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Everything posted by Limes

  1. Thanks! This is the link: https://www.lindner-original.de/numismatik/muenzboxen/muenzboxen-hoehe-20-mm/muenzbox-inletts Take a good look for the right size!
  2. Sorry to hear that. Its sad to have to depart from such a good friend... Good question. I have no Idea. Seems strange to post the same things on different forums, to mostly the same people....? Thats a very nice drawing. What are your videos (excuse my ignorance) About my picture. Its a photo of the roman limes in the city where I used to live, trajectum. Its marked in the street and shows the location of the border. When its dark the line is lighted, which looks really Nice. And now i live in a small town 15 minuten away which gave its name to Brooklyn apparently. Edit: well, seems my avatar photo doesnt show. Ill fix that later.
  3. Yes, but this never gets old! I really like to see everyone's display. Especially the one by Spaniard, which is fit for a museum. I have fewer coins then most members here. So my coins fit in our cabinet. I use two larger trays, which are standing up. A smaller display for my smaller bronzes of the Julio Claudio emperors. I added a close up. It opens easily. In my workroom I have a bookcase with my Roman/coinbooks and with another tray standing up. It only holds two Greek tet's and one AE of Constantine, with the eyes upwards. My idea was to add the 'famous' rulers of the ancient world and a few other coins that I just find awesome (hence the tets) in that one case. So far, I have one 'famous' ruler added. I have plenty of time left to fill it 🙂 The tourist collosseum is a must have, for everyone that has visited Rome of course 😉
  4. Hi everybody! Good to see many known (nick)names. This forum is alive and kicking! I realy like being part of it. And welcome to the new people I have not met before on CT 🙂
  5. Wow! So much eye candy! I'll add the following: Dark-grey toning, with brighter devices. Man of steel(grey): Rainbow! (no unicorns unfortunately)
  6. Hi everyone, I was wondering what was happening at CT. Little activity going on there, although I admit I have not been active very much either, lately. Thanks to Ryro, who sent me the link to this place, the first mystery is solved! This place is absolutely buzzing with activity, I like it! Kudo's to Restitutor who, if I'm correct, started this forum? I just finished registration, and will update my profile later. About the inactivity from my part; well, the last couple of months have been very busy. On February 1st, our daughter was born (child no. 3)! I thought that the birth of child no. 3 was less special so to say, but I was wrong. I can't describe (especially not in english) how special she is, and how much we love her. And to see the interaction between her older sister and brother, who are very happy with her, is really heaven on earth. Oh, and did I mention I started a education last November? What was i thinking..... busy times, less time for the hobby. But every now and then, when the kids are sleeping, and I have a moment to spare, I browse some auctions, or CT or the facebook group, and try to make a post or a reply. And now this forum too...! The real reason for this thread, is this. To celebrate the birth of our daughter, I caught my first aureus. The reason I got this one, is because of the reverse. (And I could not afford other appropriate reverses or higher grades ones). Despite the scratches, wear, and so on, it's a coin I will cherish the rest of my life. Coin-cidentally (haha, I used this word deliberately, thank you google translate!) my wife and I took a day off a few weeks ago, and visited a museum here in Holland with the baby. The ladies did not enjoy it that much, but there was a display going on that I just had to see. It was about Domitian, and according to the brochure the question was whether or not he really was a 'bad' emperor. I added some photo's of the display. The story goes that his relationship with the Senate was horrible, which led to his downfall. His policies however paved the road for the new line of emperors to emerge and usher in the most prosperous era of the roman empire: the time of the adoptive emperors. Not quite sure if this is new info, I don't think so, but the display was really well put up and the stuff on display was amazing, including a lot of coins. We were welcomed by the man himself, with a appropriate dagger... I dont think this was the dagger 😉 Busted head of Galba, with some coins on display next to the statue. The show started with the youth of Domitian, which included a 3d short clip of the house he grew up in. Next was the rise of Flavian dynasty (and the civil war in 68/69 AD) and Domitian eventually came to power. As emperor, he loved poetry, arts and building stuff. On this rather vague fresco, you can see building projects going on in Rome. Charts are driving, you can see cranes, workers, and so on. According to the description, people actually complained about sleep shortage, because a lot of building material was driven around at night. During the day, the streets were too crowed. I really enjoyed looking at it. It makes the city really come alive. But it wasn't all poetry and building things and so, there was some fighting going on as well. This mask of a roman cavalry man (or some other officer, I forgot...) was found in Germany. Below you can see the sestertius of the heroic emperor on a horse, thrusting his spear into a barbarian. On one the reverses of two aureii, you can see a mourning Germania. In the end he was killed, the Senate truly hated him. This was really interesting, a damnatio memoriae in effect, on a coin. They showed another complete specimen, next to it: So, that concludes the coin and the short museum tour. I will enjoy reading the posts on this forum, and I hope in the near future, I will have more time to post. All the best! Limes (Martijn)
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