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What is your advice for making coin videos?

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I use one of these portable "lightboxes" from Etsy. It's basically a plastic box with an LED-strip mounted on the roof. It comes with a removable black backdrop that I think looks quite decent in video. 

Here's one of my videos using the lightbox, shot with a Samsung S22:


Forgot to add a link to actually buy the thing: https://www.etsy.com/se-en/listing/1457727677/portable-folding-lightbox-photography?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=Portable+Photo+Studio&ref=sr_gallery-1-7&organic_search_click=1



Edited by zadie
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I have one piece of entirely non-technical aesthetic advice, to avoid a problem that I've seen happen all too often in coin videos in which someone is holding the coin in their fingers: I'm not suggesting that it's an issue with your video, but everyone should please make sure always to have clean fingernails without visible hangnails, etc. Or to wear gloves. There are few things that I find more unappetizing and liable to distract me when people (usually men, I'm afraid) post videos neglecting that precaution!

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