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A few acquisitions from the months of October and November...


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Its been quite a month already and I still have a few things on my radar, but here are a few coins I picked up thus far. I'll post the others on this thread as I finish attributing them.  In the meantime, go ahead and post yours or anything else you want...


Bactria: Apollodotus II (ca. 85-65 BCE) AR Drachm (HGC 12, 392; Bopearachchi Série 2D)

Obv: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΦΙΛΟΠΑΤΟΡΟΣ-ΑΠΟΛΛΟΔΟΤΟΥ, Diademed, draped bust of Apollodotus II right
Rev: 𐨨𐨱𐨪𐨗𐨯 𐨟𐨿𐨪𐨟𐨪𐨯 𐨀𐨤𐨫𐨡𐨟𐨯 (Maharajasa tratarasa Apaladatasa); Athena advancing left, brandishing thunderbolt in right hand, aegis across outstretched left arm; Kharosthi monogram in inner right field
Dim: 2.08g



Bactria: Antialkides (115-95 BCE) AR Drachm (HGC 12, 259; Bopearachchi Série 13B)

Obv: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΝΙΚΗΦΟΡΟΥ-ΑΝΤΙΑΛΚΙΔΟΥ; Diademed, draped bust of Antialcidas right, seen from front, wearing causia
Rev: 𐨨𐨱𐨪𐨗𐨯 𐨗𐨩𐨡𐨪𐨯 𐨀𐨣𐨿𐨟𐨁𐨀𐨫𐨿𐨐𐨁𐨡𐨯 (Maharajasa Jayadarasa Antialkidasa); Zeus enthroned left, Nike left in right hand, short transverse scepter in left; forepart of elephant left behind, monogram below throne
Dim: 2.38g



Bactria: Antialkides (115-95 BCE) AR Drachm (Bopearachchi Série 9A)

Obv: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΝΙΚΗΦΟΡΟΥ-ΑΝΤΙΑΛΚΙΔΟΥ; Diademed, draped bust of Antialcidas right, seen from front
Rev: 𐨨𐨱𐨪𐨗𐨯 𐨗𐨩𐨡𐨪𐨯 𐨀𐨣𐨿𐨟𐨁𐨀𐨫𐨿𐨐𐨁𐨡𐨯 (Maharajasa Jayadarasa Antialkidasa); Zeus enthroned left, Nike left in right hand, short transverse scepter in left; forepart of elephant left behind, monogram below throne
Dim: 2.43g




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Some Chinese cash coins. I still have several Northern and Southern Song coins that I need to photograph and upload to FORVM, but here are two that were acquired..

Imperial China, Southern Song: Duan Ping (1234-1236) AE 5 Cash (Hartill-17.742)

Obv: 端平通寶 Duan Ping tong bao; short bao variety
Rev: Blank
Dim: 8.22g



Imperial China, Southern Song: Jian Yan (1127-1130) AE 3 Cash (Hartill-17.13)

Obv: 建炎通寶 Jian Yan tong bao; seal script, wide rim variety
Rev: Blank
Dim: 8.22g


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  • quant.geek changed the title to A few acquisitions from the months of October and November...

Wonderful additions.  I like the Bactrians in particular.  Here are some of my Bactrian examples.


Indo-Greek Kingdoms
Menander I
AR Drachm, Sagala(?) mint, struck ca. 165-130 BC
Dia.: 20 mm
Wt.: 2.46 g
Obv.: BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣΩTHPOΣ MENANΔPOY; helmeted head of king right.
Rev.: Karoshthi legend, "Maharajasa tratarasa Menamdrasa"; Athena Alkidemos standing left, holding aegis on outstretched left arm, hurling thunderbolt with right hand, monogram at right.
Ref.: Bop 16C


Indo-Greek Kingdoms
Apollodotus I
AE Hemiobol, mint in northwest India, struck ca. 175-164 BC
Dim.: 22x22 mm
Wt.: 9.27 g
Obv.: BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΠOΛΛOΔOTOY ΣΩTHPOΣ; Apollo standing facing holding arrow in right hand and bow in left.
Rev.: Karoshthi legend; tripod and monogram surrounded by square of dots. 
Ref.: BMC 17, SG 7594
Ex Deacon Ray (Secret Saturnalia gift)

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Thanks for the kind words! I was looking for those specimens for a while but it always seemed to escape my grasp. Here are a few more that I picked up...


Bactria: Demetrios I Aniketos (ca. 200-190 BCE) AR Obol (MIG 105e; Bopearachchi Série 3B; SNG ANS 193-198)

Obv: Draped and diademed bust of king right, wearing elephant-scalp head-dress, pearled border around
Rev: BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΔHMHTPIOY; Nude Herakles standing facing, holding club and lion skin in left hand and crowning himself with his right hand ; PK monogram in lower left field
Dim: 0.65g



Bactria: Antimachos I Theos (ca. 185-170 BCE) AR Obol (MIG 127c; Bopearachchi Série 4B; SNG ANS 283-288)

Obv: Diademed and draped bust right, wearing kausia
Rev: BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΘEOY ΑNTIMAXOY; Poseidon, laureate, standing facing, holding trident in right hand and cradling filleted palm in left arm; monogram to inner right
Dim: 0.66g



Bactria: Eukratides (ca. 170-145 BCE) AR Obol (Bopearachchi Série 9C; SNG ANS 496)

Obv: Diademed, helmeted and draped bust right
Rev: BAΣIΛEΩΣ EYKPATIΔOY ; Piloi of the Dioskouri, each surmounted by star and accompanied by palm; monogram below
Dim: 0.67g



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24 minutes ago, quant.geek said:

Thanks for the kind words! I was looking for those specimens for a while but it always seemed to escape my grasp. Here are a few more that I picked up...


Bactria: Demetrios I Aniketos (ca. 200-190 BCE) AR Obol (MIG 105e; Bopearachchi Série 3B; SNG ANS 193-198)

Obv: Draped and diademed bust of king right, wearing elephant-scalp head-dress, pearled border around
Rev: BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΔHMHTPIOY; Nude Herakles standing facing, holding club and lion skin in left hand and crowning himself with his right hand ; PK monogram in lower left field
Dim: 0.65g



Congrats! I was really tempted to bid on the demetrios obol but decided not to. great pickup

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I am going to be zipping back and forth through space and time.  So, back to Byzantium and its satellites:

Empire of Nicaea: John III Ducas-Vatatzes (1222-1254) Æ Trachy, Magnesia (Sear 2105; DOC IV.51)

Obv: Half-length bust of St. Demetrius, nimbate, facing, holding sword in right hand and shield decorated with a star in left
Rev: John standing facing, holding labarum-tipped scepter in right hand and globus cruciger in left; to upper right, Manus Dei
Dim: 0.66g



Kingdom of Thessalonica: Theodoros Comnenus-Ducas (1224-1230) Æ Trachy, Thessalonica (Sear 2165; DOC IV Type D, 7; Lianta 329-31)

Obv: IC XC in field; Christ, bearded and nimbate, seated upon throne without back; right hand raised in benediction, holds Gospel in left hand; pellet normally in each limb of nimbus cross; star to right above throne
Rev: ΘЄOΔШPOC ΔϪK - X/M; Full-length figure of emperor on left, and of St. Michael nimbate, giving model of the city of Thessalonica with three towers into the hands of the emperor; Emperor wears stemma, divitision, collar-piece and jeweled loros of simplified type; right hand hold labarum-headed scepter; Saint wears divitision, collar-piece and panelled loros of simplified type; left hand holds jeweled scepter; Manus Dei in upper center field



Empire of Nicaea: Theodore II Ducas-Lascaris (1254-1258) Æ Trachy, Thessalonica (Sear 2147; DOC 1; Lianta 467-68)

Obv: Large cross with floriate ends to limbs; in center, small linear cross, or dot
Rev: ΛKOΛACKAPIC ΘЄOΔШP ΔHMHTPIOC in three columnar groups. Full-length figure of emperor on left, and of St. Demetrius, beardless and nimbate; between them model of the city of Thessalonica with three towers, surmounted by large stars. Emperor wears stemma, divitision, collar-piece and jeweled loros of simplified type; right hand holds labarum-headed scepter. Saint wears short military tunic, breastplate and sagion; left hand holds spear, resting over shoulder


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When six-heads are literally better than one! The depiction of Karthikeya (Murugan or Skanda), the God of War, in the tribal coinage of Yauhedas. The below manuscript, which is also in my collection, is the Skanda Puranas which goes over the origin story of Karthikeya (as well as other parallel stories).  The middle two coins are recent pickups. While the rightmost coin only depicts Karthikeya, with a single head, the other coins show his six heads as independent, circular dots.  The language in the manuscript is Sanskrit (which is the what the puranas was written in), but uses Grantha letters as opposed to Devanagari.  Grantha was extremely popular in Southern India to write Sanskrit in.


Aside from the rightmost coin, the others are somewhat scarce and I try to pick them up whenever they come up for sale. I am certain @JayAg47 would be interested 😉...




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2 hours ago, quant.geek said:

When six-heads are literally better than one! The depiction of Karthikeya (Murugan or Skanda), the God of War, in the tribal coinage of Yauhedas. The below manuscript, which is also in my collection, is the Skanda Puranas which goes over the origin story of Karthikeya (as well as other parallel stories).  The middle two coins are recent pickups. While the rightmost coin only depicts Karthikeya, with a single head, the other coins show his six heads as independent, circular dots.  The language in the manuscript is Sanskrit (which is the what the puranas was written in), but uses Grantha letters as opposed to Devanagari.  Grantha was extremely popular in Southern India to write Sanskrit in.


Aside from the rightmost coin, the others are somewhat scarce and I try to pick them up whenever they come up for sale. I am certain @JayAg47 would be interested 😉...




When I first bought this coin 4 years ago I was surprised that it was minted in North India, around Punjab region, since Katikeya/Murugan is literally called the Tamil god and predominantly worshipped in regions where Tamils live.  And there are some confusions with this coin, on the obverse is the bird next to him a rooster (the symbol in his war flag) or a peacock (his mount). And on the reverse, who's the female figure, is it Devasena- his wife? or Kaumari- his female aspect?


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After several months in export hell in the UK, several purchases I made out in February has finally arrived. I had to cut my losses as the UK Government outright refused to export two Bactrian documents to the US, even though it originally came to the UK from the US 🤬. Here is one of the documents that was denied the export license. Its documented in Sims-Williams' Bactrian Documents from Northern Afghanistan as document xs:


Bactrian Manuscript (380-485 CE): An Order to Meyam's Servant (Sims-Williams document xs)

1) ...............αμο αβο μηιαμο
2) βανδαγο Þιιο απαρσο λαδο βο-
3) ... νοργο ί β΄ μανρο νοργο
4) γ(?)

(1-2) ...should give back to Meyam's servant
(3-4) twelve measures of ...(and) three(?) measures of ...

The following papyrus fragments and cuneiform tablet did make it through...







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