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Posts posted by CPK

  1. I think "BA" on Greek coins is an abbreviation for "Of Alexander". So your second coin is probably an Alexander type (which, admittedly, doesn't narrow it down terribly much.)

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  2. I recently won a few auction lots of world coins, and I was having fun going through them this evening. It's inexpensive fun with some surprises mixed in! I found mostly British coins, although there were a number of other countries (including two US coins 😄) I expected dates mostly in the 20th century, and that is the majority, but still I was pleasantly surprised to find a number of coins from the 1800's and EVEN some from the 1700's! They're in pretty poor shape of course, but still, how cool is that?!

    Here is a small sampling of the ones I've picked out. The George II is the oldest I've found, but I also found a few George III coins, including a 1780 HIBERNIA half penny. The Victoria half-penny has got some good honest wear on it but it's still nice for 1862. Then there's the better-than-average George V penny (WWI-dated issue), a well-preserved Vichy 2-franc coin struck under Nazi occupation. The last coin looks better than the photos show. It's a really sharp half penny, 1948. I like the reverse depiction of Sir Francis Drake's ship, the Golden Hind.



    I know some of you enjoy world coin treasure hunting! Let's see some of your favorite finds!

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  3. Got this one in a group lot today, and I'm not sure where/how to look for the attribution. I'm guessing 19th century Chinese, but that's as far as I've got. Any help on identification would be greatly appreciated! 




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  4. Have yet to own a Diocletian, but I would like to someday. Aside from his notoriety in persecuting Christians, he was without doubt a remarkable ruler, pulling the collapsing Empire out of the free-fall of the 3rd century and breathing another 150+ years of life into it. Also, the simple fact that he actually - successfully! - stepped down as emperor and lived a quiet retirement is an outstanding achievement in and of itself.

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  5. For the past while I've been storing my collection in a 2x2 flip album, but recently I thought it would be fun to have the coins displayed more openly. This afternoon I took a sampling and created a small Roman coin exhibit, starting with the Republic and continuing by emperor up to Antoninus Pius (as far as I can go). I also did a similar one with some of my Persian/Greek/Jewish coins too.

    It's fun to have the coins displayed right out in the open where I can easily handle and examine them. I am considering getting some trays for future storage options. Especially after I noticed a very tiny bit of wear in the patina on some of the thicker, high-relief coins from sliding in and out of the flips too many times. 😬

    Post up your group photos, displays, coin arrangements, or anything else relevant!




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