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How do I change a "FOR SALE" add into a "WANTED" add in the Cabinet?

Julius Germanicus

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Hello coin friends,

this is my first post here so welcome to everybody! Nice to see so many of you here from the other place!

I had the frustrating experience of five of my favourite coins in my recently completed collection being stolen while in the mail for certification, so I needed some new motivation and thought a change of scenery might remotivate my collecting activity.

I tried to post a want add in the Cabinet section but was only able to choose "for sale". Is there something that I didn´t see?

Greetings from sunny Germany,


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Hi Julius,

Welcome to the forum! So sorry to hear about your coins being stolen, that is extremely frustrating 😤 Hopefully there is some form of insurance so you at least can recover monetarily and you'll find some replacement coins here!

Regarding The Cabinet - for 'Wanted' ads, you'll want to select the 'Wanted' category, shown below:


Please let me know if you need anything else!



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