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Just received my new book studying one of the most exciting and unknown periods of Britain’s history. Were Caurausius and Allectus criminals and pirates like the 3rd century’s historians described them ? 230 pages and 170 illustrations discussing their story and also their coinage, for 54 CAD delivered at my door by Amazon !

P.S. If the subject interest you, one of the author, Sam Moorhead, will be giving a lecture in September (22nd) at the British Museum, but it’s also available to attend by Zoom if you’re a member. Rebel emperors of Roman Britain is the theme of the discussion (the same title than his new book). 8 euros in person or 4 euros online. Should be fascinating.




And why not a little quiz for fans of the two rebel Emperors ? 

QUESTION: On the two coins below (a denarius and a medallion), what is the meaning of the series of letters INPCDA and RSR on the reverses ???

HintIf you are a bit of a poet, you will find the answer more easily.






Edited by Ocatarinetabellatchitchix
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