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Is this a 'Barbarous' imitation of a coin of Phrygia, Apamea???


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I have a coin that looks like a (bad) imitation of a Greek coin from Apamea (Phrygia), see examples below.

"Laureate head of Zeus to right / Cult statue of Artemis Anaïtis facing; AΠΑΜΕ downward to right, HPAKΛEI and ΕΓΛO downward to left."

The 'reference' examples show greater detail on the statue, and the legend has been 'rotated 180 degrees so that it runs 'North/South' whereas the legend on my example runs in the opposite direction, 'South/North', and what appears on the left of the reference coins now appears on the right of mine.

Is anyone able to shed some light on this coin for me please? 

My coin . . .




Magical Snap - 2023.04.08 08.05 - 008.jpg


Reference material examples

Magical Snap - 2023.04.08 10.30 - 011.jpgMagical Snap - 2023.04.08 10.28 - 010.jpg

Edited by Topcat7
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