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A couple of neat provenance finds.

Michael Stolt

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Yesterday I did a little tour on Gallica after being reminded by @red_spork that some stuff there could be worth looking into, and got lucky not just once, but TWICE!

First I found a very nice additional provenance for my Dolphin denarius - it previously had a decent provenance (Numismatic Circular of 1983), the new provenance is: Collection E. H. Schwing D. C. F. A. C. : séries importantes d'Aes Graves monnaies consulaires, monnaies romaines / Georges Tixier, Rodolfo Ratto - Paris, 1-2 December 1932.



I was then lucky to hit another provenance, on a coin i had given up a little finding anything on, my Didrachm that I purchased at Cayón last year. It is a good 1966 provenance to a Ratto FPL: Monete per collezione : greche romane della repubblica : romane dell'impero bizantine italiane medioevali e moderne italiane contemporanee : libri cataloghi di numismatica / Mario Ratto - Milano, February 1966.


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Gallica is full of amazing books and coins!

I haven't looked at the books.  I have been looking at coins.  

Many coins in the amazing collection of the Museum of the Bibliothèque nationale de France are online, but without metadata to search for them.  

Here is a small (~2 g) silver coin, probably of archaic Macedonia.  Female confronting bull.  I don’t recall seeing another.  The metadata merely gives the weight and the date range 620-294 BC.



I wish there was some kind of effort to categorize or link to the most important works and coins there.

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