case against is clear:

- a reverse design copied from a Republican issue that would have been over 370 years old at the apparent time of manufacture
- style and workmanship not typical of 3rd century Roman issues
- and found in Romania LOL

Note the final paragraph of the Guardian article:

"However, others were more sceptical. “They’ve gone full fantasy,” said Richard Abdy, the curator of Roman and iron age coins at the British Museum. “It’s circular evidence. They’re saying because of the coin there’s the person, and the person therefore must have made the coin.”

I'd like to hear any other dissenting views from the science community, particularly around whether the methods used (electron microscopy, UV imaging, infra-red spectroscopy) and subsequent results, really do prove the authenticity of the coins.

To me, these coins belong in the same category as Proculus, Bonosus etc - ie, uninvestible because there is too much doubt.




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45 minutes ago, AncientOne said:

Thanks for the link.

Some of us get our information a little slower than the rest....

Actually, you're ahead of the rest. The science article was only published a day ago. The cointalk discussion about Sponsian is older, and wasn't inspired by this very recent study.

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