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Faustina Friday – Recreating Sulzer’s Collection of Faustina the Younger, Part 6

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Friday felicitations, fellow Faustina fanatics! I hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead. Last week, we revisited the collection of Johann Sulzer and illustrated the first of the middle bronzes of Faustina the Younger in Sulzer’s collection. This week, we continue exploring the middle bronze denominations in Sulzer's collection. His collection of middle bronzes was very extensive, and we will be occupied with them through next week. This week features coins on page 185 of the catalog to his collection.

I remind the reader that Sulzer separated the coins by denomination, arranging them alphabetically by reverse legend, and then by lifetime versus posthumous issues. However, he did not separate them by obverse legend nor even distinguish those issued under Antoninus Pius from those under Marcus Aurelius. Rather, all the coins are listed together in one section titled "Faustina, wife of M. Aurelius, called 'Junior'." As a result, you’ll see a variety of obverse legends and hairstyles in this week's installment.

Sulzer owned two examples of several reverse types. Many of these reverse types are known paired with bare-headed and with stephaned bust types. This makes me wonder if Sulzer owned one of each bust type. If he did, he makes no mention of the presence of a stephane. I must therefore presume his specimens were of the bare-headed bust type.

This week is quite straightforward as Sulzer makes no errors in his description of the coins. All coins illustrated here are from my own collection. Here is the page of Sulzer's collection under discussion this week.


Sulzer #1548:


Faustina II, 147-175 CE.
Roman Æ as, 9.72 g, 25.7 mm, 5 h.
Rome, early 148 - March 149 CE.
Obv: FAVSTINAE AVG PII AVG FIL, bare-headed and draped bust, right (Beckmann Type 1 hairstyle).
Rev: HILARITAS S C, Hilaritas standing right, adjusting veil and holding long palm.
Refs: RIC 1396b; BMCRE 2151-52; Cohen 115; RCV 4725.
Notes: This was one of the
first bronze issues for the young empress.

Sulzer #1549-50:


Faustina II, 147-175 CE.
Roman Æ As, 8.31 g, 25.2 mm, 5 h.
Rome, 166 CE.
Obv: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, bare-headed and draped bust, right (Beckmann Type 7 hairstyle).
Rev: HILARITAS S C, Hilaritas standing left, holding long palm-branch in right hand and cornucopia in left hand.
Refs: RIC 1643; BMCRE 982; Cohen 113; RCV 5296; MIR 15-7/10b.
Notes: This may have been issued to
celebrate the Parthian victory of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, for which the co-emperors celebrated a triumph in October 166.

Sulzer #1551-52:


Faustina Jr, 147-175 CE.
Roman Æ as or dupondius, 12.76 g, 24.7 mm, 6 h.
Rome, 166-170 CE.
Obv: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, bare-headed and draped bust of Faustina II, right (Beckmann type 7 hairstyle).
Rev: IVNO S C, Juno, veiled, draped, standing left, holding patera in extended right hand and scepter in left hand; at left, peacock.
Refs: RIC 1647; BMCRE 983-84; Cohen 123; RCV 5297.
Notes: This
massive allegorical reverse type was issued after the similar IVNONI REGINAE reverse type.

Sulzer #1553:


Faustina II, 147-175 CE.
Roman orichalcum dupondius, 13.23 g, 25.1 mm, 6 h.
Rome, 159 CE.
Obv: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, bare-headed and draped bust, right (Beckmann Type 5 hairstyle).
Rev: IVNONI LVCINAE S C, Juno standing left between two children, holding a third child on left arm.
Refs: RIC 1650; BMCRE p. 541, *; Cohen 137; RCV 5298; MIR 18.
Notes: This coin was issued to
commemorate the birth of Faustina’s daughter Fadilla. At the time of the coin's issue, the following of Faustina's children had already died: Domitia Faustina, Titus Aelius Antoninus, and a son, the identity of which is unclear. This left only the three daughters, Lucilla, Faustina III, and Fadilla, who are represented by the three children depicted on this coin. Antoninus Pius issued coins simultaneously depicting the same reverse iconography, but with the reverse inscription PIETATI AVG COS IIII (i.e. RIC 1031). An earlier issue, not represented in Sulzer's collection, also bears a IVNONI LVCINAE S C reverse legend, but depicts the goddess holding a patera and scepter. It was issued to commemorate the birth of Faustina's first child, her daughter Domitia Faustina.

Sulzer #1554:


Faustina II, 147-175 CE.
Roman Æ as or dupondius, 11.89 g, 25 mm.
Rome, 162-164 CE.
Obv: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, bare-headed and draped bust right (Beckmann type 7 hairstyle).
Rev: IVNONI REGINAE S C, Juno standing left, holding patera and scepter, peacock at feet.
Refs: RIC 1652; BMCRE 985-986; Cohen 143; RCV 5299; MIR 19-7/10b.
Notes: Also known with bare-headed bust and Beckmann hairstyle 8 (Münzkabinett des Martin von Wagner Museums - Julius Maximilians Universität, Würzburg, Ka
1463)[3] and with stephane (Bertolami Fine Arts E-Auction 59, lot 746, 20 April 2018). Although a massive allegorical issue, the dating of this reverse type is quite secure.

Sulzer #1555:


Faustina II, 147-175 CE.
Roman Æ dupondius or as, 10.80 g, 24.7 mm, 11 h.
Rome, late 162 - early 163 CE.
Obv: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, bare-headed and draped bust right (Beckmann type 7 hairstyle).
Rev: LAETITIA S C, Laetitia standing facing, head left, holding wreath in right hand and vertical scepter in left hand.
Refs: RIC 1656; BMCRE 988; Cohen 151 var. (pearls); RCV --; MIR21-7/10b.
Notes: This reverse type was issued to commemorate the birth of
Marcus Annius Verus. This type also appears depicting Laetitia standing right, holding a scepter in her right hand and a wreath in her left (RIC 1657), but is absent from Sulzer's collection.

Sulzer #1556:


Faustina II, 147-175 CE.
Roman Æ as or dupondius, 10.71 g, 27.6 mm, 12 h.
Rome, December 147 - early 148 CE.
Obv: FAVSTINAE AVG PII AVG FIL, bare-headed and draped bust, right (Beckmann Type 1 hairstyle).
Rev: LAETITIAE PVBLICAE, Laetitia standing left, holding wreath in in right hand and vertical scepter in left hand.
Refs: RIC 1401b; BMCRE 2155-56; Cohen 158; Strack 1300; RCV 4729.
Notes: Issued to
commemorate the birth of Faustina’s first child, her daughter Domitia Faustina.

Sulzer #1557:


Faustina II, 147-175 CE.
Roman Æ as or dupondius, 12.24 g, 26.1 mm, 1 h.
Rome, ca. 174-175 CE.
Obv: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, bare-headed and draped bust, right (Beckmann Type 10 hairstyle).
Rev: MATRI MAGNAE S C, Cybele seated right, holding drum in left hand on left knee; to left and right of throne, lions, seated right.
Refs: RIC 1664, BMCRE 990; Cohen 170; RCV 5301; MIR 25.
Notes: This was
one of the last issues for the empress in her lifetime.

Next week, we will conclude Sulzer's collection of Faustina the Younger coins with the middle bronze issues on page 186 of his catalog.

Do you have any examples of the coins illustrated here? Let's see them! Post comments or anything you feel is relevant!

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Another reason to struggle through to Friday - thanks again @Roman Collector for the latest Sulzer installment. 

I don't have much this time around, only two.  This one is kind of unusual, what with the Beckmann type 8 hairdo.  Sulzer 1554 (RIC III Marcus Aurelius 1652):


Faustina II   Æ  As / Dupondius (c. 162-164 A.D.)  See Note Rome Mint FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right (Type 8 hairstyle; see note) / [IVNO]NI REGINAE, S-C, Juno standing left, holding patera and sceptre, peacock at feet. RIC III Marcus Aurelius 1652. (10.48 grams / 23 x 22 mm) eBay May 2022      Lot @ $5 BIN  

"The lack of an all-round legend and the use of the type 7 hairstyle imply a date for the IVNONI REGINAE with Juno standing type of AD 162 at the earliest. The abundance of the issue suggests it was in production for at least a year or two. Therefore, I assign the issue a date of AD 162-164." Roman Collector on CT Jan. 2022

Beckman Hairstyle Type 8: "I have identified a single specimen of a middle bronze with this hairstyle: Münzkabinett des Martin von Wagner Museums – Julius Maximilians Universität, Würzburg, Ka 1463" In regards to this one: "Wow!!! That is indeed the type 8 hairstyle! And apparently the second example of a middle bronze with that hairstyle!" (Roman Collector posts on Numis Forums, Sep. 30-Oct 1, 2022)

This one is brassy and heavy, therefore pretty clearly a dupondius, rather than an as: Sulzer 1549-1550 (RIC III Marcus Aurelius 1643)


Faustina II Æ Dupondius (c. 166 A.D.) Rome Mint FAVST[INA AVGVSTA], draped bust right, (Beckmann Type 7) / H[ILAR]ITAS, S-C, Hilaritas standing left, holding long palm and cornucopiae. RIC III Marcus Aurelius 1643; BMCRE 982; Cohen RSC 113. (12.37 grams / 22 x 20 mm) eBay Nov. 2019  

Note:  RIC/OCRE has this as As only.  "Your Faustina II coin is a dupondius - on the basis of the brassy color and the > 12 g weight. It just has a dumpy flan. Moreover, the British Museum  specimen is probably a dupondius. Read the footnote to BMCRE 982 ("Dupondius?").  It weighs 12.26 g..." Roman Collector, CT Nov. 2019

Thanks again, RC.   

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23 hours ago, expat said:

Most enjoyable, as always. I particularly like that Sulzer #1557.

Thank you for the kind words! I, too, like Sulzer 1557! I'm a Cybele fan!

18 hours ago, Marsyas Mike said:

Another reason to struggle through to Friday - thanks again @Roman Collector for the latest Sulzer installment. 

I don't have much this time around, only two.  This one is kind of unusual, what with the Beckmann type 8 hairdo.  Sulzer 1554 (RIC III Marcus Aurelius 1652):


Faustina II   Æ  As / Dupondius (c. 162-164 A.D.)  See Note Rome Mint FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right (Type 8 hairstyle; see note) / [IVNO]NI REGINAE, S-C, Juno standing left, holding patera and sceptre, peacock at feet. RIC III Marcus Aurelius 1652. (10.48 grams / 23 x 22 mm) eBay May 2022      Lot @ $5 BIN  

"The lack of an all-round legend and the use of the type 7 hairstyle imply a date for the IVNONI REGINAE with Juno standing type of AD 162 at the earliest. The abundance of the issue suggests it was in production for at least a year or two. Therefore, I assign the issue a date of AD 162-164." Roman Collector on CT Jan. 2022

Beckman Hairstyle Type 8: "I have identified a single specimen of a middle bronze with this hairstyle: Münzkabinett des Martin von Wagner Museums – Julius Maximilians Universität, Würzburg, Ka 1463" In regards to this one: "Wow!!! That is indeed the type 8 hairstyle! And apparently the second example of a middle bronze with that hairstyle!" (Roman Collector posts on Numis Forums, Sep. 30-Oct 1, 2022)

This one is brassy and heavy, therefore pretty clearly a dupondius, rather than an as: Sulzer 1549-1550 (RIC III Marcus Aurelius 1643)


Faustina II Æ Dupondius (c. 166 A.D.) Rome Mint FAVST[INA AVGVSTA], draped bust right, (Beckmann Type 7) / H[ILAR]ITAS, S-C, Hilaritas standing left, holding long palm and cornucopiae. RIC III Marcus Aurelius 1643; BMCRE 982; Cohen RSC 113. (12.37 grams / 22 x 20 mm) eBay Nov. 2019  

Note:  RIC/OCRE has this as As only.  "Your Faustina II coin is a dupondius - on the basis of the brassy color and the > 12 g weight. It just has a dumpy flan. Moreover, the British Museum  specimen is probably a dupondius. Read the footnote to BMCRE 982 ("Dupondius?").  It weighs 12.26 g..." Roman Collector, CT Nov. 2019

Thanks again, RC.   

Thanks, as always, for reading and for your kind words. I never get tired of seeing specimens from your extensive collection!

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