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Everything posted by Spirityoda

  1. My father's golf buddies gave my father 2 of these Nasa space medals and Dad gave them to me ... where 25% of the metal was flow in space... I will never sell these because my father gave them to me. I am not sure if they fit in the "Relic medal" category ?
  2. No ancient coins, but here are my 3 cats that mean the world to me... Max... Gucci... and Normy. All males and all fixed.
  3. I can remember as a teenager in the 1980's having like 8 blacklight posters in my bedroom with black light tubes to show them off. I went to college and came home and my parents had given them all away with some other posters. I was quite mad when I found out they did that. I wonder what those posters would be worth today ? I know for a fact that looking at Ultra violet light for too long is bad for your eyes. Don't get me wrong I think your uranium glass is very cool to look at.
  4. Where is that beautiful coin from ?
  5. more tigers eye, hematite, opalite carved animals. 1 slice of unpolished tigers eye that I really like. 2 fordite(car paint layers) cabo's. 1 alien(keychain) in a glass coffin lol. Yes i am fun like that... Canadian nephrite jade carved cat. Carved buffalo bone cat head.
  6. more... I also collect cat figurines. I have 3 real cats that mean the whole world to me. To say I am cat crazy cat dad would be an understatement. I have a large cat figurine collection.
  7. more... Laboratory grown Bismuth crystals...
  8. Copper nugget, carnelian dish, yellow agate cabo, I really like malachite. Its metaphysical healing powers that calm me down. No I am not crazy. lol gold labradorite, hematite, laboratory grown bismuth crystals.
  9. Thank you. Well I have been collecting for almost 23 years now. I mostly buy all my toned Canadian coins off Ebay. I buy at Las Vegas coin shows too. Some do not come cheap either. There is a strong market for pretty toned Canadian coins. Many collectors hold on to the best toned coins. When they go to sell they ask high prices. Some I can afford others I can not.
  10. Thank you for making this great forum. I really enjoy how easy it is to navigate. I also really like how easy it is to add photos no matter how big the photos sizes are. I will become a supporter 2 paychecks from now. Thanks, Craig.
  11. Hi. I will be supporting this forum soon. This month has been tuff with many bills. 2 paychecks from now I will become a supporter. As paddy54 said "It's a breath of fresh air". I really enjoy how easy it is to navigate this forum. I also really like how easy it is to add photos no matter what the size the photo is. Thank you for making this amazing forum. Coin friend, Craig Wilson
  12. $18,000 here is that video... link: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Pawn+stars+8+escudos+gold+coin&&view=detail&mid=571CB729233AEE16A7C8571CB729233AEE16A7C8&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3DPawn%2Bstars%2B8%2Bescudos%2Bgold%2Bcoin%26go%3DSearch%26qs%3Dn%26form%3DQBFVBS%26sp%3D-1%26pq%3Dpawn%2Bstars%2B8%2Bescudos%2Bgold%2Bcoin%26sc%3D0-30%26sk%3D%26cvid%3D4EBA0DC52F0D4980A1C70B0DFCC06B23%26ghsh%3D0%26ghacc%3D0 Your coin appears to be a better grade too. More money value ?
  13. I remember watching a "Pawn Stars" TV show of which included a coin much like yours that went for $18,000. I am not sure if their coins grade was higher ?
  14. So sorry about your loss. What a beautiful bird. I believe you will see your bird again in thee afterlife. Your bird is in bird heaven. I have 3 cats. They mean the world to me. Hoping for long lives for all 3. I can appreciate the beauty in all birds. Last night on Tiki's Tok I saw what looked like an albino peacock. I was like wow that is amazing. I did not even know they existed.
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