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Coins from Aeolis


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Although I'm sure I'll eventually learn to the contrary, I believe I've collected all of the cities in ancient Aeolis that minted coins between roughly 350-250 BCE. This is my first region where I think I've done so.

We'll start with the list of twelve Aeolis cities. Eventually I'll write detailed stories for all of them, but for now I just wanted to show off the group!


Kyme played a major role before and after Hellenistic times, but was fairly quiet during the Hellenistic era.


Aeolis. Kyme. Proitos, magistrate
350-250 BCE 11.16mm 1.22g
Obverse: ΠPOI, eagle standing right
Reverse: K-Y, oenochoe
SNG Turkey 9.2 223
Ex Gorny & Mosch Auction 170 (13 October 2008), lot 3214 (part)
Ex Marc Breitsprecher


Larissa Phrikonis

Larissa was mentioned in Homer and survived until it was destroyed by Celts in 279 BCE.


Troas, Larissa Phrikonis
Circa 350 BCE
AE 1.15g, 10mm
Female head with hair in a sakkos.
Amphora, grain to right “ΛAPI”
SNG Deutschland 19, 291
Ex Aegean Numismatics



This was my most recent pickup, which I believe finished the mini-collection.


Aiolis. Neonteichos
circa 300-100 BCE
Æ 13 mm, 1,30 g
Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with griffin
Owl standing right, head facing; NE monogram below
SNG Copenhagen 244; SNG von Aulock 1670
Ex Savoca



Like many cities in the region, Temnos seems to have produced wine.


Aeolis, Temnos
3rd century BCE
Æ 9mm, 0.71g, 12h
Bearded head of Dionysos l., wearing ivy wreath.
R/ Grape bunch on vine.
SNG Copenhagen 246-8
Ex London Ancient Coins


AFAIK, Killa did not mint coins.



Again, AFAICT, Notion did not mint coins, which is sad because the city has a cool name. Nearby Kolophon, which eventually swallowed Notion, did.




I found no evidence that Aigiroissa minted coins. From some research, we don't even know where it was.



Pitane was a major player in antiquity due to its two harbors. Sadly, like many other cities in Aeolis and the recent news, it was destroyed by an earthquake.


Mysia. Pitane
circa 350-300 BCE
Bronze 9 mm, 0,68 g
Ex Savoca



I am unsure whether Aigai was settled from the Aigai in the Peloponnese, but that city had a famous episode where - under threat from a much larger invading force - they let all of their goats loose at night and tied lanterns to them. The enemy mistook the wandering goats for reinforcements from their allies, and went home.


Aeolis, Aigai
4th-3rd centuries BCE
Æ 8mm, 0.78g, 11h
Laureate head of Apollo r.
R/ Head of goat r.
SNG Copenhagen 2; SNG von Aulock 1593
Ex London Ancient Coins



Supposedly, Myrina was famous in antiquity for its oysters.


Aeolis, Myrina
4th century BCE
Æ 17mm, 3.71g, 12h
Helmeted head of Athena r. R/ Amphora; lyre to r.
SNG Copenhagen 225
Ex London Ancient Coins



Gryneion was made an example of by Alexander's general Parmenion.


AEOLIS. Gyrneion
3rd century BCE
AE 16 mm, 3,87 g
Laureate head of Apollo facing slightly to left
Rev. ΓΥΡΝΗ Mussel shell
SNG München 438; SNG Copenhagen 202-203; SNG von Aulock 7689
Ex Savoca



Smyrna was renamed to Eurydikeia by Lysimachos, in honor of his daughter, who he later executed. I have ancestors who were born (much later) there.


Ionia, Smyrna (as Eurydikeia)
AE 9mm. 0.54g
Circa 290-287/1 BCE.
Veiled head of Eurydike to right / Tripod, [Ε]ΥΡΥΔΙΚΕΩΝ to left.
Milne, Autonomous 5; SNG Copenhagen 1105. 0.54g, 9mm, 6h
Ex Nick Collins Collection
Ex Numismatik Lanz München
Ex Roma



Boione is known only from its coinage. It's placed in Aeolis due to its coinage being found there.


Aeolis. Boione
4th Century BCE
AE 10.57mm 1.3g
Obverse: Female head right with hair in sakkos, wearing pendant earring and necklace
Reverse: BOIÆN;; Bull walking right
SNG Copenhagen 29; SNG von Aulock 7678
Ex Marc Breitsprecher



This city is also primarily known from numismatic evidence. I love the river god image on it.


Aeolis, Tisna
4th century BCE
Æ 17mm, 4.13g, 6h
Head of river god Tisnaios l. R/ One-handled cup.
SNG Copenhagen 283; SNG München 641
Ex London Ancient Coins



Mentioned in one of the Homeric hymns, but otherwise unlocated.


Aiolis. Autokane
AE 10 mm, 1,36 g
Laureate head of Zeus right
AYTOKA[..], head of Dionysos right
SNG Ashmolean 1259.
Ex Savoca



This one is a bit borderline since it's sometimes lumped under Aeolis and sometimes under Lesbos. It's on the mainland, though as I understand it was dominated by Mytilene.


Islands off Aiolis. Nasos Pordosilene
3rd-2nd centuries BCE
AE 8.43mm .68g
Obverse: Laureate head of Apollo right
Reverse: ΝΑΣ, panther crouching left, head half reverted
SNG Copenhagen 431
Ex Marc Breitsprecher



Nasos was earlier named Pordosilene. It minted coinage under both names.


Islands of Lesbos. Pordoselene
Circa 400 BCE
AE 8.81mm 0.59g
Obverse: Bearded head of Silenos right
Reverse: ???, Dolphin leaping right
Attribution: SNG Von Aulock 1765
ex Gorny & Mosch auction 181
ex Marc Breitsprecher



Often mentioned but we still don't know where it was.


Aiolis, Elaia
Circa 350-320 BCE
AR Obol 0.38g, 7mm, 9h
Helmeted head of Athena to left, pellet behind / Olive wreath, EΛA below
SNG Kayhan 81
Ex Roma

Let's see your coins from Aeolis!

Edited by kirispupis
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Do we know for sure that Autokane (the one with coins) was not in Aiolis??





Asia Minor, Aeolis, Kyme
Pseudo-autonomous issue AD 117-161. (Hadrian or Antoninus Pius)
Obv: ΚYΜΑΙ, Head of Athena right
Rev.: ΕΠΙ ΙΕΡΩΝVΜΟV, swan standing, right
AE, 15 mm, 2,61g.
Ref.: RPC IV.2, 211 (temporary), BMC 101, MG 272, no. 224




Asia Minor, Aiolis
340-300 BC
Obv.: Head of Athena left, wearing crested Corinthian helmet
Rev.: Ε - Λ, Corn grain within olive wreath.
Æ, 1.25g, 11.7mm
Ref.: SNG Copenhagen 171-172, BMC 126 11, SNG Muenchen 386




Faustina II
Aeolis, Myrina
AD 161-165
Magistrate: M. Oul. Aristophanes
Obv.: Φ[ΑVСΤΙΝΑ] СƐΒΑСΤΗ, Draped bust of Faustina II right
Rev.: [ƐΠΙ Μ] οVΛ ΑΡΙС[ΤοΦΑ] ΜVΡΙΝ[ΑΙΩΝ], Amazon Myrina seated left, holding patera, parazonium and spear
AE, 4.66g, 19mm
Ref.: RPC IV online 357, SNG München 593-4



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23 minutes ago, shanxi said:

Do we know for sure that Autokane (the one with coins) was not in Aiolis??

I didn't include it because I searched my coins with "Aeolis" for this summary, but forgot to also search for "Aiolis". That added Autokane, along with Elaia, Nasos, and Pordoselene. 

I've updated the original post with them.

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A most informative post - I get very confused about Greek regions and their cities (which is the region?  which is the city?).  

I have a few from Aeolis with countermarks.  When researching these I found nothing, although the lyre countermark on these is fairly common.  I have two of them, both with a goat - as you can see, no reference for the countermarks:




Aigai, Aeolis  Æ 16 (2nd-1st Century B.C.) Laureate head of Apollo right / [AIΓEΩN], goat standing right. Sear 4168; BMC 17.96, 10-11; SNG von Aulock 1596  (3.74 grams / 16 mm) Countermark:   Lyre in 5 x 4 mm oval, obverse. (No attribution for CM found.) eBay April 2020


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A fantastic collection! Here’s my only coin from Aeolis


AEOLIS. Myrina.(Circa 155-145 BC).Tetradrachm.

Obv : Laureate head of Apollo right.

Apollo Grynios standing right, holding branch and phiale; monogram to left, omphalos and amphora at feet to right; all within laurel wreath.
SNG von Aulock 1660.

Weight : 14.8 gr
Diameter : 29 mm


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Temnos Aeolis Ar Tetradrachm in the name and types of Alexander the Great. 151/0-143/2 BCObv beardless head of Herakles wearing lions skin headdress. Rv Zeus Aetophoros seated left Price 1690 16.71 grms 35 mm Photo by W. Hansen


This  coin has to be one of the largest diameters on a tetradrachm that I have ever seen. It is very likely that this coin along with the contemporary  stephanophoric tetradrachms were struck by the Kings of Pergamon to finance Alexander I Balas' seizure of the Seleukid throne.  

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Nice Aeolis collection @kirispupis!  I may be mistaken but your Autokane looks to be the Zeus/Athena type.



Aeolis, Aegae. AE16. Athena/Zeus

Obv: Helmeted head of Athena right / AIΓAEΩN.
Rev: Zeus standing facing, holding eagle and sceptre, three monograms in left field.
2nd-1st. C. BC.



Aeolis, Autokane. Æ8 (3rd century BC).

Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right.
Rev: AYTOKA / Helmeted head of Athena left.
8mm., 0.58g.



Aeolis, Kyme. AE12. 1st century BC.

Obv: KY. Forepart of horse right.
Rev: Bow and quiver; monogram to left.
SNG Copenhagen 110-1.

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. Date 350 – 320 B.C. AE13. Cyme, Turkey 1-1969.

Obv. Forepart of prancing horse right, KY above.

Rev. Bow and Quiver, large monogram above, AOE below.

GCVSII #4194. ABCAM #397.


BC – 12. Date mid 4th century B.C. AE10.

Obv. Eagle standing r., wings closed.

Rev. K—Y either side of one-handled vase.

GCVSII #4186. ABCAM #390 .


Date 350 – 320 B.C. AE18. Cyme, Turkey 1-1969.

Obv. Forepart of prancing horse r., KY above, APIETOuN below.

Rev. One-handled vase, monogram to l.

GCVSII #4188. ABCAM #392


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My favorite Aiolis is from Kyme


It was sold by Roma Numismatics as a unique trihemiobol in 2017, then I found it mixed in a lot of 150ish fractions from Leu in 2018. IMO, it was probably intended as a diobol, not a trihemiobol. To my knowledge, about 3 or 4 more have come to market since.

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Yeah, love the large flans on these.

Aeolis, Kyme. Circa 188-170 BC. AR Tetradrachm (34mm, 16.65g, 12h). In name and types of Alexander III. Diogenes, magistrate. Obv: Head of Heracles right, wearing lion skin. Rev: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ; Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; in left field, oinochoë above forepart of horse left within circle; ΔΙΟΓEΝHΣ in exergue. Ref: Price 1638. Nice Very Fine, scattered marks in fields. Ex Naville Numis 72 (27 Mar 2022), Lot 100.


Edited by Edessa
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