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2 Alexander Drachms - Real?/ID Help Please

Greek Keep

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Hi NVMIS, long time lurker, first time poster. I recently brought two Alexander coins, but the descriptions were not the most descriptive, could anyone help me identify these exact coins? I do have Price Vol 2 but I find the images quite hard to identify as they are small and without much detail compared to modern digital images. As a side note, I am not sure if these are authentic but it is possible they just have more wear than I am used to as they seem to lack detail. The weights seem right and the diameters also seem ok. If you believe they are not authentic, please let me know as I am learning. Looking forward to posting more in the future.

Description of 1: 3.97 grams, 17.49 mm, 336-323 BC
Description of 2: 4.05 grams, 18.09 mm, 336-323 BC

Alexander 1.jpeg

Alexander 2.jpeg

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Keep in mind I'm by no means an expert, but in general they look real to me, but an attribution is more difficult.

The top one I really have no idea. There are no monograms to go by, so you'd need the opinion of someone who's familiar with the styles of these coins much more than I. My best guess is Price 2130 (Miletos).

The bottom one seems to be Price monogram 1243, but it's missing the top and there looks to be more on the left side. That would make it Price 1442 from Lampsakos. That may be a Pegasos on the left, though I see nothing below it. Price 1442 also has a different style, so I doubt it. All the Lampsakos examples I see don't have the "bar" on the chair, nor the ring on the reverse + obverse.

The style seems closer to Miletos AFAICT, but the symbols don't match.

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Hello @Greek Keep. Welcome to Nvmis Forvms.

I'm no expert at detecting fakes.

The 2 coins look unusually grainy to me. As if they were cast in sand molds. Look at the edges of the coins. Do the edges have raised lines? If so, then that could be where 2 halves of a mold were joined together.

On the other hand, the graininess could have been caused by corrosion.

Perhaps, someone more expert than myself, will reply to this thread.

Edited by sand
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I also think they look a quite grainy, especially #1 seems very grainy. @kirispupis Do you think they look grainy? I can't seem to find 2130 or 1442, what plates are they on? My plate CXXIII jumps from 1438 to 1443 and CXXI jumps from 2127b to 2137. There are some examples of sand casts on this page that look generally similar https://www.cointalk.com/threads/types-of-fakes-and-how-to-identify-them.333196/ Could it just be corrosion?

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