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Long awaited Chola film!


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It's just the trailer, the film releases on 30th September. 

Ponniyin Selvan, aka 'son of river Ponni', refers to the king Raja Raja Chola, his birth name is Arunmoli Varman (much like Augustus/Octavian). This movie is based on the 1950s Novel of the same name, it looks at the events culminating to the rise of Raja Raja and the growth of the regional Chola kingdom into an empire spanning seas. This movie has two parts, exploring the Chola conquest of central India, and Sri Lanka, and their rivalry with the Pandyas, and who ultimately grabs the throne. 

And here's a coin from Uttama Chola, around 1050 years old, right around the time this movie takes place.


Edited by JayAg47
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