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Please help to indetify this coin


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Posted (edited)

Hi @Szabi89, and welcome to the forum!  Some of the funnest posts here are from metal detectorists!

The reverse (your top picture) looks a lot like a Roman provincial issue, vaguely from the broader Balkans region, circa Alexander Severus, or another Severan, c. earlier 3rd century.  It shows four legionary standards, with the lettering between them.  

I mostly collect medieval rather than Roman, and can't help you about the details.  But this forum is full of people who specialize in Roman, including provincial issues.  They will instantly know much more about this, including the legend, between the legionary standards.  If you add the tags, "Roman Empire" and /or "ID Help and Authentication," you'll have much better luck!

Edited by JeandAcre
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Posted (edited)

Hello @Szabi89. Welcome to Nvmis Forvms.

I don't know, what your coin may be.

In the 1st photo, the letters at the bottom are interesting, because there seems to be a vertical bar, between each letter. The 2 letters on the right look like maybe "K" and either "A" or the Greek letter delta, which is a triangle. Above the letters, it sort of looks like 4 people standing there. Or 4 legionary standards as @JeandAcre said. Or 4 trophies made out of armor. Or maybe something else.

In the 2nd photo, perhaps there is a side facing head. There may be some letters, on the lower right.

In your hand, does it look like a bronze coin? Or does it look like a silver coin? Perhaps it's bronze, because of the green patina on the fields, and because of the seeming bronze color of the devices. But because of the small size and thin flan, perhaps it's a Roman (either Republic or Empire) silver denarius. I don't know.

As @JeandAcre said, perhaps 1 or more Nvmis Forvms members, who have seen this coin type before, will look at this thread, and perhaps they will be able to identify your coin, and whether it is an ancient coin, or a medieval coin, or something else.

Edited by sand
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Posted (edited)

It's a Roman Provincial issue of Nicaea in Bithynia. They were struck during the late Severan Dynasty through Gordian III. The spacing of the letters on the reverse suggests Gordian III. I can't tell anything from the obverse. See this coin for a comparison...


Edited by JAZ Numismatics
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Cool on you, @JAZ Numismatics, for actually looking it up!  I was wondering what the reverse legend said, and found a listing with the translation.  (I was thinking it might have something to do with 'Nike' /Victory.)

As @JAZ Numismatics said, apparently ones with this reverse were issued during a good part of the Severan dynasty; this one is from the earlier emperor, Elagabalus.  https://en.numista.com/catalogue/pieces119285.html 

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