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Constantius II, FEL TEMP - Galley type, Lugdunum


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I have a penchant for Lugdunum and a FEL TEMP REPARATIO collection. Here the two collide.

Firstly a coin I have had for some years:-

Constantius II - AE3

Obv:– D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, Laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right
Rev:– FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Emperor standing left on galley, holding phoenix on globe and labarum; Victory behind, steering galley
Minted in Lugdunum (//*SLG). A.D. 348-350.
Reference:- RIC VIII Lugdunum 97 (R)

17 mm

Ex Col. Hermann-Joseph Lückger, Germany (1864-1951). Lückger was a German entrepreneur in the textile industry and amateur historian and collector of art.


The following is a very recent acquisition bought as a partner for the coin above and it was only on it's arrival that I did my research.

Obv:– D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, Laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right
Rev:– FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Emperor standing left on galley, holding phoenix on globe and labarum; Victory behind, steering galley
Minted in Lugdunum (//*PLG). 348-350 AD.
Reference:- RIC VIII Lugdunum 97 var (Not listed for PLG, SLG is R)

Weight 1.94g. Maximum diameter 18.27 mm. Die orientation 180 degrees


Edited by maridvnvm
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I seem to acquire Lugdunum coins and FEL TEMP REPARATIOs by osmosis, but apparently not together. This might be both, but I'm not sure. In any case, it's the man-gets-horribly-speared type of happy times returning.

Constantius II Follis, 352-355image.png.f5e79735d21203f5cbd4e9199c2e7e37.pngLugdunum? Bronze, 15-16mm, 1.92g. Constantius II, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed, right, nothing behind bust; DN CONSTAN-TI(VS PF) AVG. Soldier, helmeted, draped, cuirassed, advancing left, spearing fallen horseman with right hand and wearing shield on left arm; shield on ground to right; horseman wearing a pointed cap, no letter above his head, turning to face soldier, extending right arm; (FEL TEMP) REPAR(ATIO); RPLG? In exergue (RIC VIII, 196). Found on the banks of the River Thames, Abingdon, Oxfordshire.

Edited by John Conduitt
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@John Conduitt I am not confident of the reading of the exe on that one. I think that I can read something like SMHA.

I have a few Lugdunum FEL TEMP Horsemen.

Constantius II

Obv:– D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, Pearl diademed, draped & cuirassed bust right, A behind bust
Rev:– FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Helmeted soldier to left, shield on left arm, spearing falling horseman; shield on ground at right. Horseman is seated on the ground reaching towards emperor
Minted in Lugdunum (A | _ //SLG*)
Reference:- RIC VIII Lugdunum 102


Obv:– DN CONSTAN-TIVS P F AVG, Rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev:– FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Helmeted soldier to left, shield on left arm, spearing falling horseman; shield on ground at right. Horseman is falling forwards wearing cap reaching towards emperor
Minted in Lugdunum (//FSLG).
Reference:– RIC VIII Lugdunum 187 (S)


Obv:– DN CONSTAN-TIVS P F AVG, Pearl diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right
Rev:– FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Soldier spearing falling horseman
Minted in Lugdunum (GPLG). 18th August A.D. 353 - 6th November A.D. 355
Reference:– RIC VIII Lugdunum 189


I suspect your coin is more likely like the one below.

Obv:– D N CONSTAN-TIVS P F AVG, Pearl diademed, laureate draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev:– FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Soldier spearing falling enemy horseman, , soldier wears Phrygian helmet, reaching towards horseman
Minted in Heraclea (//SMHA).
Reference:– RIC VIII Heraclea 90


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I have quite a few of the FEL temp galley types, far too many to share in a single thread. Here is a sample of mints from different emperors....

Constans - Alexandria


Constans - Antioch


Constans - Aquileia


Constans - Arles


My only Constantinople is a cast fake....

Constans - Cyzicus


Heraclea - no examples

Lugdunum covered above

Constantius - Rome


Constans - Siscia


Constantius - Thessalonica


Constans - Trier


I do have quite a few barbarous imitations too.

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Love the galley.


A great imitation of Arles. Somehow the imitator just didn't understand the concept of a standard. Instead of one pole with a flag, you get two "chains" and a basic representation of something on it. I wonder if the celator was provided a real poor example of an official issue. The emperor's drapery on official issues hangs down on the right field side, so it could be that the engraver mistook the drapery for a second staff of the standard.



And this one which almost looks fake, from Cyzicus.



I like how the galley guy either holds a Nike, or a Phoenix. Curiously, the phoenix is exactly the same as the ones you find on the AE18 FEL TEMP phoenix-on-mound coins.

And the details on the galley itself can either be astounding, or just completely garbled.

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