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  1. Antoninus Pius. 138-161 AD. SYRIA, Seleucis and Pieria. Laodicea ad Mare. Æ (25mm, 9.70 gm, 12h). Dated 138 AD. Obv: Laureate head right; c/m: laureate and bearded head right within oval incuse. Rev: ΙΟΥΛΙΕWN TWN K-AI ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕWΝ, Turreted and draped bust of Tyche left; ΘE before, HΠP (date) behind. The turreted headdress consisting of a gateway, turrets, walls, and a lighthouse. Bunch of grapes as an earring. RPC 4, 9109 (temporary); SNG Copenhagen 350; Hunterian 3200; for c/m: Bearded head right; Howgego 113
  2. Sorry. I posted the wrong fixed image. It was coin #91. I deleted it. The video is the correct image for #92, but unfortunately, it is a denarius, which is still for sale.
  3. See my Pupienus, coin #92, at this link: http://www.akropoliscoins.com/Page4a.html VideoR92.mp4
  4. Trajan. 98-117 AD. AR denarius (2.8 gm). Restoration of Q. Fabius Maximus. Obv: ROMA (Q) FAB MAXIMUS (......?). Laur. hd. of Apollo, r., "star" under chin, lyre before. Rev: IMP CAES TRAIAN AVG GE(R) (D)AC PP REST. Cornucopia upon thunderbolt, all within wreath. Restoring RSC Fabia 6. All coins of this series are exceedingly rare, and rarely listed for auction. This coin is apparently unique, as verified by the British Museum on 17 August 2004. This coin has been studied and published in a 2007 paper by Dr. Gunnar Seelentag (Universitat Zu Koln), entitled "Bilder und Betrachter. Eine neue Rettitutionsmunze Traians." Pages 161-183. It can be found online at: http://tinyurl.com/y9xsg9kd VideoR29.mp4
  5. Not a coin, but a bronze fragment I own:
  6. AELIUS, Caesar. 137 AD. Philippopolis, Thrace. (Æ 33; 21.34 gm) Obv: Λ AIΛIOC KAICAP, cuirassed bust of Aelius, r., bare head, with paludamentum seen from rear. Rev. ΦIΛIΠΠOΠO - LEITΩN, Female figure wearing polos standing l., holding patera in r. hand and poppy and two ears of corn in l. hand; on l., river-god (Hebrus) reclining. BMC__ ; SNG Cop.__; Moushmov__; Varbanov 643, rarity 9!; RPC III, 753. Of great rarity
  7. Aspendos, Pamphylia; 4th Cent. B.C. AR Stater (24mm; 10.87 gm; 6h). Obv: Two wrestlers of the early, and very rare, "Belt Wrestlers" variety, three letters in field: (?) to l., H below and between wrestlers, and X to r. (the only clear depiction of this letter on examples I have seen, and undocumented in the major references), all within a dotted circular border. Wrestler on right grasps belt of wrestler on the left with his right hand. Wrestler on the left grasps opponent's left leg. Rev: Slinger advancing r., about to discharge his sling; triskeles to l. and ΕΣΤ to r., all within a dotted circular border. Condition is VF+ with superb surfaces and toning. Possibly the best in existence for type. One of the very earliest of this type. Tekin Series 1; SNG BN 44 VideoAspendosStater.mp4
  8. "and please share your cobs." See my cobs at: http://akropoliscoins.com/page7.html
  9. Lots of "As Caesar" above, but here is one "As Augustus." Any more out there? Clodius Albinus, as Augustus! 195-197 AD. AR Denarius (18mm; 3.00 gm; 6h). Lugdunum (Lyon) mint. Obv: Laureate head right. Rev: Spes advancing left, holding flower and lifting hem of skirt. Blundered reverse legend"SEP" for "SPES." RIC IV 42a (var); RSC 76b (var).
  10. Not too great...but a variety: Hadrian. 117-138 AD. Æ As (27 mm; 9.82 gm; 6h). Rome mint, Struck 131 AD. Obv: HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right. Rev: [FELICITATI AVG), above galley right with six rowers, emperor seated in cabin at stern, raising right hand, small slanted sail at bow; COS III (P P) below, S-C across. C 691. RIC 718c. BMCRE 1456. Hill 468
  11. A much later Amyntas, quite similar to the first coin shown in the OP: KINGS of GALATIA. Amyntas. 39-25 BC. Æ (25mm, 13.67 gm, 10h). Obv: Head of Herakles r., club over shoulder, Є below (not mentioned in RPC). Rev: Lion walking right; B above, monogram(s) in ex. RPC I 3505 (var); SNG France 2377-82.
  12. PERSIA. Alexandrine Empire. Circa 322-312 BC. AR Double Shekel (16.1 gm, 9h, 22mm), "Lion stater.". Babylon mint, struck under Mazaeus. Obv: Baal seated left, holding scepter. Rev: Lion walking left; Γ above. cf. BMC #28 Pl. XXII #3; cf.SNG Cop-264. Ex. Coin Galleries, mid-1960s VideoMazaeus.mp4
  13. Julia Mamaea, mother of Severus Alexander Augusta, 222-235 AD. Murdered together on March 22, 235 AD. AR Denarius Rome mint. 1st emission of Severus Alexander, struck 222 AD. Obv: Draped bust right. Rev: Juno standing left, holding patera and long scepter; to left, peacock standing left. RIC IV 343 (Alexander); RSC 35
  14. PeteB

    A new Pachyderm

    Philip I. 244-249 AD. Æ Sestertius (30mm, 17.75 gm, 12h). Commemorating the 1000th anniversary of Rome. Rome mint, 1st officina. 10th emission, 249 AD. Obv: Laur. draped, and cuirassed bust right. Rev: Elephant advancing l., led by mahout, holding staff and goad. RIC IV 167a; Banti 8. Philip1SestElephantClipchamp.mp4
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