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Aurelian billon Ant', but what does the reverse depict?


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I have been collecting Roman coins for just a few weeks and so far only have one book to assist me in identification of my coins; Identifying Roman Coins, Reece & James.  I have identified the displayed coin as a billon Ant' of Aurelian, but do not know what the reverse depicts.  Can anyone help me?

Suggestions for refernce material welcomed.  I'm resident in UK.


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The legend reads CONCORDIA MILITVM, celebrating concord (agreement/harmony) between the emperor and the army (militum, cf military).

This legend is echoed in the design, with the emperor, on the left, shaking hands with a female figure representing Concordia.

Welcome to the hobby!


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Heliodromus, many thanks.  Starting with one coin for each Emperor and who knows where that will end up?

I also collect British Military paper money and tokens, Japanese Invasion Money of Malaya and Singapore and other areas of paper money so able to give advice as well as need it.

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Welcome to the FORVM, @Morgan


I recently purchased an Aurelian. I liked the portrait and that much of the silvering is still visible.


I was not happy about the less than perfect reverse but I’m okay with it now.

I’ve convinced myself that the flaw could have historical significance and that it

may have deflected a sling projectile and saved someone’s life. 


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