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I need help with my web pages - Please!


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Due to a combination of their changing software and my ignorance in matters relating to online activity, I have not had access to update or correct my web pages for the last five years.  Thank to the efforts of Joe from Forvm Ancient coins who hosts my pages, that has been corrected.  Eventually, I hope to add a few new pages BUT the first task is to correct errors, dead links, spelling or just plain bad information.  I would appreciate greatly a private message on anything you find 'wrong' so I can fix that page or delete it altogether if I determine it is a total loss.  For example, I found a link on my page on Asian coins that has been dead since the death of Tom Mallon.  That will be corrected but I suspect there are a few (dozen, hundred???) other matters that I have not yet found.   Now that I'm not buying many new coins, I will concentrate on polishing up the old material and adding things I got in the last five years or so.  I would not mind suggestions for new pages but my first priority is editing the old and embarrassing errors.  With well over a hundred pages to check, I really need help! 

Thanks in advance!

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Thanks. The Mallon link was fixed this afternoon. turtline, and lemmings were cutesy decorations I removed from the pages years ago. banner.gif was replaced by a jpg about the same time.  I have not found the Philip II problem yet but those are not broken links but just files not called on any current page that never got deleted when their use was not wanted unless I missed removing some from earlier pages.  That I will have to check.  What I needed was the pages on which the errors occurred.  I assume you have some program that scans for problems.  I need that. 

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5 hours ago, dougsmit said:

I assume you have some program that scans for problems. I need that. 



All browsers have that ability. This one is for firefox and shows all the errors with js, html, css etc. in the web console.

Edited by Celator
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18 hours ago, dougsmit said:

I assume you have some program that scans for problems.  I need that. 

I used a command line program called wget.  I will not recommend it, as it does over 1000 things and it is not easy to get it to do what you want!

  • AGENT="user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Ed Snible; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
  • wget --spider -r --no-parent --user-agent=$AGENT https://www.forumancientcoins.com/dougsmith/
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17 hours ago, Ed Snible said:

I used a command line program called wget.  I will not recommend it, as it does over 1000 things and it is not easy to get it to do what you want!

  • AGENT="user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Ed Snible; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
  • wget --spider -r --no-parent --user-agent=$AGENT https://www.forumancientcoins.com/dougsmith/


12 hours ago, quant.geek said:

wget.....one of the best command tools around! Definitely aids in the growth of chest hair among its 1,000 things it does.

If you haven't already tried it, give wget2 a spin: multi-threaded and HTTP2 support are a game changer for performance (and thank the full pantheon of gods that they kept backward compatibility with the commandline interface)

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At my level, learning to use new software that can find photos not called by any page is needless.  What I needed was one that identified dead links or was missing a symbol (<>") that kept a code from running correctly. .  I checked all the pages that called the little decorations and found I had been successful in removing them ten years ago.  I don't even have the files on my home computer so they are only available if I do another page and add them.  When I wrote my pages, web pages were simple HTML without all the features added using more modern languages.  Today no one writes code but fills in templates from web host automation packages.  I just tried for the first time seeing some my pages on a phone.  It was possible but required more scrolling than I find appealing. That won't be changed.  I wish my cell phone would make phone calls rather than try to do everything a desktop can do (but poorly).  


The search for errors goes on.  Thanks to all who replied. 

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That is correct.  I am not mobile friendly. My wife has a tablet which neither of us understand but I prefer desktops.  My pages will not have counters either so I won't know if anyone other than me sees them unless someone takes the trouble to write me a note of thanks or complaint.  My earlier pages used small photos to be kind to 14.4 K users who paid by the byte.  This was updated later when most people switched to unlimited.  Keeping up with tech-fads is not an interest for me like it would be for people who make money from their site being popular.  I am curious if my pages read properly with Windows 11 and whatever the latest Apple OS is.

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Thanks.  On my 21" I see the image centered and fitting the 900 pixel elements with a little of the background showing on each side rather like the iPad mini on the link you provided.  Your 24 seems to refuse the centering commands of HTML.  I do not pretend to understand the reasons such things change as time goes on.  


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